Suffering in Silence: Yeast Infections, UTIs, and Hormones


I want to tell you about a friend of mine. She used to get yeast infections and urinary tract infections (UTI) all the time. She was miserable, plagued with either or both of these nearly every month for years. The yeast infections would be terribly uncomfortable while the UTIs would be incredibly painful. These nasty little infections would show up right as she was leaving for vacation or when she had a big work event. One time, she actually had to rush to the pharmacy right before a hurricane hit, terrified to be without antibiotics during the storm.

A nurse told her to change her soap. A urologist ordered a scope of her bladder. Her doctors gave her refillable prescriptions for antibiotics and anti-fungals telling her to take them whenever she needed them—which was all the time. Not one person told her that these infections could be caused by her birth control pills. No one told her that she could have avoided all of that pain and misery and embarrassment by just choosing different contraception; not to mention the side effects of spending that much time on antibiotics.

Even as far back as 1969, Barbara Seaman warned against this in The Doctors’ Case Against the Pill.

The Pill, by interfering with the natural secretions of the vagina, leaves women susceptible to a variety of infections, including syphilis and gonorrhea. Those who use the Pill develop VD, other sexually transmitted infections, and vaginitis twice as often as the female population as a whole.

I’m not even going to address the increased risk for sexually transmitted infections in this article but you can read about it further in this article from the International Perspectives on Sex and Reproductive Health.

While not printed on the risk communication that accompanies hormonal birth control, it is widely known that these methods of contraception change the natural balance of the vagina. In materials from the California Medical Association submitted during the Nelson Pill Hearings (pg. 6284):

One side effect of the pill does call for treatment. Yeast vaginitis occurs in about 30 percent of the users… This inflammation is not a serious health problem, and it responds well to treatment. Sometimes the treatment can be administered without even discontinuing the use of the pill.

Because why would we want to address the problem, when we can just treat the symptom?

Current Research

The research now concurs with what they said back then. Even WebMd says:

Taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or birth control pills changes the balance of hormones in the body, especially estrogen and progesterone. Just as in pregnancy, higher estrogen levels can cause yeast infections. Some women find they’re more likely to get yeast infections at specific times in their menstrual cycles.

As for urinary tract infections, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases recommends that women with recurrent UTIs switch to a different method of birth control.

It’s not just the birth control pill that causes these issues. Side effects of the NuvaRing include vaginal infections. While I was unable to find any concrete research, one look at questions and experiences posted on health forums show that users of the Mirena IUDs are also suffering from these infections. How could they not be? Medications of any kind can change the chemical make-up of the body.

Compared to blood clots, stroke, depression, and suicidal thoughts, UTIs and yeast infections may seem rather insignificant. But when you factor in the what it’s like to live with these recurring infections: the pain and irritation, the stress on your sex life and stress on your partner, the money for medical tests and treatments (not to mention the time)—the cumulative effect is quite significant. Like weight gain and loss of libido, these things aren’t immediately life threatening but they are certainly damaging to the quality of your life. And so I ask again, why are these side effects acceptable? How much to do women have to suffer in the name of contraception? And when are we going to start demanding better?

Epilogue: What happened to my friend?

There’s an inherent embarrassment anytime something is wrong with our nether regions that doesn’t exist with something like strep throat or a even a stomach bug. So much so that I started this post about my “friend” instead of myself. I’m sure you could see right through it. I’ve written about having a stroke, gaining weight, feeling depressed, loss of libido, my infertility, and even that I wear compression socks. Yet somehow talking about yeast infections and UTIs was where I was going to draw the line. Why? They weren’t my fault. If anything, they were perhaps an alarm bell that my body did not tolerate birth control pills.

So what happened to me? I had a stroke, stopped taking birth control pills, and I rarely get infections anymore. Is there a connection between women who get yeast infections and UTIs and those who go on to have blood clots? Who knows? But we certainly aren’t going to find out by not talking about them.

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More people than ever are reading Hormones Matter, a testament to the need for independent voices in health and medicine. We are not funded and accept limited advertising. Unlike many health sites, we don’t force you to purchase a subscription. We believe health information should be open to all. If you read Hormones Matter, like it, please help support it. Contribute now.

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Photo by name_ gravity on Unsplash.

This article was published originally in September 2016. 

Birth Control and UTIs: The Insulin Connection


To step on a soapbox straight from the start, many people treat UTIs (urinary tract infections) as trivial, but when you’re dealing with UTI after UTI, then you know how life altering this seemingly small little infection is for your daily routine. Two weeks after stopping long-term use of hormonal birth control, I developed my first ever UTI and continued to struggle with recurrent UTIs and UTI symptoms for nearly a year and a half afterwards. Finally, when one healthcare practitioner prescribed a 28-day supply of a potent antibiotic at the maximum dose, a prescription I was certain would result in a case of C. diff, I walked away from the hamster wheel of treating the infection and decided to get serious about finding out why my bladder was now a safe harbor for pathogenic bacteria.

What changed within my body to allow for those bacteria to thrive unabated when I stopped hormonal birth control?

It turns out, long-term use of hormonal birth control impacted my ability to process glucose. When I stopped taking hormonal birth control cold turkey, this left my body in a lurch, unable to use glucose correctly and this inability to use glucose resulted in developing chronic UTIs. Ironically, the use of hormonal birth control itself may also precipitate frequent UTIs for some women. Similarly, it is common for women who undergo a major hormonal shift such as pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, starting or stopping hormonal birth control, to experience a problem with the way their body uses glucose. The symptoms vary, and include things like:

In the rest of this article, we will:

  • Briefly recap how natural estrogen (estradiol) and progesterone impact insulin sensitivity and glucose control
  • Quickly revisit how synthetic estrogen (specifically ethinyl estradiol) and synthetic progesterone (progestins) impact insulin sensitivity

Then, we will take a close look at:

  • How blood glucose control increases your vulnerability to UTIs
  • Why standard urine cultures are negative and you still have symptoms
  • How to repair insulin sensitivity after a major hormonal fluctuation

In case you didn’t catch the article on hormones and insulin resistance and want to know more about how reproductive hormones and hormonal birth control impact how your body uses insulin, you will find that article here.

How Estrogens, Progesterone, and Birth Control Impact Insulin Sensitivity

In the previous article, we discussed how natural hormones, estradiol and progesterone, and the artificial hormones in hormonal birth control impact  insulin regulation, specifically how well the cells respond to insulin (insulin resistance/insulin sensitivity). To briefly recap how estrogen and progesterone impact insulin sensitivity:

The synthetic form of estradiol, ethinyl estradiol, the most prevalent in combined hormonal contraceptives here in the US, works like estradiol by increasing insulin sensitivity. The synthetic varieties of progesterone, progestins, have various effects on insulin sensitivity based on the androgenicity of the progestin, along with other factors.

Insulin resistance is only one piece of how well the body is able to use glucose as a fuel source. Gluconeogenesis, the process of releasing glucose from stored reserves to meet energy needs in between meals, is another key piece to this conversation. The liver, kidneys, and skeletal muscles are the biggest storage sites for glucose. Briefly, here is how reproductive hormones impact the use of glucose reserves for energy.

When the body is unable to release these stored glucose reserves to meet its energy needs, it must find an alternate fuel source for supplying energy. This alternate fuel source is fats. With this in mind, let’s explore the link between UTIs and glucose control.

Chronic UTIs After Stopping Hormonal Birth Control

When I stopped hormonal birth control cold turkey, my body no longer received the artificial hormones to encourage it to release extra insulin. I used hormonal birth control for the vast majority of 25 years, and for the last four and a half years of my own hormonal birth control journey, I took an oral contraceptive pill (OCP) continuously, every day without a break for a withdrawal bleed. This particular OCP contained 20 micrograms ethinyl estradiol (EE) plus 100 micrograms levonorgestrel (LNG).

Studies have found that a combination of ethinyl estradiol with levonorgestrel increases insulin production by about 60 to 90%, contributing to insulin resistance. So, when I stopped hormonal birth control, my cells were insulin resistant, unable to hear insulin’s call and thus unable to absorb the circulating levels of glucose in my bloodstream, and in turn, to use that glucose for energy.

On top of that insulin resistance, since my liver was also receiving the signal from the artificial estrogen, ethinyl estradiol, to decrease gluconeogenesis (creation of glucose from stored reserves), this created a further deficit in the supply of glucose as the long-term downregulation of gluconeogenesis was not automatically restored when I stopped taking synthetic hormones. The insulin resistance coupled with the impaired ability to generate glucose from reserves forced my body to switch to burning fatty acids for fuel, placing it in a ketogenic state.

UTI Symptoms, Negative Standard Urine Cultures, and Keto

Fueling the body with fatty acids rather than glucose results in breakdown products of ketone bodies. Under normal conditions, an insulin sensitive state, the body is capable of repurposing those ketone bodies through various energy production and energy storage processes. However, with insulin resistance, one is unable to use glucose as an energy source, and those excess ketones are expressed in the urine. They may even build up to levels that create a state of ketosis.

The presence of ketones in the bloodstream lowers the production of both urea and ammonia, both anti-microbial compounds made within your kidneys. This then results in lower concentrations of both urea and ammonia in your bladder making you more susceptible to UTIs (here, here, here, here, here, and here). The ketones themselves, acetoacetate and 3-betahydroxybutyrate, create similar symptoms to a UTI including:

  • Cloudy urine
  • Urinary urgency
  • Burning when you pee

In the keto community, there is even a term for this… “keto crotch”. So, not only does a ketogenic state make someone more likely to develop a UTI because those ketones disrupt the balance of urea and ammonia in the urine, both of which provide antimicrobial resistance, those ketones also create symptoms that mimic UTIs. This makes it even more likely for a standard urine culture (SUC) to return a negative result even with active symptoms.

Side note, when my own standard urine cultures began coming back negative and I was still suffering with extreme UTI symptoms, I fell down a rabbit hole of chasing the infection and sought out healthcare practitioners that used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing to find infections that evaded detection by SUC. This resulted in about 6 months of lost time, and 4 additional rounds of antibiotics. It was not until later that I uncovered the root cause of the condition, dysregulated use of glucose caused by long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.

Increasing Insulin Sensitivity

It was December 2022, and for the first time since I started tracking my cycles, I had a cycle consistent with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). This turned out to be the turning point in my battle with recurrent UTIs. Upon seeing my cycle trend with PCOS, I began researching the causes of PCOS. In general, there are several potential root causes of this condition, and the one that stood out to me was insulin resistance. Suddenly, the puzzle was falling together. I now had solid evidence that supported my suspicion that my body was struggling with blood sugar control, and so I did what any good scientist would do… change lots of things at once. Here are the four things I changed immediately.

  • Akkermansia muciniphila. Akkermansia muciniphila is a specific strain of probiotic with quite a bit of scientific literature behind it supporting it as a key strain to promote healthy blood sugar control. I started taking Akkermansia muciniphila daily for 3 months to get a handle on blood sugar regulation (here and here).
  • Inositol. There is much science to unpack around the class of sugar alcohols known as inositols. Over the last 9 months, I still have not unpacked it all, but I am convinced that introducing the most commonly recommended inositol blend for women with PCOS, a 40 to 1 ratio of myo-inositol to D-chiro-inositol, helped my body recover from its insulin resistant state.
  • B vitamins. Long story short, when I was struggling so much with recurrent UTIs, I had also stopped taking a B multivitamin. Since pretty much every single B vitamin is used in glucose metabolism within your body and because hormonal birth control is known to deplete several B vitamins within your body (and because B vitamins are necessary for healthy ovulation), I diligently reincorporated a B vitamin complex into my day. Unlike Akkermansia and inositol, I still make sure to get my B vitamin complex daily.
  • Reduced sugar intake. I reduced the amount of sugar in my breakfast. Ideally, while you are training your body to be more insulin sensitive it is best to reduce sugar in every meal and snack. The most important is the first and last meal of the day. For me, my last meal of the day was already low in sugar, but breakfast had room for improvement. I still eat yogurt, granola, and fresh fruit for breakfast, but the yogurt is now plain and the granola now homemade so that I control how much sugar is in it.

These four changes profoundly impacted UTI symptoms for me within just one week. It took about 6 months to completely resolve symptoms. Still to this day, though, if I overdo it on alcohol, which suppresses gluconeogenesis, I can easily revert back to strange smelling urine the next day and ever so slight symptoms of UTI, but I haven’t had the need to be treated for a UTI or be seen for UTI like symptoms since recognizing this connection between insulin resistance and UTIs/UTI symptoms.

Long-term Support of Insulin Sensitivity and Gluconeogenesis

Since that early success, I have learned even more about supporting insulin sensitivity and gluconeogenesis, and these additional changes have supported my health beyond UTIs. Most notably, they have helped me to maintain a healthy weight and a decent appetite.

  1. Build muscle mass. Skeletal muscle is more sensitive to insulin than other cell type in your body, so by building skeletal muscle, you’re restoring insulin sensitivity within your body. Weightlifting is the single best way to build skeletal muscle the fastest.
  2. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol potently suppresses liver gluconeogenesis. For me, I wondered why symptoms (acetone-y smelling urine, cloudy urine, urinary urgency), were so much worse when I had a glass of wine. This was also perhaps the biggest reason why, when I stumbled across the connection between ketosis and UTIs, that I truly believed I was onto something. To this day, about 9 months after breaking the chronic UTI cycle, I have to watch how much I drink or risk return of mild symptoms (most notably urinary urgency and slightly cloudy urine).
  3. Green tea. I am a green tea fiend, and there is nothing like tea (green, black, or white) to help support insulin sensitivity. Whether you sip on a cup before or after a meal, abundant research shows that tea supports healthy blood glucose regulation.
  4. Herbs from your garden or your pantry. Mint, cinnamon, fenugreek, turmeric, and more support healthy blood sugar control (here and here). For me, mint especially has been a game changer in helping to boost appetite (a signal that insulin sensitivity is returning). I add a freshly picked crushed mint leaf to breakfast, and when I remember, also chew half a fresh picked mint leaf before lunch and dinner.


If you have chronic UTIs, then dysregulated blood sugar metabolism or currently being on a keto diet may be the root cause. As women, we are not told of the link between reproductive hormones and insulin sensitivity. This link is not given the attention it needs, especially when hormonal birth control is thrown into the mix.

If you have recently started hormonal birth control or recently stopped hormonal birth control and are experiencing UTI symptoms, I am willing to bet you are dealing with an underlying problem of insulin resistance. The same holds true for women experiencing UTIs and UTI-like symptoms for the first time during pregnancy, post-partum, and during the menopausal transition. If you are ready to free yourself from chronic UTIs, consider my own journey to restore insulin sensitivity and gluconeogenesis.

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A Word of Caution About UTIs

At the outset, I mentioned that urinary tract infections are often treated as trivial. Despite this misconception by the world at large, UTIs can kill when they progress into the upper urinary tract (ureters and kidneys) or when they become systemic. In fact, urinary tract infections account for nearly a quarter of sepsis cases in hospitals. Part of the reason for this is because during most surgeries, it is common to place a catheter in the urethra. This can lead to infection.

If you exhibit symptoms of an upper UTI, which include: flank pain, lower back pain, pain in the kidneys, possibly extreme pelvic pain, it is time to see a doctor or check into the emergency room. When a urinary tract infection becomes systemic and enters the bloodstream, symptoms like fever, chills, low blood pressure, or rapid heartbeat develop. In other words, when a UTI becomes anything other than an infection confined to the lower urinary tract (urethra and bladder), it is a medical emergency.

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More people than ever are reading Hormones Matter, a testament to the need for independent voices in health and medicine. We are not funded and accept limited advertising. Unlike many health sites, we don’t force you to purchase a subscription. We believe health information should be open to all. If you read Hormones Matter, like it, please help support it. Contribute now.

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Image by bzndenis from Pixabay.

Health Lessons from the Amazon


The morning after I picked up my discharge papers from the Marine Corps, I boarded a plane bound for Peru. After 4 years of being told where, when and what to do, I decided that the best plan was to have no plan. Against the advice of my direct supervisor, parents and a lot of friends, I left for 2 months with the attitude, whatever will be, will be.

On the first morning in Lima, I met Dany, a tour guide – sorta, in my hostel. In America our tour guides accompany large groups of people around cities explaining the historical significance of buildings and areas. In Peru, tour guides have licenses, but their tours can be a little less formal. I was a single woman in a foreign country where I didn’t speak the language and I accidentally hired Dany as my personal guide along the Amazon for 2 weeks (I misunderstood and thought I was joining a group already going – oops! Whatever will be, will be).

We flew from Lima into Iquitos and from Iquitos took a riverboat along the Amazon for 15 hours. Not intentionally trying to get off the beaten path, I was the only gringa on the boat. The children were as fascinated with me as I was with them. We got off in a town with some electricity and running water thanks to an abandoned missionary. After a quick lunch, Dany hired a couple to take us on a peka-peka (a hand carved canoe with a little motor on it that made the sound, “peka-peka”) further into the abyss. A few hours down a smaller river and deep into the rainforest, we stepped onto the muddy bank and walked into a village of about fifty or sixty people. There was no electricity or running water and some of the younger children had never even seen a white person before.

We stayed with the village elders and the children came over to play with my hair, draw pictures in my journal and try to communicate with the strange, tall white woman who had mysteriously shown up with Dany. I tried their various foods and discovered that the Amazonian miracle foods that are sold here aren’t even comparable to the true miracle foods in the jungle. Down there food is life and life is a miracle. During my time in the rainforest, I learned that virtually everything that we can cure with a magic pill in America can be treated with a root or leaf brewed into a tea or soup. On the third day, I started to develop the symptoms of a urinary tract infection and was concerned that if left untreated it could travel into my kidneys. I explained to Dany my concerns about being so far away from a doctor or hospital if the infection got worst. He explained to me that he went to school in Iquitos to learn about medicinal plants before moving to Lima to become a tour guide. Dany placed his hand on my lower back, on my stomach, felt my forehead and said my kidney’s felt warm. He made a delicious tea of roots, berries and leaves and within an hour my symptoms were alleviated. I didn’t have any further problems during the whole trip. On another morning I complained of a headache and Dany concocted a remedy for it as well. It was clear that these people didn’t need health insurance, doctors, hospitals or pharmaceuticals. They simply weren’t plagued with incurable diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, or autism.

Fortunately, I have always had great health and have never had to take a long-term prescription. I drink plenty of water, get plenty of sunshine, and hardly ever take OTC medications. However, now I wonder if I will ever be quick to reach for a bottle or prescription in the future. According to the CDC approximately half of Americans are on at least one prescription and many on multiple. Furthermore, CNN reports that: “Today, the United States consumes most of the world’s supply of opioid painkillers. By 2010, enough opioid painkillers were prescribed to medicate every American adult around-the-clock for a month. And every year, nearly 15,000 people die from overdoses involving these drugs… more than from heroin and cocaine combined.” And it’s not just the pharmaceutical companies that spent nearly 60  BILLION DOLLARS in 2004 on advertising, twice as much as they spent on research and development; last year the outgoing chairman of Aetna, the third largest health insurance company in the US, got a 68.7 MILLION DOLLAR farewell package. Is there a place for conventional medicine in my life? Yes, but only as a secondary resource or when it’s obviously necessary (I recently cut my hand open on glass and had to get stitches – in the jungle they probably would have wrapped it up in a leaf and I would have survived all the same). I go to doctors appointments prepared to fight the “take a pill, numb the symptom” approach to my health. Thanks to ProPublica, there is now a database which lists doctors that are on big pharma’s payroll. This database is not all-inclusive yet, but is growing and now list 761.3 million dollars of disclosed payments to doctors from 12 different pharmaceutical companies.

The lesson I learned in the Amazon wasn’t “down with pharmaceutical companies and western medicine,” although I do question our societies pill popping problem. The lesson was that health starts with our diet and lifestyle. We can’t all move to the Amazon or harvest and market their indigenous plants for our benefits, but we can learn from their way of life. The families that I briefly lived with woke up with a clear purpose each day – to survive. Their day was spent repairing their huts, farming, hunting, and caring for one another. They laughed, unfortunately a lot of it was at the silly gringa. They were out in the sun, drank water instead of soda, lived without cell phones, wireless Internet and computers everywhere they went. I don’t know if they live longer than we do, but I know they lived healthier lives without new diseases that can now be cured with a pill. The first thing I did when I came home was get rid of my smartphone and make it a daily habit to disconnect from the virtual world at least once a day. I also eat more whole foods, ask my doctor to find and fix the problem not the symptom, and I laugh, a lot, everyday.

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Hormones Matter needs funding now. Our research funding was cut recently and because of our commitment to independent health research and journalism, unbiased by commercial interests, we allow minimal advertising on the site. That means all funding must come from you, our readers. Don’t let Hormones Matter die.

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Photo Credit – Lisbeth Prifogle, 2009

This article was published originally in October 2014.