gardasil safety

The Pharma Funded Promotion of HPV Vaccines


Promotional campaigns for HPV vaccines have informed women that infections from HPV-16 and -18 are the cause of most cervical cancer. However, in 2006/7 when HPV vaccination programs were implemented globally, the scientific community knew that most women do not develop cervical cancer or warts after any type of HPV infection – including HPV-16/-18. HPV infections from all sub-types are found in high frequency among women with normal cervices and cervical cancer is a rare outcome from these infections. This demonstrates that HPV infection of any sub-type (including HPV-16 and -18) is not predictive of cancer; particularly as ninety percent of HPV infections have no clinical consequences at all. It has been known for decades that environmental and lifestyle co-factors are also necessary for HPV infections to progress to cervical cancer. This is why 83% of cervical cancer occurs in the developing countries.

Does the HPV Vaccine Prevent Cervical Cancer?

The promotional campaigns for HPV vaccines have been designed and funded by the pharmaceutical companies. This vaccine has not been demonstrated to prevent cervical cancer. It was trialled against a surrogate for cervical cancer – pre-cursor lesions (grade 2/3) in 15-26 year old women – and these lesions are not predictive of cancer later in life. More than 95% of high-grade lesions (CIN 3) in young women (15-26 years) regress without treatment. In addition, the phase 3 clinical trials that tested the vaccine against pre-cursor lesions were conducted from 2003 to 2007 and were not complete when the HPV vaccine was licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration in June 2006. The vaccine was fast tracked for approval by the FDA due to industry lobbying and Merck ensured that Gardasil® was not just approved for high-risk groups. The FDA approved the vaccine for universal use in all women even though it was known that many co-factors, that were not prevalent in developed countries (Australia, USA and UK), were essential for HPV infections to progress to cervical cancer. The time frame from application to approval of the HPV vaccine by the FDA was only 6 months and 3 weeks later the CDC recommended the vaccine for use in all women.

Yet the phase 3 clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of this vaccine against cervical cancer were not completed until 2007. In the US, the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act removes liability from vaccine manufacturers for all design faults and negligence relating to their vaccines [1]. The US government has a no-fault compensation program that is tax-payer funded. This program removes all liability from the vaccine manufacturers and there is no onus to demonstrate that their products are safe and effective before they are implemented in the population. However, only Americans can seek compensation from the US government program. People who are harmed by HPV vaccines in other countries, such as Australia, receive no compensation from their governments.

Lobbying for HPV Vaccine Approval

Merck & Co is the manufacturer of the Gardasil® vaccine and when the medical director, Dr. Richard Haupt, was questioned about the speed with which the HPV vaccine was brought to the market he replied ‘Our hope and belief is that this is a remarkable vaccine that will have a huge impact on women [2]. ‘Hope’ and ‘belief’ are not the same as scientific evidence.

Politicians were lobbied and invited to receptions urging them to legislate against a ‘global killer’ [2]. Abramson, the chairman of the committee of the CDC that recommended the vaccine for all girls aged 11 or 12, stated ‘there was incredible pressure from industry and politics to approve this vaccine [2]. Diane Harper, a scientist involved in the development of the vaccine, agreed ‘Merck lobbied every opinion leader, women’s group, medical society, politicians and went directly to the people – it created a sense of panic that says you have to have this vaccine now [2]. In the US pharmaceutical companies are allowed to advertise directly to the public and the campaigns for HPV vaccines were very aggressive.

Educating Physicians about the HPV Vaccine

It was important for Merck to promote the vaccine through trusted sources and this was done by securing government reimbursement and mandates to promote the vaccine to all women, not just high-risk populations [3]. This enabled Merck to fund the professional medical associations (PMA’s) to promote the vaccine. The pharmaceutical companies supplied the medical associations with a Speaker Lecture Kit. This included ready-made presentations and letters to promote Gardasil® as a preventative for cervical cancer, even though the data was incomplete. The commercials for Gardasil® stated in small print ‘the duration of protection has not been established’ [2]. Much of the promotional material did not address the complexity of the issues surrounding the vaccine and did not provide balanced advice regarding the risks and benefits of the vaccine [3]. It was also presented in a way that obscured the involvement of pharmaceutical companies.

Doctors and nurses were recruited for an ‘Educate the Educators’ program created by the pharmaceutical companies to train health professionals to promote the vaccine. The PMA’s maintained a registry of educators and participants lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals. Hundreds of doctors were paid $4,500 per 50 minute lecture to present the information supplied by the pharmaceutical companies at Merck sponsored conferences [3]. They were also paid to attend advisory board meetings to discuss the vaccine [2]. In addition, there has also been an increase in cervical cancer awareness for patient groups financed with the help of Merck and GlaxosmithKline: often the financial support is indirect so patients are unaware that ‘expert’ advice has been paid for by the vaccine makers [2].

One of the Speaker Kit medical slides stated ‘Cervical cancer screening is described as secondary prevention identifying a precursor lesion; the HPV vaccine is primary prevention that would eliminate the cause of cervical cancer’ (Speaker Lecture Kit slide 13 in Rothman and Rothman 2009). This information is dishonest because it does not inform women that HPV alone is not sufficient to cause cervical cancer and also that there are 13+ other cancer causing strains of HPV that are not covered by the vaccine. Hence, the vaccine will not eliminate the cause of cervical cancer.

Whilst the slides acknowledged the uneven distribution of cervical cancer rates globally they did not draw attention to the risk factors that make cervical cancer a higher risk for women in developing countries. This knowledge is critical to women in determining the necessity for using this vaccine. The education campaigns emphasized the worldwide incidence of this disease whilst leaving out the risk factors for the disease and precautions about the risks of vaccines. Merck also funded the American College Health Association (ACHA) Vaccine Toolkit for clinicians [3]. This included talking points, sample e-mail messages to students and parents and sample press releases and public service announcements. At no time has the public been informed that the information they received on this vaccine was designed by pharmaceutical companies.

Protecting Population Health

The pharmaceutically funded promotional campaigns for HPV vaccines have maximized the threat of HPV infections and minimised the environmental and lifestyle co-factors that are necessary for the development of cervical cancer. The public places its trust in medical associations to provide non-biased science to health professionals for the promotion of medical products to the community. Clearly this trust has been breached in the case of HPV vaccines. At a minimum the public is entitled to be informed openly about relationships with industry and precise funding arrangements in order that they can weigh up the credibility of the information. This was an intentional deception as the pharmaceutical companies sought to present their information through trusted sources and the PMA’s condoned it.

Population health cannot be protected if there is no accountability for the health information that is supplied to doctors from industry funded research and presented to the community in the mainstream media.

About the author: Judy Wilyman MSc (Population Health), PhD Candidate University of Wollongong. More facts about HPV infections and the development of cervical cancer have been published in the Infectious Agents and Cancer Journal and can be accessed here:  HPV vaccination programs have not been shown to be cost-effective in countries with comprehensive Pap screening and surgery.


  1. Habakus LK and Holland M (Ed), 2011, Vaccine Epidemic: how corporate greed, biased science and coercive government threaten our human rights, our health and our children. Center for Personal Rights.
  2. Rosenthal E, 2008, The Evidence Gap: Drug Makers Push Leads to Cancer Rise, The New York Times, August 20, accessed 21.12.09
  3. Rothman SM and Rothman DJ, 2009, Marketing HPV Vaccine: Implications for Adolescent Health and Medical Professionalism, Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 302, (7) p. 781 – 785.

Participate in HPV Vaccine Research

Hormones MatterTM is conducting research on the side effects and adverse events associated with Gardasil and its counterpart Cervarix. If you or your daughter has had either HPV vaccine, please take this important survey. The Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey.

Hormones MatterTM conducts other crowdsourced surveys on medication reactions. To take one of our other surveys, click here.

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Gardasil Injured


I am the mother of my precious little girl Alisa (pictured). Though she is not little anymore, she will always be my princess. Alisa grew up healthy, active, and happy. She enjoyed trying new things and being around others. She loved photography, fishing, bike riding, boating, hiking, martial arts, music (especially her violin), and all types of animals. In high school she enjoyed her photography in which she won awards for. She was a tattoo assistant for a Washington State award winning tattoo artist and was learning the trade. She was on the swim team and loved swimming. Being a concerned mother I was fearful for her getting cervical cancer. We were being bombarded with commercials and ads for this vaccine for girls to be one less. When they offered the vaccine to my daughter I said sure. They never went over side effects or problems, so I figured it was a safe one. That day is when our nightmare began.

August 14, 2007, the first vaccine shot ( lot # 0384U) – Alisa went home with her injection site itchy, swollen, red, and sore. She was not feeling well, like flu. I sent her to bed and she was home sick for a couple days. The doctors office said that was normal. I did notice she was complaining about sore joints and muscles in the months to follow and she was napping more with headaches. I just blamed it on growing pains.

November 14, 2007, second vaccine shot (lot # 0927U) – Alisa was not thrilled about having the shot again. She was so scared she was going to feel crummy again. Sure enough the injection site was itchy, sore, red and this time the area swelled up a large area. She went home and went to bed. She was out of school again down with flu like symptoms for days. Slowly she came out of her slump but was so sore throughout her body. Sore muscles and joints, complained of headaches. She was exhausted all the time. It was difficult for her to muster the strength to do things. She took to her computer and was playing games online with friends.

Happy Valentines Day to you….February 14, 2008 (lot# 12APR10). This time she was flat terrified and cried all the way to the doctors begging me not to make her get the vaccine. This breaks my heart because I remember this day too vividly. I kept telling her it was the last shot and we don’t want to make the other two shots go without the final one. I kept telling her it was for the best. We left the office and she was throwing up, shaking, feverish, and the usual symptoms of sore muscles and joints, a pounding headache, exhaustion. She was down for over a week recouping from the shot.

After the 3 shots I put the series out of my mind. The only time that I remember the shots was EVERY visit to the hospitals and Dr.s offices, when they would ask if Alisa had all her vaccines. EVERY time I answered I said, “yes she has even had the Gardasil series.” Not one doctor put this together. The cause to her illnesses were put together by good friends of the family.

Many of you may wonder why I continued taking her in for the vaccine series.  I called the doctor’s office about her reactions each time, and they said it was completely normal to have those “minor” reactions: swelling, itching, light headed, and dizzy. After all it is a shot!!!! They also said at the doctor’s office, NO ONE has ever had the flu like symptoms from the vaccine, so she must have a touch of the flu. When the third dose came around they stressed to us that the other two shots of the vaccine would have been useless without the third. I trusted our family doctor of 15 years. He had never steered us wrong and always took care of us – treated us honestly and fair. I grew up with my grandfather being a doctor and most of my aunts being RN’s, I worked in the medical community. I trusted them….It never dawned on me they could be wrong.

Alisa continued on with her life but lost some of her spunkiness. She no longer had tons of energy. She slept a bunch, stopped her swim team, and spent more time in her room on the computer. She said her body hurt and didn’t feel like doing anything.

There are so many doctors appointments and hospital visits in this time frame. I have requested all her records from the hospitals, clinics, and her primary care provider (he has discharged her from his office).

October 2009, another visit to the emergency department with eye problems. She was having bloody discharge and pressure behind her right eye. Alisa was having problems with slurred speech,  headache and facial droop. They accounted it to pink eye and we begin treatment. They recommend we contact a neurologist and see the doctor.

After seeing the neurologist finally we were sent home with the idea of further testing later. Later that night the neurologist called recommending we take her back to the hospital for further testing. October 2009, off to the hospital again. By this time, Alisa was admitted into children’s hospital with the following symptoms: Bells Palsy, migraine, right sided weakness, blurry vision, tinnitus, balance problems,  numbness right side, unable to walk, problems swallowing, fatigue, joint pain, difficulty in opening mouth. They were testing for stroke and other unknown causes to this problem. She endured CAT scans, MRI’s, Lumbar punches. Over the next week she continued to get worse. Of course the psychiatric doctors were sent in to ensure she wasn’t an abuse victim. We didn’t know yet then she was abused by the pharmaceutical company. She was discharged without a cause to the problem.

This was Alisa’s senior year in high school, though the first semester she was in the hospital and a tutor came in a few times a week to drop off and pick up homework. The doctors released her to return to school but the noises, medications, and lights caused her headaches to pound and she was struggling with anxiety issues. With only one semester until graduation she dropped out of school. It was too much to handle. (She tested and passed her GED in Dec. 2011).

Over the following years Alisa has had this happen 2 more times. Right side paralysis, wheelchair, learn to walk with a walker again, and now she gets so exhausted she uses the wheelchair to save her energy.

Her side effects seem to increase in intensity and keep adding in numbers. So far she struggles with the following issues: leaky gut syndrome, pins and needles in extremities, dizziness, bleeding gums, toothaches/teeth changes, brain fog, sensitivity to chemicals, chest pains, constipation, dehydration,  enlarged liver, sound sensitivity w/anxiety, extreme pain in the tailbone area, fainting, fever and blisters, fibromyalgia, Guillain-Barre syndrome, autistic-like symptoms, hand/leg weakness, back pain, hot//cold intolerance, trouble sleeping, itching, joint pain,  knee pain, light sensitivity, blindness, depression, personality changes, anxiety/panic attacks, loss of bladder control, bladder issues, muscle aches and spasms, muscle tension, tumor, paleness, chronic fatigue syndrome, paralysis, pneumonia, severe nerve pain, shortness of breath, slurred speech, smell sensitivity, diarrhea, sore throat, stomach pain, swelling/edema, tremors hand and/or leg, random twitching of extremities, bloating, uterine spasms, hair loss, urinary tract infections (UTI), kidney issues, vision loss (temporary/permanent), vision  problems, dyslexia, hallucinations, vomiting blood, stomach ache, nausea, rashes, appetite loss, weight gain or loss ( 20-30lbs).

Alisa is unable to anything without supervision. Showering requires a shower chair. She has to be checked on constantly since her seizures come without notice. She becomes so disoriented after some of the seizures, she wanders off.

Alisa was once firm in her beliefs about anti-smoking and drug use, but has now become a medical marijuana patient. This is the only thing that takes an edge off the pain. She is never pain free but the MMJ makes it more tolerable. Unfortunately this pain relief isn’t covered by medical insurance so the $1200.00 a month pain control comes out of the pocket book.

This vaccine has dramatically changed our family’s life.  Alisa fights for her life everyday. It is even more difficult to not be able to help her or find a cure for her symptoms. It is heartbreaking to watch your child suffer in horrible pain and not be able to help. I feel guilty because my child is suffering because of a choice I made. A choice I thought was to help her and instead has disabled her. I wish someone would have told me. Please help spread the word about this vaccine. Tell everyone you know about the dangers of the vaccine. Educate before you vaccinate. This vaccine is harming thousands of girls, and now boys. The vaccine needs to be taken off the market. The numbers of children affected is rising everyday.

Participate in Research

Hormones MatterTM is conducting research on the side effects and adverse events associated with Gardasil and its counterpart Cervarix. If you or your daughter has had either HPV vaccine, please take this important survey. The Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey.

To take one of our other Real Women. Real Data.TM surveys, click here.

To sign up for our newsletter and receive weekly updates on the latest research news, click here.

Gardasil Research versus Marketing: The Reality of One Less


Back in 2006 when the Gardasil commercial first aired, the marketing mavens at Merck had us all humming along about how we wanted to be ‘one less.’ Now – 7 years and a myriad of articles, claims and additional research later, the question remains; what does it mean to be ‘one less’ and is it worth the price?

What is Gardasil? Gardasil is a vaccine approved by the FDA and recommended by the CDC as a preventative measure against four strains of HPV that are known to cause 70% of cervical cancer cases and 90% of genital warts. The vaccine must be administered over the course of a year via several injections. It is recommended for those who are not yet sexually active (i.e. younger girls, aged 9-12).

What is HPV and how is it related to Cervical Cancer? There are over 100 strains of HPV (Human papilloma virus) with approximately 30 of them being sexually transmitted. Research has found that, in rare cases, approximately 10 of those 30 strains can lead to cervical cancer. Most women are diagnosed with HPV via an abnormal Pap test. There is no cure for HPV and in most cases the infection goes away and the virus remains dormant within the body.

It is estimated that at least 20 million people in the US already have HPV; with about 50 percent of sexually active men and women at risk for acquiring a genital HPV infection during their lifetime. According to the CDC every year in the United States, about 10,000 women develop cervical cancer, and 3,700 die from it. Although cervical cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths among women around the world, it ranks between 15th – 17th for cancer death in developed nations such as the US and Australia.

What do we know about the effectiveness of Gardasil? Unfortunately, the answer is not much. Despite information put forth by the US CDC, Health Canada, Australian TGA, and the UK MHRA, the efficacy of Gardasil in preventing cervical cancer has not been demonstrated. According to an article published in the Annals of Medicine, the longest follow-up data from phase II trials for Gardasil are on average 8 years. However, invasive cervical cancer takes up to 20 – 40 years after initial infection to develop into cervical cancer.  Currently the death rate in the US from cervical cancer, according to World Health Organization (WHO) data (1.7/100,000), is 2.5 times lower than the rate of serious adverse reactions from Gardasil as reported by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) (4.3 per 100,000 doses)

Since the vaccine is so new, and follow-up trials less than a decade old, the long-term health risks of Gardasil are still widely unknown. Adverse side effects have included death, convulsions, syncope, paraesthesia, paralysis, Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), transverse myelitis, facial palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, anaphylaxis, autoimmune disorders, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms, and pancreatitis.

Is it worth the cost? The vaccine only works against 4 HPV strains and annual pap screens are still needed to detect cervical cancer.  The full injection sequence costs an approximate 400 USD, which is more than the cost of a pap screen. This nullifies any cost savings from the vaccine. In countries where cervical cancer deaths are the highest (Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana), the cost of Gardasil makes it an nonviable option. Current research suggests that by targeting other risk factors such as smoking, the use of oral contraceptives and chronic inflammation in conjunction with the already recommended and proven effective annual Pap test, global minimization of cervical cancer is likely – at equivalent or higher rates than those hypothesized for Gardasil.

For now, until more is known on the effectiveness and risks of Gardasil it may be better to be one more who goes for their annual exam and partakes in safe sexual practices than being an undetermined ‘one less.’

Hormones MatterTM is conducting research on the side effects and adverse events associated with Gardasil and its counterpart Cervarix. If you or your daughter has had either HPV vaccine, please take this important survey. The Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey.