
When Should Teens Go to the Gynecologist?


When should girls start going to the gynecologist? The general consensus from the medical community and public health education is that a girl need not see a gynecologist until she becomes sexually active..I disagree.

Reproductive Care Should Begin with the First Period

Consider this; the average age of menarche in the United States is a little above 12 years of age. The average age a woman loses her virginity in the United States is 17. Based on what is taught in health class, that leaves 5 years of no reproductive care for the average American female. Although the average teenager may not need annual visits to the gynecologist, reproductive care should not be ignored. This means pediatricians must be better informed about gynecological care.

Just because a young girl is not sexually active does not mean her reproductive system does not exist. Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome and menorrhagia are all terms (or concepts) that young girls of reproductive age should be familiar with; and yet a majority of girls of reproductive age would not be able to identify any of these terms.

Abnormal Periods are a Sign of Trouble

Young girls should be taught that abnormal periods, painful periods (dysmenorrhea), an absence of periods (amenorrhea), or extremely heavy periods (menorrhagia) are not normal and should be evaluated by a doctor. In many cases, finding the causes of abnormalities in menstruation early on, could prevent further complications down the road.

Most women who have uterine or menstrual abnormalities do not get a diagnosis or proper treatment until they discover they cannot conceive. That is because by the time these women go to the gynecologist for the first time they have been lead to believe that abnormal is their normal.

My Story

When I was twelve I was getting my period every other week and I was told that was normal and that every girls’ period takes some time to regulate – which is true.  However, it wasn’t true for me. I had endometriosis and uterine didelphys (two uteri) which required surgery, but because I was young, it was two and a half years before my painful periods were taken seriously. This is an all-too-common experience. Many women report suffering for decades.

In the case where a young girl’s menstrual problems are impacting her daily life – isn’t it better to be safe, rather than sorry? Read my full health story here.

The Need for Pediatric Gynecologists

Pediatricians and family doctors alike need to sit down with their female patients and have a detailed discussion about menstruation. No one should assume that health education in secondary schools is adequate to teach a young girl to stand up for her own reproductive care. The stigma of being too young (or not yet sexually active) to go see the gynecologist should be disregarded. Regardless of age, if any other part of the body wasn’t working one would go to the doctor to get it looked at; the same should go for the reproductive system.

How old were you at your first gynecologist appointment? When did your menstrual problems begin?

The Instant Menstrual Cycle


My uterus decided to end her 6-month vacation yesterday. This is nothing new; I’ve never had regular periods and have tried nearly everything to make my body function on a regular schedule, but it just doesn’t cooperate. Synthetic hormones prescribed by numerous doctors have always made things worse. Acupuncture, when I am working and can afford it, is the only thing that makes them more regular and manageable.

Take a moment to empathize with me – 6 months worth of bloating, fatigue, cramps, blood, etc. in one lousy week. Oh and this would be the second week of a new job – I’m onto you uterus, I’M ONTO YOU!

I’ve tried diet changes, more exercise, less exercise, meditation, medications, channeling my inner moon goddess – everything. I’m finally learning to accept that this is the way my body functions. I don’t like it, but I accept it. What I can’t accept is that we put a man on the moon 45 years ago, but we can’t figure out how to give women some relief. Women have been in science for some time now. Marie Curie won the Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1911. You’d think we could help ourselves, but the most we have advanced in menstrual related relief and technology is OTC pain relievers marketed in pink boxes with a different name and wads of cotton so toxic to our bodies that they can kill us! Don’t you think we need entire labs dedicated solely to easing the pain of menstruation and child bearing. The women scientists can wear brightly colored lab coats and eat an endless supply of chocolate while figuring out new ways to deal with age old biological functions.

Yesterday, I couldn’t leave the couch. I was supposed to go to a barbecue with friends, do all the chores I can’t do during the work-week, and hit up the grocery store, but I was couch-ridden with a heating pad, smelly Chinese herbs, red raspberry leaf tea, and a book. I’m afraid that my friends thought I was lying to get out of the social gathering (I tend to be reclusive), and more than one male employer has given me that “uh-huh, sure” tone when I’ve called in sick over womanly problems. Thankfully, I’m a generally healthy person so that’s the only time I call in sick (and I’m extremely thankful for my health). Take a minute to imagine being in the military and having to tell a male superior that you can’t go out to the field for an exercise because of earth-shattering cramps and excessive bleeding. Then going to a male doctor at sick bay to get a ‘chit’ as proof you weren’t lying.

And I’m supposed to channel my inner moon goddess and be thankful that I’m a woman and can bring life into this world? I’m going to channel my moon goddess alright, channel her and beat her. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a woman and everything that entails, but in the name of science and entrepreneurial spirit – don’t you think it’s about time we figured out a way to ease the pain and suffering that women have to endure monthly?

In an essay originally published in the Boston Phoenix in 1990 and republished posthumously in a collection of essays titled, The Merry Recluse in 2002, Caroline Knapp, wrote, “What Women Really Need from Science.” Here is an excerpt that I think of EVERY time I have an earth-shattering, couch-ridden period, like today:

“So now women can have babies at the age of 90. Big whoop. Roll out the Pampers and Geritol. Open a Cribs ‘n’ Canes shop. And thank you, thank you, thank you, modern medicine.

Something is very wrong here. While a teensy-weensy proportion of women over the age of 75 might welcome the opportunity to procreate in their golden years, and while this development might help ease the pressure some women feel as their biological clocks tick away, most of us shudder at the news. Babies when we’re 90? Postmenopausal midnight feedings?

This news also seems to indicate a slight problem modern science has with focus. What about the here and now? What about the daily realities women face in our younger years?
Any doctor or scientist who truly understood the lives of modern women would be looking in an entirely different direction for ways to ease our burdens and make our lives more manageable. Forget about extending our childbearing years. Forget about finding new and medically thrilling was to complicate our later lives. We need help now! Here, for ambitious doctors everywhere, are a few suggestions.

The Instant Menstrual Cycle

Consider how much simpler life would be if scientists could develop a way to enable women to menstruate in a mere five minutes. No more messy, five- to seven-day bouts of bleeding. No consecutive nights curled on the couch with heating pads to ease the lower back pain. And no more worrying: Will you run out of tampons? Leak? Bleed on his sheets? The five minute menstrual cycle would pack all that discomfort and inconvenience into much more manageable form. One huge cramp. One enormous mood swing. A single flood of tears, and then – whoosh – a single rush of blood into a single, extremely absorbent tampon. If science can come up with an instant coffee, instant breakfast, and instant cameras, instant menstruation couldn’t be that hard.”

Amen sister. She goes on to list other brilliant scientific ideas for some, young scientist to snatch up and make our lives easier including: egg-laying capabilities, clones for working mothers, anti-gravity skin enhancers, and more.

Someone, somewhere, PLEASE hear my plead: We can genetically modify animals to create spider goats and jellyfish pigs, we can travel to space, we can harness the power of nuclear fusion to create electricity and bombs – so why can’t we make advancements in women’s health that would bring relief to half of the world’s population? It’s past time for the Instant Menstrual Cycle – it’s time for a revolution, ladies!

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea to Relieve Menstrual Pain


My alarm goes off at 0600 every morning. I groggily put on my sports bra and tennis shoes and start one of my many work-out DVDs to start my day. I do push ups, pull ups, lunges and squats all in order to build lean muscle tissue. The science behind this equation is easy – use your muscles to build muscle. But how can you tone muscles in your body that can’t be toned with weights or treadmills? The muscle I’m talking about is the uterus. The uterus or womb is lined with muscles that are primarily designed for childbearing which as we all know gives way to that monthly visitor that brings a suitcase full of cramps, bloating, heavy cycles and more. What if I told you that there is an all natural remedy with no side effects that also helps regulate menstrual cycles, treat cramps, aid in fertility, even lessen the chance of miscarriage, and help labor? Interested?

While there have been very few studies on the effects of red raspberry leaf tea (tea made from the leaves of the raspberry plant), it has been used for thousands of years to tone the uterus for fertility and menstrual problems. Studies have concluded that there are no side effects of this natural remedy. Raspberry leaf tea is full of nutrients including iron, calcium, manganese and magnesium, vitamins B1, B3, C, and E.

In the past, I have tried synthetic hormone treatments to deal with irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and cramps. I suffered through severe side effects including heavy bleeding in between cycles, severe depression and of course, cramps. I decided to try raspberry leaf tea because it had no side effects, could be bought at the grocery store or online, and even if it didn’t work for my specific problems it was still very nutritious. After drinking 1-2 cups a day for about two months I noticed a significant change in the regularity and severity of my cycles.

While I can tone my arms, legs and abdominal muscles through weight and cardio routines, I continue to use red raspberry leaf tea to tone my uterus and reproductive system. Does anyone have other experiences with raspberry leaf tea to share? Any successful fertility stories through this ancient elixir?

Bonus: For an all natural beauty product try applying cold tea or tea bags to your face as an astringent to tone your skin and treat acne.

A New March Madness – Endometriosis Awareness Month


This March I am celebrating a different kind of madness.  It has nothing to do with college basketball; nor is it related to four leaf clovers, egg shaped candy or seder plates.  No, this March is for reproductive health education and raising awareness about endometriosis. There is nothing nice about endometriosis, even the word is cumbersome to say.  This March, we need to talk about endometriosis and reproductive health and we are going to talk about it; because the state of reproductive care surrounding endometriosis is not OK and it’s not going to get better until more people know about endometriosis and the facts surrounding it.

It is estimated that 1 out of every 10 women has endometriosis.  Endometriosis is a secondary autoimmune disease that occurs when the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) grows outside of the uterus.  Common places for this tissue growth is outside of the uterus, on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, within the pelvic cavity, on the pelvic floor, and on the bowels.  In extremely rare cases endometriosis can be found growing up towards and on the liver, lungs, brain and on the central nervous system.  These growths respond to the menstrual cycle the same way that the lining of the uterus does.  Each month, the lining builds up, breaks down and then sheds (aka ‘your period’).

When a woman gets her period the broken down lining exits the body as menstrual blood through the vagina.  When a woman has endometriosis, the tissue and blood from the endometrial growths found outside of the uterus have no way of leaving the body.  This results in internal bleeding and inflammation; both of which can cause chronic pain, infertility, scar tissue formation, adhesions and bladder and bowel complications.  Women with endometriosis also suffer from higher rates of allergies, yeast infections, asthma, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, other autoimmune diseases (such as hypothyroidism and lupus and others) and increased rates of ovarian cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and brain cancer.

There is no cure for endometriosis and treatments leave a lot to be desired.  Common treatments include oral contraceptives, GnRH agonists, progesterone therapies, surgery and hysterectomy.  Since endometriosis usually appears during the reproductive years, hysterectomy is not a welcomed option and yet is commonly prescribed.  Surgery does not cure endometriosis, in many cases the growths reappear within five years. Hysterectomy does not cure endometriosis, with 40% of women see a reoccurrence of their symptoms.  There is no cure for endometriosis.

This March we need to raise awareness.  It’s not a comfortable topic but that is no reason for millions of women to suffer in silence with no known cure.  The discomfort society feels in talking openly about menstruation or uteri or vaginas is no reason to deny any woman the right to proper reproductive care.  1 in 10 women have endometriosis. These women are your friends, neighbors, sisters, co-workers, lovers, girlfriends, cousins, aunts, nieces, mothers, and fellow humans.  It takes an average of 7 years to get a proper diagnosis and even longer to find an effective treatment plan (if any).  This is about proper reproductive care, about millions of women who are embarrassed to talk about painful periods, about millions of women who suffer in silence.  It needs to stop.

This is not a call to arms but a call to uterus(es). This month lets promote reproductive care and raise awareness for endometriosis. Ask me about my uterus, ask those you care about, about their uterus.  Yes, it sounds strange, but how else are we to start the discussion and break the stigma against talking about reproductive illness; especially if we can’t even say uterus or vagina without snickering or feeling as embarrassed as a third grader would.  Please help us raise awareness this March; share this article, share your story, start a conversation, ask a loved one about their uterus and break the silence!