
Hormone Treatment During Pregnancy and Gender Variance in Later Life


For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had an unusual partially feminine gender identity, but until recently I never consciously acknowledged it. Then, a couple of years ago I realised that, although at a conscious level I identify as male, my body language, my pattern of arousal and orgasm, and my instinctive social behaviour are all very much more like what you’d typically see in a woman rather than a man. In addition, I appear to be suffering from secondary hypogonadism (i.e. my brain regions that control hormones aren’t working correctly), and I have a “eunuchoid” body structure, which indicates that my testosterone production has been below normal all my life.

Is Being Transgendered Just One of Those Things?

Although it never became my career, as a student I excelled at both chemistry and biology, and I’ve retained an amateur interest in the sciences ever since. Most people seem to assume that being transgendered is “just one of those things”, but I resolved to use that background in science to try and figure out whether there was an actual physical explanation for it. Accordingly, I tried to discover as much as I could about sexual development in the unborn child, and the kinds of things that can go wrong with that process.

Sexual Blueprints

Our sex-determining chromosome, the Y chromosome, is far smaller than any of our other chromosome and only has a few dozen functional genes on it. Basically all the Y chromosome does is to tell your undifferentiated gonads to turn into testicles (without it they’ll turn into ovaries instead). All of the genetic blueprints for actually building a male or female body are located elsewhere in your genome, so everyone has the full set of instructions for both sexes.

By default the “female” instructions are what get followed during fetal development, but if there’s testosterone present, the “male” instructions will be followed instead. Ordinarily this system works quite well, and you’ll develop as one sex throughout the pregnancy (which one depending on whether you have testicles churning out testosterone or not).

An Endocrine Disruptor

What appears to have happened in my case is that the pregnancy was no different from that of any other male baby, except that partway through the second trimester, something catastrophic happened that severely disrupted my endocrine system, so that for a few weeks I wasn’t producing any testosterone. Following that, my endocrine system recovered and everything went back to normal for the remainder of the pregnancy. The result is that I was built using the instructions for male development for most of the pregnancy, but during the time I wasn’t producing any testosterone, the instructions for female development were followed instead. That seems to have happened after all my physical development had completed, but very early in the process of wiring up my brain’s permanent structure (all the things that are affected seem to be associated with evolutionarily ancient parts of the brain, which points to the period of female development having happened early on in the process of wiring up my brain).

Based on when genital development takes place and when the process of building the permanent structure of the brain begins, I was able to work out that whatever it was must have happened somewhere around 16 or 17 weeks after conception, at or very soon after the time my mother would have first felt me moving inside her. Knowing what she was like when I was younger, my immediate thought was that she must have had a depressive episode, decided that she couldn’t cope with another child so soon after the first, and taken an overdose of something in an attempt to bring on a miscarriage.

A DIY Abortion That Didn’t Take

A bit of snooping on maternity forums soon revealed that the first thing most unhappily pregnant women contemplating a DIY abortion seem to think of is an overdose of contraceptive pills. I was able to subsequently confirm that my parents were using birth control pills for contraception at the time – the high dosage first generation ones. There was also something otherwise completely inexplicable that happened later in my childhood, which makes me think she must have been hiding a guilty secret along those lines.

My mother passed away in 2010, and in a way I’m glad that happened before I discovered any of this, because I would have been angry with her and she didn’t deserve that. She did her best to be a good mother to me and to all her other children, and I don’t hold her responsible in any way for what happened. I can’t blame my father either. He lost 3 brothers during his childhood and then his first wife died on their honeymoon, so I can understand why he became so obsessed with the idea of having a large family.

Brain Sexual Identity and DES

One further thing that made me think an exposure to artificial female hormones is the cause of my conditions was reading in the book “Brain Sex” about a pattern of behaviour commonly shown by teenage boys whose mothers were given treatment with a drug called diethylstilbestrol or DES in an attempt to prevent miscarriage . The boys in the study were typically very shy, socially withdrawn, had low self esteem, were regarded as sissies, bullied, ostracised by their peers, with no ability to fight back when attacked and no interest in sport. The authors of the book described it as “feminized behaviour”, and my teenage years matched it so closely it could have come straight out of my school report!

The main hormonal component of the contraceptive pills my parents were using is norethisterone acetate, a progestin, whereas DES is an estrogen. What estrogens and progestins both have in common is that they are female hormone derivatives, and are basically completely incompatible with masculinity. Both types of hormone have the ability to disrupt testicular hormone production at quite modest doses, well below those commonly used for medical treatment for women.

DES was for many years used to chemically castrate men suffering from hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, while progestins are commonly used for chemical castration of sex offenders and transsexuals. If they also suppress testosterone in a male fetus, then any use of them during a pregnancy of a male child carries a risk of creating a baby who developed as the wrong sex for part of the pregnancy. This is what I think happened to me, and to the DES sons.

For nearly two years I’ve been trying to find out as much as I can about DES sons, reading their personal accounts of how they’ve been affected and chatting with them online. Among the ones I’ve had contact with or whose life stories I’ve read, there seems to be a very high incidence of both intersex-related genital abnormalities and gender dysphoria. As a group they seem to commonly experience many of the same problems I have (a genital abnormality, feminized behaviour as a teenager, low testosterone and problems with hormones, gender variance). The key difference is that on the whole they seem to be far more psychologically female than I am (which is exactly what you’d expect, considering that their exposure was for a much larger part of the pregnancy than mine). I think it’s quite likely that for most of them, their testosterone production was completely suppressed and they were developing as female throughout the time their mothers were on the drug!

DES and all other estrogens were withdrawn from use in pregnancy 30 years ago, however, treatments for prevention of miscarriage, based on progestins rather than estrogens, continue to be used to the present day. One of these involves a progestin called hydroxyprogesterone caproate, given as a weekly intramuscular injection of either 250mg or 500mg, starting 16 weeks into the pregnancy – just around the time I think my hormone exposure occurred. The difference is that this treatment continues to be administered for the remainder of the pregnancy. If this drug does suppress testosterone production in a male fetus, then it’s hard to imagine a treatment better suited to creating as baby with a male body but a female brain! I’m fairly sure that if you gave an adult man 250mg per week of this drug, his testosterone production would be seriously impaired. Why wouldn’t the same happen to a male fetus?

Females Affected Too

In this article, I’ve only been looking at the effects of artificial sex hormones on a male fetus, however it’s likely that, under the right circumstances, a female fetus could be affected too. This could happen if the external hormone mimics the action of testosterone (e.g.progestin induced virilization), or if it disrupts endogenous hormone production in a way that causes excessive androgens to be produced (hyperandrogenism).

Postscript: This article was published previously September 2013. 

Scrotal Gangrene: Adventures in Medical Journalism


I’ve been talking about scrotal gangrene a lot lately.

Be it a casual conversation with co-workers, a date, or a telephone call with my mom; I have somehow managed to sprinkle scrotal gangrene into almost every social interaction (in hindsight, perhaps I should apologize for this).

I’ll explain. I’m a health journalist. During the day I edit and produce news pieces, women’s health, digestive health, thyroid health and columns written by patients and doctors. Outside of my day job, I run a support organization for women with endometriosis. My typical day consists of talking about uncomfortable medical topics and then going home and talking about (or writing about, etc…) menstruation.  Needless to say, if we were to play the penis game (the game where the person who can yell penis the loudest, wins) — I would win.

Sometimes, I have some extra free-time in which I freelance as a technical medical writer. When I started writing, I was asked what my specialty was — to which, naturally, I replied ‘women’s health.’  So you can imagine my surprise when I was assigned a piece on Fournier gangrene (aka scrotal gangrene).

Based on the amount of research I did for that piece,  I am fairly confident that I could (should the occasion ever arise) identify scrotal gangrene. Scratch that — based on the number of necrotizing penises, scrotums and perineums that ambushed my computer screen, I am fairly certain I could diagnose scrotal gangrene as unfortunately, those images are not something easily forgotten.

How does one get scrotal gangrene you ask?  In order for gangrene to occur in the genitourinary or anorectal region you need several different types of bacteria to intermingle somewhere around an open wound, rash, burn or any sort of opening in which bacteria could fester. The most common type of bacteria found in Fournier gangrene cultures is E.coli (which is also found in the digestive tract and in feces).

When this bacteria combo makes its way into the body it can cause fever and edema (a type of swelling) in the affected areas. In a matter of hours the skin can begin to necrotize and if not caught quickly, can lead to excess debridement (the shaving off of layers of skin), organ amputation, sepsis and death.  Fortunately, Fournier gangrene is incredibly rare and even rarer in women (who can get perineal and vulvar gangrene).

When scrotal gangrene does occur it usually occurs in older people and people with compromised immune systems.  Although… There was this one case; regarding a 29 year old male, who masturbated so frequently that he had friction burns. Guess what happened to the friction burns — they got infected, and he developed Fournier gangrene on his penis. He survived but I can’t imagine the procedure to remove the necrotizing skin was all too pleasant.

And that my friends, is why I got into health journalism; so I could teach the world about the importance of personal hygiene. Just kidding… It was to have fun facts to make people feel uncomfortable at parties.

A 3D Printer Penis: The Gift That Will Have You Begging NO More!


Well, ladies – as if your boyfriend’s “Little Buddy” doesn’t wag in your face enough, the most recent darling of modern technology has made it possible for you to receive MORE face time: The 3D printer!

This incredible machine can – within minutes – make a three-dimensional, solid object from a digital model. And just like every other ingenious invention that’s graced humankind with unlimited power to do good in a world ravaged by hunger, disease and war… I predict this invention will soon be primarily – and quite eagerly – used for human sexual gratification. All your man has to do is stifle his gleeful giggles long enough to pose goosebump-erect-naked and be scanned. The end result will be a super-realistic, silicon pornographic, exact-duplicate dingus he’ll wholeheartedly consider not only to be his life’s crowning achievement, but also the PERFECT gift for his woman.

Make ya wanna plead for a vacuum for your birthday?

I can just picture the Pearly Gates crashing open so our dearly departed, hyper-hustlin’, “As-seen-on-TV” angel Billy Mays can return to Earth just to pitch these personalized penises. It’ll be like the 70’s Pet Rock craze all over again – with women finding in their mailboxes brightly painted dongs eager as pet store puppies to spring out of “Handle with Care” packages.

Or imagine how the fad will affect the bachelor party-stripper-industry, too – with men practically brawling to be next to enter the dick-scanner while the hired tassel-tosser, bored out of her mind, commands the remote and catches the latest “Walking Dead”.

Factories will be full of jokester employees covering conveyer belt schlongs with their work gloves a la Laverne (of “Laverne and Shirley”) at Shotz Brewery.

And what will we disinterested womankind DO with all these high tech ornaments? Prop up our cell phones with the proud li’l pillars? Use as finger-ring holders? Or shoehorns???

Men’ll just never get what us girls REALLY want. Forget 3D dicks, Bub. Step out of that scanner and go put gas in my damn car! Scoop out the cat box! Save the slice of pizza loaded with the most toppings for me…

It’s really that simple. And yet, really that… hard.

Flaming Thunderbolts and Other Dangly Bits


“If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear and this weak and idle theme no more yielding but a dream.”

In the beginning, there was chaos. Chaos was darkness, the waters of the abyss. The first god, Amun, arose from the waters using nothing but his own strength to give form to his body. Amun existed alone. All was his. Yesterday and tomorrow were his. Alone, he took his penis in his hand. He made love to his fist. He made his exquisite joy with his fingers. And from the flame of the fiery blast which he kindled with his hand, the universe was formed.

I set out to write an essay on women’s roles in ancient fertility rites. After all, the male of our species and his dangly bits have been lauded and attended throughout history: from the Egyptian first god, Amun, the above-mentioned fist-lover; to Priapus, the eternally erect son of Aphrodite (shown left weighing his penis against grain); to the Hindu god Shiva, whose penis, or lingam, was so hot it caught fire, fire only contained when a vagina, or loni, appeared.

As far as excuses go, this one takes the cake. Yes, we know hormones can make our wild testosterone-crazed men do stupid things but, “I had to put it in because my dong was on fire” doesn’t cut it. A Shiva worshipper, I shall never be.

After lots of reading, I discovered one unifying attribute: Men, whether they are gods or mere mortals, think their penises are all that. Some, but not all, women agree. I decided to, er, explore the issue (my husband is out of town).

Back to Shiva. He was the god of destruction and change. Because of control issues (his goddess wife was destroying more than he was), he turned himself into a corpse to fool and stop her. Thinking him dead, however, his wife, the goddess Kali, squatted over his body, ripped out and ate his organs, and then mounted his still erect lingam to complete the cycle of creation.

Which kind of  supports man’s my-penis-is-awesome theory. The rest of him? Not so much. As evidence, this statue representing the old dick (along with handy fire extinguisher).


Today, Egypt is primarily an Islam nation (and I am NOT going there, thank you very much). Yet around 2000 BC, the Egyptian god of fertility, Min (apparently he didn’t need to over-compensate name-wise) was the principal deity of the Egyptian empire. Artwork and statuary feature Min holding his penis in one hand and a threshing flail in the other. (He was apparently into dominant/submissive relationships; see “50 Shades of Grey”, “The Story of O”.)

During the coronation ceremony of every new pharaoh, Min supervised from on-high as the ascending pharaoh proved that he could ejaculate … in front of people. Centuries before Playboy, Min was there to make sure everything worked as designed (and possibly to ensure no new universes were created from the fiery blast of hand to fist love). I’m not sure what happened to Min; however, his temple is somewhere beneath the modern city of Akhmim. It contains his statue, all reported 55 feet of it.

Just think about that schwanzstucker, Ladies.

If we journey farther east, we come to Japan. We enter Japan. We’re in Japan. (I’ve been reading and writing about this too long; every phrase has sexual connotations). Which leads to the first of two tales of Japanese phallic worship:

450 years ago, two rival politicians’ race turned ugly (this seems redundant). Their feud escalated to death threats against one another as well as against their sons, forcing them to hide their offspring. One of the men, Mr. Oji, decided further camouflage was necessary and disguised his son as a girl. By the time the other man, Mr. Sue, found the girl-who-was-really-a-boy, he had worked himself into such a frenzy that he killed the poor child by cutting off his head and then, for good measure, his penis. When the news got out, the local villagers decided to craft wood and stone phalli as replacements.

But not crania. Which leads me to assume Japanese men, at the least, let their little heads do the thinking for their big ones.

Those locals had so much fun making penises that, to this day, they still are doing it. They make a big shrine to the Almighty Cock, fill it with penises, and then, entrepreneurial as can be, make and sell replicas so that people from around the world will visit Japanese Cock Country Jamboree.

But wait, there’s more…

In yet another area of Japan, they have Penis Parades! And they don’t even remember why! The Hounen Fertility Festival gets arousing at 10 am when the sake comes out, and then again at 2 pm when Shinto priests bless the crowd before shouldering a 9 foot, 620 pound schlong. Then, they pray for a fertile year (and a merciful hangover).

It’s like Carnival … with penises. Tastes great, less filling!

Finally, we come to Bhutan. The land of Buddhist monks where at least one of whom was very, very horny and quite the ladies’ man. Yes, Drukpa Kunley promised women that the way to Nirvana was through relationships with his penis, which he nicknamed “The Flaming Thunderbolt.”

Really? Most guys use a simple monosyllabic name like Fred or Chuck. This guy must have had one serious, um, ego. AND he had women pay him for his services in beer! Richard Gere has nothing on Drukpa Kunley.

Somehow, I suspect through sheer balls, Drukpa became part of Buddhist mythology, supposedly defeating evil demonesses by beating them in the face and gagging them, both with his Flaming Thunderbolt. His image, yes THAT image, can be found painted upon homes and buildings for good luck and to ward off evil.


So what have I learned? That, on the surface, men do believe their penises are all that. They start worlds with them, fight enemies with them, and, occasionally, satisfy women with them (if they have skills or possess Flaming Thunderbolts). The Japanese fill woods with carvings of them and the Bhutanese paint them on their houses. Anthony Weiner and Brett Favre tweet pictures of them. And for whom? Sorry, gentlemen, but most woman need the woo with the woohoo. Your penis does not define you.

Guys, we love you all despite and sometimes because of your flaws and insecurities. Your penises are indeed important for that whole continuance of the human race thing; our vaginas are as well. Yet, you don’t see yonic images everywhere (unless you’re at a Georgia O’Keefe exhibit). We love your big heads and your big hearts – why not show them off now and then? Mine does and I love him all the more for it.



The ridiculous bit of satire below does not reflect the opinions of Lucine Biotechnology nor its associates. It is meant to amuse and, hopefully, entertain. Lauren is our Puck and we only let her out on certain days.