...being done on two other girls and a boy, all of whom had been Gardasil vaccinated. All proved to have thiamine deficiency
More...of which have come back normal with the exception of his most recent test. After reading Dr. Lonsdale’s article on thiamine deficiency
More...other research and patient reports that severe thiamine deficiencies are present in post Gardasil injury (whether the deficiencies existed pre-Gardasil, but were
More...the third Gardasil injection. March 27 – First injection of Gardasil (15 years old). April 15 – Headache started and lasted for
More...another common mechanism for thiamine deficiency and emerging evidence finds that Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics excrete significantly more thiamine than
More...thiamine excretion. In some people, diabetic and non-diabetic alike, thiamine deficiency can be exacerbated even further by a mutation in the thiamine
More...mri there is white matter but dr was not concerned ? Chandler Marrs, PhD Look into the articles on thiamine and thiamine
More...Yes, I use allithiamine. Lipothiamine is good too. My son uses the lipothiamine because he had an allergic reaction to the allithiamine.