weight loss

Glyphosate Induced Obesity?


Are you struggling with your weight? Are you eating well and exercising but still not losing weight? Well then, it might be time to consider what’s on or in what you are eating or what you are eating eats. Sound complicated? It’s not. An emerging body of evidence shows a strong link between eating foods sprayed with commercial herbicides and eating meats raised on commercial feedlots (that are born and bred on a cocktail of chemicals) and obesity.

After years of eating highly processed and chemically laden fruits, vegetables and meats, the bacteria in our guts shift radically towards a species that emit what are called endotoxins. These endotoxin releasing bacteria induce inflammation, which then shifts a series biochemical pathways that favor fat storage as a protective and compensatory reaction to the steady state of chemicals coming from our diet and the lack of nutrients contained within these foods. Indeed, what we now call autoimmune reactions, the continued elevation in inflammation and antibodies, may be a result of the food we eat (and the other pharmacological and environmental chemical exposures). It turns out, that the constant state of inflammation many of us find ourselves in is the body’s way of trying to clear those toxins.

With obesity in particular, there have been several interesting studies published over the last couple years providing clear links between chemical exposures and fat storage. Whether the body stores fat or uses fat depends upon the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut and that balance is predicated heavily upon nutrient availability and toxic exposures. High calorie, low nutrient, chemically dosed foods, shift bacterial communities that increase fat storage and inflammation. Not only that, but since gut bacteria metabolize dietary vitamins and even synthesize vitamins from scratch on their own, the high fat, low nutrient, chemically laden diet downregulates the vitamin producing bacteria, in favor of the more pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. This further depletes nutrient stores while enhancing inflammation. The cycle becomes very difficult to end, as anyone struggling to lose weight knows all too well. There is hope, however. New research from disparate sources demonstrates how reducing the toxic load and increasing nutrient availability can re-calibrate fat usage and storage parameters.

Gut Bacteria and Obesity

Just a few years ago, researchers from Shanghai, China identified one of the gut bacterial over growths associated with obesity and published their results in a paper entitled: An opportunistic pathogen isolated from the gut of an obese human causes obesity in germfree mice. Called enterobacter clocae, the endotoxin producing bacteria was found overpopulated in the gut of a severely obese patient who was also insulin resistant, hypertensive and suffered from the array of obesity related health issues. The enterobacter clocae pathogens made up 35% of the total bacterial content in this patient’s gut; a huge bacterial load. Knowing that enterobacter emitted endotoxins and that endotoxins were associated with inflammation and insulin dysregulation, the researchers speculated that a reduction in the enterobacter population would correspond with a reduction in weight and the other health issues. They were correct. With a special diet and traditional Chinese herbs, weight loss and health parameters changed along with the reduction in toxic load. After 9 weeks, enterobacter represented only 1.7% of the total gut bacteria and at 23 weeks, .32%. The total weight loss during that period was 50kg or 110lbs.

Could something as simple as reducing the opportunistic enterobacter via diet be the solution to obesity? To answer this question, the researchers went back to lab and designed an experiment to test the hypothesis, only they did it in the reverse. They asked if enterobacter was a causative factor in obesity, could they induce obesity in mice bred specifically to resist excessive weight gain simply by increasing the bacterial load?

From the fecal matter of the obese patient, the researchers isolated the particular strain of enterobacter clocae called B29. They took the B29 and inoculated four groups of seven, germ-free mice; B29 inoculated plus normal diet or high fat diet and non-inoculated normal or high fat diet. Germ-free mice are a strain of mice that are microorganisms free and raised in isolates. They are resistant to obesity even when fed a high fat diet.

One mouse from each of the inoculated groups died immediately after the inoculation indicating the toxic nature of this bacteria. Remember, this strain of bacteria represented 35% of the original patient’s gut bacteria, likely acquired gradually over the course of lifetime. During the first week, all of the inoculated mice lost weight, again indicating the mounting immune response. Anorexia, is often a sign of illness as the body reallocates resources towards fighting an infection.

Subsequently, and after the immediate anorexic responses, both groups of inoculated mice gained excessive weight, whereas the non-inoculated mice did not. The inoculated plus high fat diet group not only gained significantly more weight but expressed higher levels of enterobacter inflammatory markers and insulin resistance showing an interaction between diet and bacterial growth. The researchers speculate that the high fat diet facilitates the transfer of this bacteria to the bloodstream and increases the systemic inflammatory reaction. The inflammation then shifts the body towards fat storage via a range biochemical cascades meant to fight the infection but that also induces other reactions along the way; reactions we consider hallmarks of metabolic disease including high cholesterol, insulin resistance, liver damage, decreased adiponectin (satiety hormone – low adiponection means one is always hungry) and even increased amyloid A proteins associated with Alzheimer’s. This study, albeit small and in need of replication, shows us that when the balance of good to bad bacteria shifts, obesity is induced. It doesn’t tell us, however, how environmental chemicals in and on food impact this bacterial shift. For that we have to go to a couple other reports.

Nutritional Perils of the Western Diet

The Western diet has become a synonymous with highly processed foods that barely resemble actual food in nutrient and DNA composition. Indeed, in our efforts to produce the largest and prettiest produce, we’ve cultivated out 95% of the genetic variation from food crops; reducing to almost nothing the ~200,000 plant metabolites that provide nutrition. To make matters worse, we have substituted nutritionally rich and diverse crops with ones that originate from plant seeds engineered with bacterial RNA and DNA and are laced with glyphosate, adjuvants and other chemicals. In addition, all commercial meat production relies heavily on genetically modified, glyphosate-doused feed to grow the cattle, combined with prophylactic antibiotics, growth hormones and a cocktail of other chemicals that compensate for the deplorable conditions under which Western foods are produced. The genetically modified, chemically laden food stuffs are then sold to the consumer as fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy or processed even further into other food-like products. From beginning to end of the food chain are exposures to chemicals and foreign bacterial DNA that our bodies cannot accommodate and that provide only limited nutrients.

So, in addition to the direct exposure to chemical toxicants, conventionally grown Western foodstuffs also impair health by reducing vital nutrient content required for even the most basic cell functioning. By disrupting the balance between good gut bacteria and bad or pathogenic bacteria conventionally grown further disrupts nutrient availability while increasing inflammation and the cascade of ill-health is set in motion.

Metabolic Starvation in the Face of Obesity

As we’ve covered previously, every cell in the body requires energy to exist and function. That energy comes in the form of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate or (ATP). The production of ATP requires nutrients as co-factors and for enzyme functioning. Many of these nutrients come from diet and others are produced de novo or from scratch by the bacteria in our gut. Glyphosate grown foods attack both. Glyphosate reduces the nutrient availability of foodstuffs, even in the less processed, presumed healthy fruits and vegetables, while simultaneously killing the good bacteria in our guts. Glyphosate is a potent bactericide that in a perverse twist of design preferentially targets the beneficial bacteria while leaving untouched the opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, like enterobacter clocae. So while eating a healthy diet might lead to weight loss and improved health outcomes under normal circumstances, when that diet consists of conventionally grown foods, with genetically engineered seeds capable of withstanding the toxic insults of glyphosate and its adjuvants, neither the diet nor the disrupted intestinal flora can produce the nutrients required to enable healthy cellular metabolism. The GM-glyphosate combo induces a state of metabolic starvation and through a number of survival pathways and shifts towards fat storage rather than fat loss as a secondary source of energy.

Critical to this entire equation is the fact that the bactericidal properties of glyphosate disrupt normal gut microflora.  Glyphosate directly shifts the balance of power away from the healthy, vitamin and mineral factories that feed the body’s enzymes and mitochondria, towards more pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to glyphosate and may even feed on it, further evoking metabolic starvation. As the bacterial balance continues to shift, disease appears and inflammation ensues. Those diseases are then treated pharmacologically with drugs that also disrupt gut bacteria, deplete nutrient stores and damage mitochondria. The cascade of ill-health becomes more and more difficult to end using traditional approaches. Moreover, where and how disease appears is as much based upon individual predispositions as it is on nutrition and other exposures, making the complexity of modern illness something modern medicine is not accustomed too. In other words, these diseases do not fit neatly into the one disease, one medication model, and thus, very rarely respond favorably to treatment.

To Lose Weight, Feed the Body What it Needs: Nutrients.

Despite the complexity of the interactions that come together and create the chronic health issues we face today, there is one variable that can be controlled that will mitigate obesity and ill-health directly: eating, or more specifically, what is eaten. The simple act of cleaning up one’s diet, of moving away from processed foods and away from conventionally grown foods towards organics, can have a tremendous effect on reducing the body’s toxic load and subsequent inflammation, weight gain, and disease. Similarly, replacing needed micronutrients so that bacterial and mitochondrial functioning can come back online and switch from fat storage to fat/energy burning will be critical. This will take time, however, and the transition towards health may be slow. Obesity and ill-health did not emerge overnight and they will not disappear overnight. Finally, we have to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all, silver bullet, diet vitamin or diet pill. Each of us adapts to chemical exposures and the lack of nutrition individually and uniquely. So each of us requires a different cocktail of nutrients to move forward. Which nutrients and at what doses should be determined individually and may involve some degree of trial and error. As the Western diet is devoid of critical vitamins, minerals and amino acids, it is likely many individuals are suffering from broad based deficiencies. It is also likely, that restoring what has been absent chronically will go a long way towards health and healing, regardless of one’s particular health issues. So if you are struggling with obesity and other health issues, feed your body what it needs to function – nutrients.

We Need Your Help

More people than ever are reading Hormones Matter, a testament to the need for independent voices in health and medicine. We are not funded and accept limited advertising. Unlike many health sites, we don’t force you to purchase a subscription. We believe health information should be open to all. If you read Hormones Matter, like it, please help support it. Contribute now.

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Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash.

This post was published originally on Hormones Matter on July 28, 2014. 


Weight Loss Versus Healthy Living


If you’ve ever glanced at yourself in a reflection and thought, “I can stand to lose a few pounds,” you are in the company of many people around the world who spend a substantial amount of time and effort to shed the fat. Also, you may share the disappointment of those who lost, but did not maintain the desired weight loss.

In 2014, I faced such a dilemma that resulted in several diagnoses attributed to weight- related chronic metabolic dysfunction. Obesity and metabolic conditions have become so commonplace that rationalizations and public acceptance of taking maintenance prescriptions have become rites of passage in adulthood. Conventional doctors with less than 10 minutes of face-to-face time, offer cryptic instructions to drop the weight and then prescribe the medications advertised on television during the big game or the latest TV drama. Many of us do not question our primary physician’s wisdom and accept the prescription(s) without an exit strategy to correct the decline of health.  As a result, we remain attached to a synthetic substance that exchanges the suppression of one symptom with the initiation of a new one.  How do we begin to right this slippery slope of inevitability?

Is Weight Loss the Solution?

The great minds of health and fitness have spoken!  The cure for weight related diseases is calorie restriction coupled with calorie expenditure – weight loss.  The weight loss industry is a $60-billion-dollar cash cow. Prior to the 1950s, there weren’t any health clubs to be found. In modern day American cities, you cannot drive 10 miles in any direction without running into a health club franchise. Weight loss programs are well represented on television commercials and fat loss over-the-counter supplementation remedies can be found in any drug store chain across the country. Despite the weight-loss landscape of proposed opportunities of success, more than two – thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are considered to be overweight or obese. The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the US was $147 billion in 2008. Somehow, the cure doesn’t appear to lessen the trend of obesity and the growing numbers of weight related chronic conditions.

Weight Loss Equals Energy Reduction + Energy Expenditure, Or Does It?

The concept of weight loss by conventional wisdom is essentially, Eat Less and Exercise More. As a middle aged overweight American, I spent many days feeling quite hungry while eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) that included the occasional drive thru run for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. In my daily life, there wasn’t much movement outside of walking from my home to my vehicle to go to work and vice versa. Perhaps, these experts had a point. The problems that can materialize from this approach is the driving purpose of losing weight by all means necessary with a limited understanding of long term health and sustainability. There is also a perception from the layman standpoint that weight loss automatically equates to good health. Most weight loss programs call for reducing a person’s daily caloric intake from 3,000 – 4,000 calories daily to 1,200 – 1,500 calories along with an increase in daily activity.  If it were only that easy, we’d all be thin and healthy.

Very few people find weight loss success with this method and often end up gaining the original weight back and more (keeping the weight loss industry happy). Why would this happen? Adipose tissue (visceral fat) is an endocrine organ that excretes hormones (leptin) to regulate satiety. It also slows metabolism and increases inflammation in the body in order to create homeostasis by extending hunger to gain the fat back to its previous state.

When insulin is high, brown fat begins to mimic white (visceral) fat to halt the thermogenic response of using energy (food) and begin fat storage. Was this approach supposed to be permanent? Did this approach correct the opiate receptors and dopamine response to the sugar and reset taste receptors that are hardwired from natural selection to be predisposed to quick energy in the form of sweets? Does the dietary intake sustain the weight loss if activity wanes because of injury or illness? Were the nutrient deficiencies on the SAD Diet corrected or did the new dietary intake create new deficiencies? Was the hit to hormone production previously corrected and can hunger and satiety be trusted now? Lastly, was this dietary/exercise solution adopted as a lifestyle change or a plug-in to an imbalanced way of living? Typically the answer to these questions is no, and that is why this approach fails. We cannot diet our way out of a lifetime of bad habits – habits that have negatively altered our chemistry. We have to correct the chemistry.

But Wait, Can’t I Just Detox?

The new trendy “ace in the hole” to sustain such an unsustainable “fix it” dietary change is called DETOX.  Fall off the wagon as many times as you like, just plug in a device designed to flush the gut with nutrients to circumvent the pizza binge or sugar attack as a result of derailing.  Detox programs can tend to be vegetable or fruit based or both to reset/replenish the body with all the essentials to get one back on track. Interestingly enough, one has to consider that the dietary change and the detox individually are presented as high in nutrition but cannot be sustained long term individually or collectively to reach and maintain the desired weight. The rub is that the health, fitness and diet industry do not own these failures to meet and exceed customer benchmarks. The fallout and blame is often times put on the “will power” of the individual.

Weight Loss and Management are More than Calories In, Calories Out

Looking into the concept of weight management, the term in of itself provides a connotation of an ongoing process. Weight management incorporates an integrative approach that does not begin and end with what you put into your mouth or the intensity in which you move. There are vital aspects of life that directly and indirectly affect weight such as:

  • sleep quality
  • adherence to circadian rhythms
  • stress/anxiety management (reduction of sympathetic system responses to only acute life or death situations)
  • emotion management
  • physical activity (all throughout the day and not only with a designated workout period)
  • prioritization of personal and professional time
  • spiritual connectivity /connectivity with the world around you
  • financial designations (putting financial matters into perspective with proper balance)
  • personal development (neuroplasticity – creating new neuro pathways built for new knowledge, experience and challenges keeps the brain vibrant and young)
  • nutritional balance (nourishment of the microbiome alleviating gut flora dysbiosis, cultivating cellular health, optimally functioning mitochondria for ATP production/recycling, adherence to common nutrient deficiencies and overall wellness

Ultimately, the long-term solution is a culture/lifestyle change. What does that mean and how does that differ from the current offerings? When times are tough and difficulties in life occur, resorting to the behavior that contributes to poor health is not advantageous. Those who live within a given culture or lifestyle do not simply follow principles or rules, they actually embody the culture and the lifestyle –which is their identity. When times are difficult, there isn’t any other way to live or to revert. Weight management provides the framework to give your life back and offer a long, active life with weight loss as a consequence of clean living. In that regard, clean living and total health should be both the beginning and endpoints of healthy living. Live healthy and embrace body composition over an arbitrary number on a scale.

We Need Your Help

Hormones Matter needs funding now. Our research funding was cut recently and because of our commitment to independent health research and journalism unbiased by commercial interests we allow minimal advertising on the site. That means all funding must come from you, our readers. Don’t let Hormones Matter die.

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This article was published originally in April 2017. 

Breathe. Just Breathe.


It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Or is it? Not to Bah Humbug in your peppermint mocha but the holidays can be really hard. While music and parties and family can be fun, they can just as often be stressful. The holiday season can trigger all kinds of feelings besides joy- loss, grief, sadness, nostalgia, and longing. You could counter all this stress and emotional weariness with meditation, but it may be hard to get Zen if you’re sleeping on a couch in a house full of relatives. Just like it may be a challenge to practice gratitude as you are struggling to figure out how to afford all the gifts you need to buy. Of course, you could use your yoga practice to destress but good luck finding the time and space to “become one with your body” as you are sitting in an airport or driving down the interstate.

So what can you do? How can you destress when you’re not sleeping in your own bed or fighting holiday traffic? What can you do when your well-meaning relatives ask you about your relationship status or when you’re going to have a baby? The one thing that you can do any time, any place… the one thing you MUST do, is BREATHE.

As for my credentials, I may know a thing or two about stress. Not because I had a stroke or because I’ve dealt with infertility or any of the other myriad of health issues I’ve experienced. I know about stress because when I’m not writing, I teach public speaking to college students. I can see the stress on their lovely, little, unlined faces every day. Particularly on speech days.

Why Breathe?

Yes, obviously so you don’t die. But what are the specific benefits of paying attention to the breath? This is the place where I usually bombard you with research like:

Don’t just take my word for it, even The New York Times endorses breathing.

How to Breathe

Of course, you inhale and you exhale but there’s a little more to it when you practice conscious breathing.

Belly Breathing

If you have ever been to a yoga class, you’ve probably been asked to breathe down into your belly. Why? What does that even mean? Most of the time when we’re breathing unconsciously, we’re taking shallow breaths causing only the top of our chests to rise and fall. This doesn’t circulate much oxygen in our body. In order to practice belly breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing, begin to take deeper breaths, pulling the air down to the body and expanding the belly on the inhale, contracting it on the exhale. Though it’s referred to as belly breathing, the ultimate goal is to have you inhale into the entire chest cavity, expanding on all sides, and into the belly. This type of breathing massages the organs, strengthens the diaphragm, and allows more oxygen to circulate in your bloodstream. For my students, this type of breathing helps them not pass out when giving their speeches. For you, it can help you not chuck a glass of wassail at your loved one’s head when they begin to talk about politics.

Extended Exhale Breathing

One of my favorite breathing techniques is the extended exhale. When you exhale for longer than you inhale, you’re automatically calming the nervous system. This type of breathing is exactly what it sounds like: inhaling to the count of 3 or 4 then exhaling to the count of 5 or 6. You can also progressively lengthen both the inhale and the exhale, but focus on keeping the exhale longer, breathing out fully each time. While any time you’re concentrating on your breath, you are in the present moment, extended exhale breathing has the added benefit of counting. Do you know what you can’t do when you’re busy counting your inhales and exhales? For my students, it’s worry about your speech. For you, it’s worry about <insert the most stressful thing in your life here>. It’s nearly impossible to let your mind wander and become mired in anxiety when you have to count your breath. It’s also impossible to swear at the minivan that cut you off in holiday traffic when you are practicing extended exhale breathing.

Senobi Breathing

Senobi breathing is a technique involving stretching and breathing that has been shown to lessen depression and help with weight loss.

 “After 1 min of the ‘Senobi breathing, substantial up-regulation of sympathetic nerve activity and increased urinary hormone secretion were observed in the overweight women but not in the healthy controls. Moreover, after repeating the exercise for a month, the obese patients showed significant loss of body fat. The ‘Senobi’ breathing exercise was found to be effective for weight loss.”

You can learn the technique here. So go ahead and have that second plate of holiday cookies. Then breathe and stretch your way into a new body for the new year.

Nadi Shodhana

Trying to do everything at once this holiday season—baking and shopping and wrapping? Try nadi shodhana or alternate nostril breathing. This technique is great for when you need to focus or find balance from too much multi-tasking. To practice alternate nostril breathing, you close your right nostril with your thumb or finger and inhale through the left nostril. Then you close your left nostril and exhale through the right. Keep the left nostril closed while you inhale back into the right nostril. Then close the right and exhale through the left. Keep the right nostril closed and inhale back into the left nostril. Then switch. Continue this pattern until you feel more centered. Find more detailed instructions here or you can watch a video explaining it here.


Finally, if all of this sounds like something you’d roll your eyes at (though if it is you probably wouldn’t have read this far), know that you the sigh you just heaved at this article counts as breathing deeply. A 2010 study published in Physiology & Behavior found that “Spontaneous sighing is related to subjective relief of negative emotional states.”

According to researchers from Stanford and UCLA, “Heaving an unconscious sigh is a life-sustaining reflex that helps preserve lung function.” Which means the exasperation the holidays bring can help keep you healthy as long as you breathe. Just breathe.

We Need Your Help

More people than ever are reading Hormones Matter, a testament to the need for independent voices in health and medicine. We are not funded and accept limited advertising. Unlike many health sites, we don’t force you to purchase a subscription. We believe health information should be open to all. If you read Hormones Matter, like it, please help support it. Contribute now.

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Image by karmasprenger from Pixabay.

Get bikini ready fast! Lose weight now! Specially formulated for women!


Got your attention, eh?

Summer is nipping at our heels, which brings shudders to many women. No longer can we hide under big sweaters and coats. It’s time to peel off our winter camouflage and get bikini ready! At least this is what we’re led to believe as we’re bombarded by media ads and commercials.

In 2012, Americans spent $20 billion in their weight loss quest, including diet books, diet drugs and weight loss surgeries. At any given time there are approximately 108 million dieters in the U.S., typically making four to five attempts each year. Eighty-five percent are women, so it’s no wonder the weight loss industry has created a niche targeted to women. Typical diet pill concoctions consist of thermogenic fat burners and appetite suppressants. The Bermuda triangle for me is HOW these products have been tailored to specifically work for women. SLIMQUICK® and Pro Clinical HydroxyCut™ Max are two “made for women” products that are easily recognizable on retail shelves, ready to be snatched up by eager consumers.

Key Differences

Men and women are different. We know this. Our physiological differences are apparent. At the root of these key differences are our hormones, dictated by the various glands of our endocrine system. There are more than 20 major hormones that course through our bloodstream to influence almost every cell, organ and function of our bodies. Males and females differ by the types and levels of hormones that run through our respective masculine and feminine veins. By diet pill manufacturers targeting women, we would assume that these magic pills work in conjunction with our cycling hormones.

The Bermuda Triangle of Weight Loss

“The active ingredients in the SLIMQUICK formula are backed by real clinical research that shows that they work to burn fat, reduce appetite and increase energy! In a clinical study, overweight women using a key ingredient in SLIMQUICK along with a 1,350-calorie diet lost an average of three times the weight compared to those who just followed the 1,350-calorie diet! That means you could get three times the weight results by using SLIMQUICK!” is SLIMQUICK’s FAQ explanation to the question “How does SLIMQUICK work?”

The website repeats usage of the term “key ingredients,” yet provides no details of what these key ingredients are. All this may satisfy the consumer hopeful for a quick fix, but for me it explains nothing and only irritates me. I went further to buy a bottle with the hopes of finding a sound scientific explanation within the packaging, but to no avail. There’s a nice mini glossy color package insert that includes a diet plan, but still lacks clinical explanation to their trademark tagline, “Designed for Women™.” A deeper dive on their webpage, Designed for Women, provides yet another ambiguous explanation of how women are genetically programmed to carry extra fat. Compared to men, we have more enzymes for fat storage and less for fat burning. There are six physiological barriers that hinder women with weight loss, but guess what? SLIMQUICK helps overcome these barriers. HOW is still the million dollar question, or should I say in the weight loss industry, the billion dollar question.

From what I can tell, caffeine seems to be the only identifiable key ingredient in SLIMQUICK. Let’s do a simple breakdown. What does caffeine do? It gives us a temporary energy boost and dehydrates us. Caffeine gives us energy to move more and we lose water. Water loss results in weight loss, but that loss is only temporary. SLIMQUICK states that each full serving (3 caplets) contains the caffeine equivalent to approximately two 8-ounce cups of regular brewed coffee. So why not just drink coffee?

Pro Clinical HydroxyCut Max does somewhat of a better explanation, if only by comparison to SLIMQUICK. The genesis of the product came about to meet the weight loss needs of competitive female fitness athletes and figure models; you know, the ones we see in health and fitness magazines in their perfectly toned bikini bodies. The website states the product, “contains an ingredient that delivers fast-acting energizing effects.

Max! Hydroxagen® contains proprietary ingredient blends that complete the formula.” Oh hey, proprietary ingredient blends sounds legit! Are you getting excited? Keep reading. “The Max! ProDefine™ Blend is composed of clinically proven key ingredients that can help you achieve powerful weight loss results.” Wow, clinically proven so it must work! Furthermore, each pill “contains an ingredient (caffeine anhydrous [1,3,7-trimethylxanthine]) that supports increased energy.” Claims include data analysis of the results from two clinical studies on the key ingredients (lady’s mantle extract, wild olive extract, komijn extract, and wild mint extract) shows statistical significance for test subjects having lost 7 times more weight versus placebo subjects. Are you ready to buy now? Not so fast. As always pay attention to the fine print. Footnotes state average weight loss and body mass index (BMI) reduction with key ingredients were achieved and that all groups followed a calorie-reduced diet. Repeat the last part of that last sentence. All groups followed a calorie-reduced diet. There is your scientifically proven formula. Weight loss happens when calorie burn is more than calorie intake.

Reality Check

One ugly truth about an industry that caters to aesthetics is they actually want you to fail. They want to hook you in for a temporary fix, with the hopes of keeping you hooked. Circle back to the 2012 statistics of approximately 108 million dieters in the U.S., typically making four to five attempts annually to lose weight. Each repeated attempt is the fail ratio the weight loss industry counts on to stay successful.

Why am I so passionate about the topic? I was the kid who could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight. A can of corn with a stick of butter (yes, a whole stick of butter) melted in the microwave was a snack for me. Then one day as an impressionable teen, I was weighed with my dance team. Weight scales were a non-factor for me until then. The scale hit 109 lbs. Somehow my brain blitzed and I didn’t want to be a 3-digit weight girl. I wanted to be only 2-digits! Never mind the fact I stand 5’3” and 109 lbs was a reasonable weight. I needed to be 2-digits, so I put myself on this blind asinine “diet” based on Slim-Fast commercials. I had two shakes a day, yet still ate Burger King Whoppers. In my young utterly clueless mind, I thought this diet shake was the magic bullet to weight loss. Why? Because I believed the commercials. Two shakes for breakfast and lunch, with a sensible dinner. Did I lose weight? Yes. The weight loss also triggered an unhealthy need to keep losing weight for the magic goal of 90 lbs.

Through age and life experiences, we become smarter human beings. We are logical. We know and understand facts, but as humans we are also driven by emotions; lured into quick fix pills and the weight loss industry preys on that. Revenue is based on moving product. SLIMQUICK claims to be the #1 leading weight loss brand for women since 2005. I give them credit for their business savvy. They certainly move a lot of product for not explaining a whole lot. They even offer a free trial if you pay $4.95 only shipping and handling. Hook, line and sinker.

At the end of this article, I still have no idea what is it about the diet pills that make them work for only women, and frankly I don’t care to find out because ultimately they’re not good for our health. Thankfully after cycling through various diet kicks, I have landed on a healthy lifestyle. I stay active and eat well. No food is off limits. If you want it, enjoy it in moderation. Deprivation leads to obsession. Just say no to magic beans that will lead you to no place better than Jack and his beanstalk. We all fluctuate from time to time in our health. When it comes time to “get healthier,” do what you already know.