lupron fertility

Lupron Side Effects Survey Results Part One: Scope and Severity


Survey History

A few years ago, I embarked on a massive research project involving medication adverse reactions. I launched several online studies on the drugs that were popping up on our radar screen as having the most frequent and serious side effects; side effects that were largely ignored in the medical literature. At the time, this work was unfunded and, to a large degree, remains so today (feel free to contribute to our efforts). Despite the lack of funding, I thought it was important to investigate drug side effects from the patient’s perspective. Why was it that patients were reporting such a long list of devastating side effects while evidence in medical literature was largely absent? Were these patient experiences simply anomalies that we happened to be seeing, or was there something real going on? Without more quantitative data, these questions could not be answered.

To explore these questions, I designed several large studies, launched them online, and began collecting data, hoping that somehow the money would come in to fund the data analysis. It didn’t. And so these studies remained online, month after month, year after year, collecting data; data that needed to be analyzed and made public.

Earlier this year, I was fortunate to garner a grant for a new online project involving birth control and blood clots. The woman responsible for the grant understood the need to get the data from these legacy studies out to the public. The grant afforded me, not only the assistance of another researcher and a writer, but a much needed statistician. Per her wishes, the statistician could begin tackling the data analysis for these legacy studies, when not needed for the birth control project, e.g. during the periods of data collection. We are so very grateful that she recognized the importance of these projects.

A Note about the Data Sets

The surveys I designed were comprehensive, the data sets are massive and because they were conducted using survey software not designed for such large projects, the data sets are messy and require a tremendous amount of preparation to do even the most basic statistics. Notwithstanding the help of a part-time statistician, it will take us some months to ferret through these data sets. Nevertheless, we will get the data out. Again, if you’d like to help expedite this process, funding for a full-time statistician or even multiple statisticians would be most welcomed.

Beginning with Lupron

First in line, is one of my least favorite drugs used in women’s healthcare: Lupron. For those new to our blog, we’ve written a lot about Lupron over the years. Lupron or Leuprolide is a GnRH agonist prescribed for endometriosis, uterine fibroids, cysts, undiagnosed pelvic pain, precocious puberty, during infertility treatments, and to treat some cancers. I am not a big fan of this drug. If you have read the personal stories of the devastation caused by Lupron, or the research showing the mechanisms by which it induces damage, I doubt you would be either. Despite the decades of anecdotal evidence of serious side effects and the bevy of lawsuits filed and/or settled there is very little quantitative research delineating the scope and severity of these side effects. Given that Lupron chemically castrates its recipients, diminishing gonadal hormone production entirely, we might expect a little more research and certainly more caution in prescribing this drug. This doesn’t appear to be the case, as tens of thousands of women, men, and even children are prescribed this drug every year and have been for decades. Perhaps this is because Lupron is profitable, very profitable. In 2015, Lupron netted its manufacturers over $800 million in revenue.

What I find striking about Lupron, is not that are very few studies to support its safety and efficacy, or even that its manufacturers have been embroiled in lawsuits for decades all the while maintaining its safety and efficacy: that is common practice in the pharmaceutical industry. What is striking about Lupron is that it is a drug that effectively shuts down gonadal steroidogenesis, a key component of human health, and only a few in the medical industry think this is problematic. Here is a drug that could be used to induce chemical castration in pedophiles and rapists, if that were considered ethical or safe (and it’s not), but is used in tens of thousands of women, year in and year out, under the auspices of an effective treatment, and sometimes, even as a diagnostic for endometriosis. Worse yet, it is used on children in cases of precocious puberty, and to spur growth; two completely contraindicated uses.

How is that a drug that blocks hormones so completely, hormones that have receptors and therefore regulatory roles in every tissue and organ of the body (brain, nervous system, heart, GI system, fat cells, immune cells, muscle, pancreas, gallbladderliver ) be considered safe? distribution of estrogen receptors Am I missing some great medical insight that suggests we really don’t need those pesky hormones after all; that all of those hormone receptors located all over the brain and body are there just because? How can a drug like this be used so cavalierly in young women? I don’t have answers for those questions beyond a collective insanity that has permeated medical science where women’s health is concerned. Absent answers, however, what I can begin to provide are data regarding the scope and severity of potential side effects associated with this drug; data gathered from the women themselves, unfiltered by industry bias or potential economic gains. Indeed, I suspect, once the full results of this study are published, industry will be none too happy with me or with our little project. Cue trolls.

All snark aside, results from this project, and from our others studies, are critical to an emerging discussion about medication safety. Patient experiences tell us a great deal about drug safety and efficacy, if we ask. I think it’s high time that we begin asking.

Study Design

The Lupron Side Effects Survey was designed to assess potential side effects across all organ systems. Hormones have receptors everywhere: it stands to reason then, if we deplete those hormones rapidly and continuously, there will be effects wherever those hormones play regulatory or modulatory roles. Of course, since estradiol, the primary hormone affected by Lupron, is critical to mitochondrial morphology, and thus mitochondrial energetics, anywhere there are high demands for energy, the nervous system, the heart, GI, musculature, we might anticipate a high degree of effects in those systems as well, especially with longer term use and as the damage accrues.

What we didn’t know, and won’t until we fully analyze the data (what is presented here is only the beginning), is in which systems the side effects are most severe (do they follow the path of mitochondrial energetics or some other yet to be identified pattern ) and when (do they present early or late, relative to use?); which women were more likely to have side-effects (are there health characteristics that make side effects more likely or more serious?); is there a dose-response curve for side effects (do higher doses mean greater side effects – sometimes with hormones, this isn’t the case); or how the side effects cluster together (did they cluster by organ or tissue system or by some other variable, like energy demands?). Most importantly, we didn’t know whether Lupron was clinically effective at reducing the symptoms for which it was prescribed. There is some evidence to suggest that while pain symptoms associated with endometriosis may show a statistically significant reduction, particularly while the woman is taking the drug, the reduction was neither clinically meaningful nor long lasting. That is, symptoms may diminish by a few points on a pain scale while on the drug, but not abate completely, and then inevitably return upon cessation. In light of the potential side effects induced by this medication, one would expect nothing less than a large clinical reduction, even remediation of the disease process itself, as the only fair trade off. It is not clear whether Lupron can provide those benefits. None of these questions have been answered in the medical literature, despite the use of this drug for many decades.

Lupron Side Effect Survey Basics

The study was launched in 2013. The goal was to get 500 respondents, evaluate, redesign and relaunch follow-up studies. We reached the 500 respondents within a few months, but absent funding, were not able to perform the analyses. So I left the study up to collect data passively (no longer advertising it), until recently.

When we closed the study, we had over 1400 partially completed surveys. For robustness, we analyzed only those surveys that were over 90% complete. That netted data from over 1000 respondents (the number of respondents for each question varies and is listed below with each item).  The survey was anonymous, voluntary, and included informed consent.

Survey respondents were asked to provide basic demographic information, answer questions about pre-existing conditions, reasons for Lupron prescription, Lupron dosage, and degree of efficacy pre, during, and post Lupron usage. To capture the range and severity of potential side effects, survey respondents were asked to indicate the presence/absence and severity of symptoms experienced relative to their Lupron usage with a 0-4 Likert-type scale (0=None, 1=Mild, 2=Moderate, 3=Severe and 4=Life threatening). And yes, we recognize that ‘life-threatening’ is not an appropriate indicator for some types of symptoms. For consistency, however, we used the same rating scale across symptoms. One hundred and eighty possible symptoms were assessed.

This post will review range and severity of Lupron side effects. Subsequent posts will address efficacy, side-effect clustering, patient characteristics predicting side effects, side-effect dose-response curves and other topics.


Survey respondents (n=1064) were largely Caucasian – 86.6% (African American -4.7%, Hispanic -2.6%, Other – 2.3%, Asian – 2%, American Indian/Alaska Native 1.6%) and educated (30% – some college, 34% – BA/BS, 15% – MA/MS). The average age of the survey respondent was 35.36 (SD – 8.63), while the average age at which Lupron was prescribed was 29.9 (SD – 8.2). Among these respondents, Lupron was most commonly prescribed for endometriosis (88%), painful periods (33.5%), heavy bleeding (26%), ovarian cysts (18%), PCOS (4%), IVF (4%), anemia (3.9%), breast cancer (1%), ovarian cancer (.4%), precocious puberty (.2%), other (8%).  Respondents could select multiple answers.

For the discussion that follows, see the interactive graphic below.  We will be discussing symptom categories from left to right. The categories of side effects are grouped, to some extent, by system involved or by symptom characteristics. To view the side effects, click any of the boxes below. The side effects within that category will appear, along with the number of respondents who answered that question. Click again on a particular side effect and the severity of the side effect is displayed by percentage of women who experienced each severity level. Click in the white space within the graphs to move up a level (note, this is a little tricky in the categories with lots of symptoms). The size of the graphic does not display well on mobile phones and/or when using the internet browser Internet Explorer. For the best viewing, please use a computer screen.

Patient Reported Side Effects Associated With Lupron

General Side Effects and Allergic Reactions

Compared to the frequency and severity of other symptoms experienced in association with Lupron, side effects relative to the injection itself and those that would be characterized as allergic reactions, itching, swelling, etc., were uncommon in most of the respondents, except for injection site pain, which was experienced in varying degrees of severity by over 70% of the respondents.

Sex and Libido

As one might expect with medication that chemically castrates its users, reductions in libido and other symptoms whose net result diminishes sexual interest and ability were common. Some degree of a loss of interest in sex was experienced by all but 23% of the women, with 38% reporting a severe diminishment in sexual interest. Nearly 44% of respondents reported moderate to severe pain during sex which may explained to some degree by the almost equal percentage of women reporting moderate to severe vaginal dryness. Other symptoms reported included breast pain, swelling, and to a much lesser extent, discharge.

Muscle and Joint Pain

Up to 50% of the women reported moderate to severe muscle and/or joint pain. This is notable inasmuch as for the majority of the women prescribed Lupron, pelvic and abdominal pain associated with endometriosis is the driving factor for the use of this drug. It appears that we may be trading pain in one region of the body for another.

Gastrointestinal and Related Symptoms

Here again we see that a large percentage of women (from 15-50% depending upon the symptom) report moderate to severe gastrointestinal disturbances from nausea, vomiting and diarrhea through constipation and even bowel obstruction. Moderate to severe bladder pain was common (~31%) as was difficulty in urination (~19%) and bladder control (~18%). Since bladder pain and interstitial cystitis are co-morbid with endometriosis, it is difficult to determine if these symptoms were precipitated or exacerbated by the Lupron or simply associated with the endometriosis and thus, not remediated by the medication. We will attempt to disentangle those relationships with further data analysis and in subsequent studies.

Of note, gallbladder disease (~6.2% – all categories combined), gallstones (~3%), kidney disease (2%), kidney stones (4.5%) and renal failure affect a smaller but noticeable number of Lupron recipients. This consistent with adverse event reporting elsewhere. Similarly, non-alcoholic fatty liver was noted in ~6.6% of the survey respondents.

Bone, Skin, and Related Symptoms

Bone formation is particularly hard hit by the diminishment of estradiol. Bone related symptoms are some of the most commonly reported side effects ascribed to Lupron. Research suggests Lupron induces a 5-6% decline in bone mineral density over just 6-12 months of use. Read more on the mechanisms by which Lupron induces bone loss.

Almost 20% of the women who completed the survey reported some degree of osteoporosis, and 16% reported cracking or brittle bones, 42% reported toothaches (9% severe) and 26% had cracking teeth. Osteonecrosis was reported by 3% of the respondents. Skin and hair symptoms were common and affected a sizable percentage of the respondents as well. What we failed to ask about were fractures in the spine and pelvis or osteoporosis in the jaw; side effects that commonly appear in post Lupron discussion boards. We will do so in subsequent surveys.

Temperature Dysregulation

As expected by a drug that induces a rapid menopausal state, vasomotor symptoms with temperature dysregulation were prominent afflicting ~90% of the respondents. Severe hot flashes and night sweats were reported by over half of the study population.

Metabolic Symptoms

Estradiol affects insulin regulation and general metabolism, so it stands to reason that if concentrations are diminished significantly, metabolic disruption would ensue. Hypoglycemia was reported by about 15% of the women, while hyperglycemia was reported by about 6%. Similarly, increased hunger and thirst were prominent at least 50% of the population, along with rapid weight gain (mild 19.2%, severe 25.9%). In contrast, rapid weight loss was reported by 12% of the respondents. New onset diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2 was reported by ~1% and 2.8% respectively. As we perform more advanced analyses, we will try to more fully characterize the metabolic changes in different groups of women.

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Symptoms

We know that the estrogens and androgens affect heart function via multiple mechanisms, both at the receptor level and via more global changes to mitochondrial functioning. What we don’t know is what impact blocking those hormones so abruptly and completely and sometimes even chronically, has on heart function. Clinically, the results of this survey point to dysregulated blood pressure (BP – 12.5%) and heart rate or rhythm (24.7%) with a trend towards the elevated measures for blood pressure (24.4% – all, 13.3% moderate to life threatening) and heart rate (27.7% – all, 22% moderate to life-threatening. However, there was a noticeable percentage of women who experienced lower blood pressure (16.4%) and heart rate (6.1%). At least 10 women experienced a heart attack, 36 women developed mitral valve prolapse, 10 women developed blood clots in the leg and 8 women had pulmonary emboli. Difficulty breathing and sleep apnea were reported by 22.2% and 15.6% respectively. As we do further analyses we’ll be able to more fully characterize the pattern of cardiovascular symptoms.

Brain and Nervous System Symptoms

The next five sections of the graphic represent the scope and severity of symptoms associated with the nervous system. Though categorized distinctly for purposes of display, the distinctions are somewhat arbitrary as the symptoms within each category represent those related to the brain and nervous system. Arguably, many of the cardiovascular symptoms discussed previously may also represent nervous system symptoms, possibly suggesting some degree of autonomic system dysregulation.

Headache, Migraine, Dizziness, and Seizures. A large percentage of women experienced headache and migraine pain, frequently rated as severe or life-threatening (27.2% and 28.3% respectively). Dizziness was common (69.4%), as was vertigo (46.9%). Sleepiness (68%) and fatigue (87.3) were common, but interestingly, also insomnia (76.4). Seizures reported by 5.1% of respondents. Falling (17.1%) and difficulty walking (27.9%), perhaps indicating balance issues, were also reported. TIAs were reported by 11 women and full strokes by 3 women.  (Nervous System Symptoms).

Myoclonus and Neuropathy. Shaking, jerking, numbness, spasms and tingling were experienced to some degree by 15%-35% of the survey respondents. A sizable percentage of women reported moderate to severe symptoms. Muscle weakness was reported by 11-34% of the respondents whereas limb and/or facial paralysis was experienced 3-4% of the women.  (Neuromuscular, Sensory Perception and Motor Control).

Hearing and Vision Disturbances. Some degree of blurred vision was experienced by 46.5% of the women, with a little over 20% rating the symptom moderate to severe. Partial loss of vision was reported by almost 10% of the women, half of them indicating moderate to severe loss. Similarly, almost 20% reported some hearing impairment. Similarly, hypersensitivity to light or to sound was indicated by 35% and 37.5% respectively. (Sensory and Motor Symptoms).

Speech and Language Disturbances. Fully 20-50% of the respondents reported difficulty with basic communication, everything from difficulty speaking and finding words to difficulty understanding speech, reading and writing. (Sensory and Motor Symptoms).

Mood, Memory, Mental Health and Affective Behavior. The brain is a major target of and source for steroid hormones. Estrogen receptors are co-localized on neurons and affect neurotransmission, neurite outgrowth, synaptogenesis and myelin growth  and estradiol is generally considered neuroprotective. The prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala, responsible for regulating directed behavior, memory, and emotion, have high densities of estrogen receptors. Depleting estradiol would be expected to have a significant impact on these functions, and it did. It is here that we see some of the most troubling and least well appreciated (by the medical profession) side effects associated with Lupron. A significant percentage of women reported severe psychological disturbances ranging from depression and anxiety (>50%) to suicidality (15% severe to life-threatening). Visual or auditory hallucinations were experienced by ~12%, with >6% reporting moderate severe issues. Moderate to severe frontal cortex issues like dulled or inappropriate emotions, lack of motivation, impulsiveness were reported in 25% to over 50% of respondents. Moderately to severely altered mental states (delirium, disorientation, confusion) were reported by 6%-25% of the women.  Moderate to severe diminishment in memory capacity was reported by at least a third of the women. This is in addition the difficulties with language reported above. (Mood, Memory and Mental Health).

General Impressions

Consistent with the case stories and patient comments on message boards related to Lupron side effects, the majority of women feel rotten while on this drug. This is to be expected given the global distribution of estrogen receptors. The brain and nervous system seem particularly hard hit. Again, this is understandable given the density of estrogen receptors in the brain and the modulatory role it, and other steroid hormones, play in neurotransmission. By depriving the estrogen receptors of their cognate ligand, estradiol, Lupron fundamentally alters brain chemistry, abruptly and thoroughly. Perhaps even more troubling, estradiol is required for mitochondrial functioning. By depleting estradiol, the mitochondria are impaired, and with that impairment comes a long line of compensatory mechanisms that will ultimately derail not only mitochondrial capacity but also the capacity of all of the cell functions that require healthy mitochondria. The fact that we see such severe side effects attributable to nervous system function would be expected with estradiol depletion.

We Need Your Help

This post was published originally on Hormones Matter on September 1, 2016. Since then, we have lost our funding to complete this and the other ongoing studies. We have enormous data sets like this one on medication adverse reactions waiting to be analyzed and published. Without funding, however, these data will never see the light of day. If these issues are important to you, please contribute. If you know of an organization or benefactor interested in understanding short and long-term medication and vaccine reactions, please refer them to us.

Yes, I’d like to support Hormones Matter.

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash.


A Life Journey to Wellness – With Chronic Pain and Fatigue


Today much is made of being healthy, of the importance of health and wellness. I have always been “healthy” – I still am technically, even with my chronic pain and fatigue conditions. But through the years I have come to think of health as my Doctor does, as things like a healthy lifestyle with good food and regular exercise, a healthy weight, good blood pressure, normal lab work. I have those things. When I think of “wellness” I think more of my “well being” instead of whether or not I am feeling good at the moment – because for the past 15 years I have had pain and fatigue and other symptoms every single day. In fact, I haven’t had a day without joint pain since my second Lupron shot back in 2001 – but more on that below.

But I have had a few pain free hours, and with “skills and pills” (as my Chronic Pain psychologist used to say) I can get my pain and discomfort to fade into the background for a while most days. I have learned that I can feel good about feeling bad – well, or to at least be “okay” with it. I have also applied all my skills as a research scientist (in Ecosystem Ecology) to my own medical condition. This has given me a sense of power and control over the uncontrollable nature of the symptoms caused by my chronic conditions (I have several) – but all were eventually eclipsed  by the diagnosis as Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS – also known as ME/CFS/SEID etc…). Whether they are caused by hormonal, mitochondrial, nervous or immune system related problems (probably all of the above), does not really matter in my day-to-day management of my symptoms, since there currently are no treatments. I manage my symptoms by eating healthy, walking and doing yoga for exercise, making sure I get good sleep, and pacing my activity and rest.  I am able to be active at a slower, relaxed pace. I am working hard to be as “healthy” as I can be, treat my symptoms individually, and I try to focus on my wellness and well being. Our bodies are amazing things, and though I have felt for years than mine let me down, I have discovered that in reality it is a complex and amazing thing.  Even with genetic predispositions and chemical assaults, I am trying to support my body so that it has the best chance to heal itself, and I am getting better.

For those who want the details of my predisposing conditions and my healthy journey with endometriosis, Lupron and CFIDS, here is a more or less chronological account:

Pre-disposing Conditions

As a baby I often had allergies with earaches and fevers.  This was considered normal. When it is actually a sign the immune system is kicking into action for things in the environment that “should be” normal. For me they were an allergen.

In elementary school my knees and ankles hurt, and all my joints were “funny” – in that they bent back farther than everyone else’s, which was entertaining on the playground.  The Pediatrician said this was nothing to worry about and these were “just growing pains.” He suggested my parents have me take ice skating lessons to strengthen my ankles. In fact, 35 years later I was diagnosed with benign hypermobile joint syndrome, a condition which causes joint pain, inflammation and other symptoms.

We are Born with Endometriosis

At age 12, with my first menstrual cycle I had horrible cramping pain.  I was told “this is normal for some girls” and given a hot water bottle and told to take Midol®.  I knew this was not “normal” but no one could tell me why I felt this way when my girlfriends did not.  My mom understood and taught me coping skills so that the pain would not stop me from enjoying life.  Each month the pain worsened. I can recall my major life events in my teens and twenties by whether (or not) I was on my period and in terrible pain. By my mid-twenties I had to miss a day of school or work a month to manage the pain. I was prescribed Motrin® and birth control pills to manage my cycles. Over time pre-menstrual symptoms began, so I had pain and discomfort before and during my periods. It felt like I was just recovering from one cycle, and could enjoy  one pain-free week, and then PMS would begin the cycle all over again.  My doctors were sympathetic but really could not do much for me. They offered birth control to help control my cycles.  I started with low-dose pills, which would help for a while, but as pain and heavy bleeding would return they would move to a stronger pill.  In my late 20s a diagnostic laparoscopy confirmed I had endometriosis and fibroid tumors.  It explained all I had been experiencing since age 12.  I felt vindicated that I had been going through was NOT normal. But all they could do was recommend I go off birth control, so that my husband and I could try to have a baby as quickly as possible. I stopped taking birth control, knowing my abdominal pain would get worse, but we hoped to let nature take its course on the timing of a baby.

Odd Mono-like Viruses

During the 1980s, in my 20s, in college as an undergrad and after periods of high stress (such as finals), I had several multi-week episodes of fatigue, sore throat, swollen glands, flu-like symptoms.  I was always tested for Mono (which always came back negative) and was always told I “had a virus.”  I always bounced back from these, and went back to my worsening month-to-month endometriosis symptoms.

Hypothyroid Hormone Crash

I was in Graduate School in the 1990s, in my 30s, and having the time of my life doing research I loved and advancing my career.  However, after the high stress of prepping for and passing my PhD oral exams in 1994 I crashed, as “everyone does,” but this time I didn’t bounce back. I was beyond tired with a new the bone crushing fatigue (I attributed the many other vague symptoms to my endometriosis).  I guessed I might be anemic from my heavy bleeding during my periods, but my blood work showed a high TSH level, indicating, that at age 35, I was hypothyroid.

As most do, my doctor prescribed Synthroid® which restored about 80% energy, but my endometriosis was worsening with menstrual migraines and month long pain. One lesson I learned was not to assume that all my symptoms were related to my endometriosis, although the hypothyroidism had almost certainly made my endometriosis and infertility worse. By the end 1997, since I already had secured a good career position, so that when I filed my dissertation my inability to get pregnant and my endometriosis were my primary concerns.

Infertility Treatment Treats Endometriosis

When I was unable to conceive and wanted to get pregnant, I was referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. He did extensive testing, followed by extensive surgery to remove numerous marble sized fibroid tumors and patches of endometriosis (treatment that, at least in the 1990s, was not offered to me unless I wanted to have a baby). What followed was three years of infertility (IF) treatments, with  repeated cycles that included my doctor balancing my hormones, then giving me stimulating hormones to grow eggs, followed by interuterine insemination. I knew the IF  process would caused the endometriosis and fibroids to regrow, and two more laparoscopic surgeries were needed to remove them again, as well as scar tissue caused by the previous surgeries, to give me the best chance to conceive. We were not successful, but at least had no regrets for not having tried.

Lupron Treatment

However, I was left with worsening abdominal pain from endometriosis and fibroids stimulated by the fertility drugs, and very difficult choices to make regarding treatment.  I considered hysterectomy but I really wanted to avoid it because of my scar tissue issues, and because I wanted to keep my ovaries. I researched Lupron and knew there were risks.  What I didn’t know was that I had pre-disposing conditions that made it riskier for me and more likely I would have a bad reaction. We were more concerned about scar tissue causing lifelong abdominal pain if I had more surgery. Lupron seemed like the conservative choice to shut down the endometriosis and shrink the fibroids. I was told the treatment would be six monthly Lupron Depot injections. I insisted on, and my doctor agreed to, low dose hormone add-back therapy (estradiol and progesterone, prescribed separately) to minimize side effects.

With my first Lupron depot monthly injection (in Dec 2000), I had the expected mild menopausal side effects. The second injection the following month added severe joint pain in all paired joints to the hot flashes and other symptoms, but in addition, my abdominal pain went down!  I was told that the joint pain should go away after about 6 weeks, but unfortunately, it did not. By the end of Lupron treatment my abdominal pain was reduced by half (and was considered a success) but my Doctor recommended we stop treatment after 5 injections due to the joint pain. I was assured the joint pain should stop with the treatments. In fact, it has never gone away. Eventually, I was referred to a rheumatologist. I reported my negative experience with Lupron to the adverse drug events sections of the FDA.

Post Lupron Joint Pain

My doctor recommended that I take the birth control Depo Provera to try to maintain the “Lupron gains.”  This was mid 2001, and it worked for a while, before the abdominal pain and bleeding slowly returned, and then worsened.  During this time, I still thought the endometriosis, hormones and abdominal pain caused the fatigue, nausea, and unwellness I was experiencing. Between my primary care doctor and my rheumatologist, they were treating my individual symptoms and watching me become more symptomatic. By  2002 my joint and abdominal pain was so bad I was on 8 vicodin a day and high dose ibuprofin.

Chronic Pain Clinic – “Skills and Pills”

I was referred to a chronic pain clinic (CPC) to receive better prescription pain management and cognitive behavioral therapy which helped me to learn coping skills like mindfulness meditation, self-hypnosis, and other skills in order to “feel better about feeling bad.”  Thanks to the “Skills and Pills” of the two year Chronic Pain Clinic program, my pain was now  under better control. I was still working fulltime, but more and more days from home a few days a week now as the fatigue, brain fog, headaches, flu-like symptoms all worsened along with the ab pain.

Minimally Invasive LAVH-BSO

At this point, I am still thinking all the fatigue and other symptoms are primarily from endometriosis pain, and that Lupron triggered the arthtitis due to HMJS. My rheumatologist blamed the Lupron for triggering it all (still does). My primary care doctor, rheumatologist and Pain Doctor all witnessed my decline.  By the Fall of 2003, I was bleeding so badly I sought  a referral for a minimally invasive GYN for an LAVH-BSO. To manage the endo, it was agreed the ovaries had to go. He did a great job. I have only very mild discomfort around my bikini scar – otherwise no further ab pain at all. I went on Vivelle Dot patch immediately. Minimal menopause symptoms at age 44.

Diagnosed with CFIDS

The Joint pain continued and the rest of the ME/CFS symptoms intensified through 2004-2005…I was struggling to keep working 3/4 time with “reasonable accommodations”, getting sicker and taking FMLA because I was out of sick leave. I was working so hard trying to keep working. Finally, an endocrinologist in 2005 said I met all the criteria for CFIDS (and told me it was ridiculous to blame the Lupron…she was wrong). My pain was managable but not the fatigue. I took the Bruce Campbell course in managing ME/CFS and added “Pacing” to my list of skills. By late 2006, I was facing medical retirement after 22 years and by June 2007 I was out on Federal Disability Retirement at age 48.

Thanks to my Kaiser Doctor’s observing my decline and my own ability to write, I was awarded SSDI on first appeal in 2008. Technically it is for chronic pain but really it was the fatigue, flu-like symptoms and brain fog that kept me from working. And still today keeps me from being as active as I once was.

Living Well with CFIDS

These days I have to sleep 8-10 hours per night. I used to take daily 2 hour naps but since starting Armour Dessicated Thyroid with T3 (in 2013), I get by with horizontal rests, not daytime sleep most days now. I have a 1:3 activity to rest ratio – for each hour of activity, I need about 3 hours of rest. I consciously “rest before and recover after” extra activities not part of my daily routine (from laundry to a doctors appointment to dinner out).

I keep regular hours, and most days I am able to make meals, take a 30-60 minute walk and can manage one “extra activity” per day. I do a bit of volunteer work. I leave the house 3-4 days a week for 1-3 hrs without a setback, depending on what I do. I can grocery shop (with effort) but no longer shop for pleasure. Despite this careful pacing ANY infection, social event, life stressor, or simply too long duration of mental, emotional or physical activity can tip me over into Post Exertinal Nueroendocrine Exhaustion PENE. I have a 36-48 hour PENE/PEM response (the time from the over-exertion to the crash) with increased flu-like and CNS symptoms and usually must rest 3 times as long as whatever caused the crash took to do.  After a bout of flu or an abscessed tooth, I have had bad dysautonomia episodes that resolved over weeks or months to my “baseline” – my “new normal” since Lupron activated or switched on (or off) a gene or damaged my mitochondria and reset that baseline. For me, the Lupron was the turning point. It is a tough balancing act. But I have worked on pacing, keeping healthy and being as active as I can.

Ironically my husband of 30 years has Fibromyalgia and knows keeping active helps him.  So we support and encourage each other. He helps me be active and I remind him to pace and rest and we have a happy life, all things considered. He was able to retire at 55 so we are able to manage our conditions and enjoy life. We have a truck-camper RV and a small cabin-cruiser boat from before I got sick, both of which have allowed me to travel and do things at my own pace, with my own bed, bath and kitchen.  Whether we are visiting family or traveling the West, this kind of travel allows me to be as active as I can without causing crashes. We are both very grateful for all we have.

It seems there are many ways to end up with the same or similar body response and set of symptoms that is ME/CFS and/or Fibromyalgia. For me if it hadn’t been Lupron, it would probably been something else since I have so many co-morbid factors. Understanding this has helped with acceptance. And knowledge is power. I know there are no ways, yet, to reset the genes or fix the mitochondria, or other body systems that no longer work as they should, but I am hopeful researchers, who care and collaborate, will find the answer.  In the meantime, I will work to be as healthy and well as I can be.