
We Cannot Manage What We Do Not Measure


Pay attention to the whimper or be forced to cry uncle. Those are your choices. Those were the choices that faced the nation ten and twenty years ago as naysayers to the economic policies certain to bankrupt our country became evident, but they were ignored or lambasted as fringe. The collective wisdom forged forward with derivatives, with the merging of investment and saving banks, against the whimpers of many, only to cry uncle in 2008 as the catastrophe loomed.

As the ‘other 99%’ seek to realign our political and economic situations, women must lead the changes in the health industry. We must pay attention to the whimpers, to the evidence that something is off, and more importantly, we must take heed before uncle is cried. How do we do that within such a flawed system of industrialized, profit-based medicine? Education, measurement, transparency and responsibility.

Education. The number one factor contributing to health is education. The more educated women (and men) are the better health they experience. Why? Better decision-making. Although there are clear associations between income and health, the association between education and health is stronger.

Education allows one to navigate the morass of medical marketing, cut to the truth, and identify the untruth in advertising. Education permits women the confidence to seek alternate directions in health and not simply take what is prescribed to them as gospel. Quite simply, education permits responsibility in health choices. It doesn’t necessarily lead to taking responsibility or making the right choices; we’ve all seen really smart, highly educated people do really stupid things. Rather, education creates the environment where those choices can be made.
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Are We Not Worth It? OB/Gyn Decisions Driven by Consensus not Evidence


A recent study by researchers at Columbia University uncovered what many women have suspected for years, that the clinical practice of obstetrics and gynecology (Ob/Gyn) is steeped in tradition and opinion but lacks data and evidence. The study, Scientific Evidence Underlying the American College of Obstetricians’ and Gynecologists’ Practice Guidelines authored by Dr. Jason D. Wright and colleagues found that only 30% of Ob/Gyn clinical practice guidelines were based on hard data or scientific evidence. Rather, the vast majority of practice guidelines (70%) were based on observational studies, consensus or expert opinion.  Perhaps this is why it takes 5-10 years to diagnose common Gyn conditions, why oral contraceptives are the first line of treatment for every women’s health conditions or why most pregnancy complications are still, in the 21st century, considered idiopathic.  Without data, it sure is difficult to sway expert opinion.  What do you think?
Link to the press release: Ob/gyn Guidelines Often Based Opinion Weak Data

Wright JD, et al. Scientific Evidence Underlying the American College of Obstetricians’ and Gynecologists’ Practice  Guidelines. Online in press version, September 2011, Obstetrics and Gynecology 118 (3).

Does anyone come through womanhood unscathed?


Over the weekend, as my colleagues and I were putting this issue together, we began talking about the hormone stories that were crossing our desks. More often than not, the women submitting these stories describe years of pain, suffering and uncertainty. In some cases, lab tests were done, in others they were not or not until years later. Inevitably, each woman was placed on oral contraceptives, sometimes for markedly different symptoms, and sent home, repeatedly. For most, oral contraceptives were not effective and in some cases, significantly exacerbated the conditions for which they were prescribed.

Gradually, each of us began to share our own health stories and those of our friends, sisters, mothers and daughters. It’s not that we hadn’t shared our stories before. We are, after all, a bunch of women working on women’s health issues. We talk about everything. Before this weekend, however, I don’t think any of us understood the depth of experience uniting us in this mission. There was not a single woman in the room or in our immediate friend or family circle who did not have a hormone health story. And these were not benign complaints of moodiness or feeling hormonal, those are a given. Rather, most of us and everyone we knew had experienced serious, often chronic, life-changing, presumably hormonal, health events. Many of us have had multiple surgeries.

This left me wondering, does anyone come through womanhood, unscathed? Is it just the nature of being a woman and having a uterus that predisposes us to these many ailments? In other words, is this normal? Statistically, apparently it is.

When epidemiological data are added up, most, if not all women, can be expected to have at least one hormone-related health issue at some point in their lives, not including menopause. Many women have multiple. And even if the etiology some of these conditions is not entirely hormonal, it’s a given that hormone cycles or synthetic hormones will moderate the condition in some manner. Which brings me to my second question; could these health issues be prevented?

At the moment, no, because we simply do not measure, attempt to predict, or manage women’s hormone health and disease in any discernible manner. Why don’t we have baseline hormone measurements when girls begin menstruating? Why isn’t hormone measurement a standard part of women’s health care, like blood pressure or cholesterol? Sure, excuses abound about why we can’t or shouldn’t measure women’s hormones, but bottom line: we cannot manage or even understand what is not measured.

Then there is the question about what is and is not a hormone-related condition. Until puberty boys and girls have almost equal rates of many conditions, but after puberty there are significant, sex-based divergences in the areas of mental health, immune function and pain-related disorders, among others. These differences are often attributed to hormone differences. Of course, matters of the reproductive system are hormonal but for many diseases the hormonal connections are not as clear.

Where is the dividing line between a symptom or condition that is considered hormonal versus one that is not? If a hormone binds to a receptor on a cell and elicits a reaction that modifies the cell’s behavior, can that be considered hormonal? I would say yes. Maybe at a very basic level, many diseases, not normally considered hormonal can and do have hormonal components that we ought to be addressing.

Another question to consider, why do we label some hormones male and others female? We all have the same complement of hormones, albeit in vastly different concentrations. Women have all the androgens that men have and men have progesterone and all of the estrogens that women do. Why are we not measuring more androgens in women and for that matter, more estrogens in men?

As a woman, among many women, I am acutely aware of the limitations of current medical science. As a scientist, I am dumbfounded that the solutions have not come to fore. As mother, most especially as a mother, I don’t want my daughter to suffer the way I and so many women have and still do. The obstacles to understanding are not as complex as we think. The first step is simply being open to the possibility that there is problem that deserves a solution. When you read the stories, posted by the brave women willing to speak, consider who you know that has had similar experiences. Consider the impact telling your story could have.

It is my hope that as more women share their stories, it will become abundantly clear that this problem deserves a solution. Join the conversation. If not for yourselves, for your daughters.