
Reframing Maternal Health: How Do We Know What We Think We Know?


I had the great pleasure of speaking to the Washington Alliance for Responsible Midwifery (WARM) recently about re-framing the concepts around maternal health and understanding the biases in medical research. One of the great questions that has been occupying my time lately is understanding how the frameworks for understanding medical concepts emerge. Shorthand: how do we know what we think we know? Below is an annotated and somewhat edited (for publication) version of the talk I gave. Enjoy.

What is Health?

When we think about health and illness, we all think we know what they are. We can see, touch, and measure health and illness in some very discrete and obvious ways. For example, in Western culture thin is good, fat is not good. If one is skinny, one must be healthy whereas if one overweight, one must be unhealthy.

Weight is a key parameter by which we all shorthand our assessment of health and illness. Indeed, weight, along with other visible qualities, like pallor and disposition, and some less immediately visible but easily measurable qualities like blood pressure, glucose, and other standard labs are key indicators that define health versus illness.

More often than not, however, our definitions of health and disease have been guided by external forces and systems of thought that are inherently biased, even though they claim the objectivity of science and evidence. These biases not only impact our views on health and illness, but in many ways, define what questions are acceptable to ask about health and disease.

Perinatal Mental Illness: An Entrenched Framework for Maternal Health and Illness

In my own research on perinatal mental illness, the prevailing wisdom was and still remains focused on questions that frame the discussion incorrectly. What I mean by that is the original ideas that initiated our notions of what causes postpartum mental illness – the change in progesterone and the estrogens – have become entrenched. Indeed, the ideas that the symptoms are a standard clinical depression or somehow a more serious degree of baby blues and tearfulness are well established.

When you think about pregnancy and postpartum, there are huge hormone changes, progesterone and estriol and estradiol being the most obvious, so it was reasonable to begin looking there. The problem is that, more than not, these hormones were never measured and when they were measured in association with depressive symptoms there were only weak correlations, if any correlations at all. After a while, one would think researchers would begin looking elsewhere, other hormones, other symptoms, but they didn’t. They just dug in deeper. The framework for perinatal mental health issues had already be set and to deviate was difficult at best, impossible for many.

I came to this conversation as a lowly graduate student. I thought, let’s look at other hormones and other symptoms, not just depression, and see what happens.

Lo and behold, other hormones were involved, as were other symptoms. But again, the framework was established and so the idea of expanding definitions of perinatal mental health, especially by someone who wasn’t a named researcher, was not a positive one.

The research was rejected over and over again and the politics of the maintaining the framework and only incrementally changing it were made quite clear to me, repeatedly. So much so that those controlling the dialogue were willing to dismiss where the data pointed to in order to frame the conversation as conventionally accepted – that progesterone and estrogens caused varying degrees of depression postpartum. Even though this made no sense logically; if this were the case, all women would be suffering and they were not. There was no supporting data, but it didn’t matter because as one reviewer commented about my research – ‘that is not the direction the hormone research is going’. So much for unbiased science.

This experience, added to my already disquieted disposition, led me to always dig deeper and look at the frameworks through which the research or ideas were being proposed. These are more philosophical questions, and yes, I have a degree in philosophy so I am naturally inclined towards these – but I think it is important to question how you know what you know and how others know what they know; those rules of knowledge determine, in large part, what can be known in a public sense, and will lead to tremendous insight in your practice – especially when what is accepted as standard clinical practice – doesn’t quite mesh with the patients in front of you. Dig and figure out what the framework was that developed those particular guidelines. Was it valid, was it commiserate with modern patients and current health issues or was it something that was skewed to begin with and has become increasingly more skewed – but we’re holding on to the practice anyway because it has become just the way we do things.

It’s a big topic – one where women and childbirth should play central roles but historically, we have been left out of the conversation.

Historical Frameworks for Maternal Health

To give you some context about how the frameworks impact clinical practice, let us consider the evolution of modern medicine. Historically, medicine has asserted the primacy of the physician’s ability to ‘see’ and thus, identify illness, over the subjectivity of the patient’s perspective about his or her health. So much so, that patients need not even speak unless spoken too and may only aid the physician to the extent they can answer those questions that the physician is interested in.

To say this has been a paternalistic approach is an understatement. Within this model of the physician as ‘seer’ and interpreter of signs and symptoms there is no room for the patient and his or her interpretation of the illness – especially her interpretation.

Despite its flaws, however, in many ways, this was a net positive for medical science. It allowed medicine to progress, for diseases to be systematically recorded and discussed – amongst other physicians of course – but still a critical step forward in medicine. Most importantly, this framework allowed medical science to begin developing treatments to specific diseases.

On the most basic level, one cannot manage a condition unless one can measure it, and to measure it, we have to be able to identify it and distinguish it from other diseases. And herein, lays much of problem with general women’s health and maternal health: what to measure, how to measure and what those measurements meant were largely decided by men who had no lived experience of ‘women’s health’ save perhaps, an observed experience with mothers, wives, sisters – which for all intents and purposes because of the political and cultural norms – women were separate.

So, the framework for women’s health, and most especially, maternal health was fundamentally flawed and inherently biased – from the onset. No matter that midwives had been delivering babies for generations and had built a wealth of knowledge – their influence, and power was usurped by physicians and that knowledge was summarily rejected. In its place practices and technologies that, in many cases, did not benefit women. Indeed, from the early 20th century onward, obstetrics considered childbirth a pathogenic condition requiring medical intervention.

Since within this model the patient had no role in either diagnostics or treatment consideration, but lay simply in front of the physician for him to ‘see’ and interpret the signs and symptoms of disease, the definitions of women’s health and disease and most especially maternal health – were obviously skewed. How could they not be, looking from the outside in – framing the questions from a distance?

Consider that not only were the very questions asked about women’s health defined by men, but the research subsequently, if it included women at all, was guided by the false presumptions that women were simply men with uteri.

And I should note, that women were summarily excluded from research until the late 1990s – so everything we know about medications prior to the 90s was based upon research with men, generally, young, healthy men at that.

It was believed and still held by many, that except for reproductive processes, men and women were fundamentally the same. Once we isolate those specific functions, there is no need to address women’s health any differently than men’s health. Or is there?

Is a Woman Simply a Man with a Uterus?

As women, I think we would all argue in favor of assessing women’s health differently than men’s health.

From a physiological and biochemical standpoint, male and female bodies are quite distinct, far beyond differences in reproductive capacity. In fact, these differences are exactly because of reproductive capacity and more specifically, the hormones that mediate those abilities.

If men and women are different – and of course they are – how do we know that what we know about women’s health is in fact accurate when most of women’s health research was defined by men? Do we really know anything, beyond the most basic assessments about women’s health?

I would argue that what we know or rather what we think we know, pretend to know, especially in western medicine, may not be accurate. The questions were framed incorrectly – from the perspective that women’s reproductive capacities, organs and hormones had no impact on the rest of her health. We could probably make the same argument for men, as their reproductive organs and hormones were dissociated from the rest of their health too – but because men controlled the research, defined the research, and importantly, had personal insight regarding their own physiological functioning, health knowledge is likely more accurate than what has been conveyed about women.

Shifting Frameworks Means Changing Definitions of Maternal Health

This isn’t just about differences in human physiology. If we dig into the framework by which we understand health, if we dig into the systems at play, we can see trends in how, as that power structure, as the lens, the framework for understanding health and disease shifts, so to do the definitions of health and disease and so too does the range of acceptable and unacceptable questions to ask.

If we look at recent decades with advent of HMOs and other payer contracts, along with the growth of hospitals, we see ever changing health and disease models. The model with physician as the central and all powerful seer and knower has shifted quite significantly by financial interests producing a factory like approach to healthcare.

With any factory, efficiency and cost cutting are key indicators of success. Instituting those efficiencies, however, largely removes the physician’s authority by shifting the primacy of his views towards the more efficient and less authoritative matching of symptoms to medications and billing codes. Cookbook medicine.

If symptoms reported by a patient don’t fit the ascribed to criteria, for all intents and purposes, the illness does not exist.

The physician, in many ways and recent decades, has become no more than a well-educated, technician answering not to his or her patients, but to the factory bosses – the insurers, the hospitals, and the regulators – the bean counters.

The physician is no longer central to medical science and clinical care. He/she is in many ways an administrator of care – a provider, not a healer, not even a scientists or medical researcher, save except to proffer funding from pharma or device companies.

Physicians have no power, no say in patient care, except to the extent that they can dot the i’s and cross the t’s according to billing codes. If their gut, or more importantly, if the data tell them that a particular treatment is dangerous, or conversely, is needed, but it doesn’t fall within the ascribed treatment plan, the physician has little recourse but to comply or risk losing his/her livelihood and, in more extreme cases, his/her reputation.

We see the barrage of reputation ending slanders hurled at physicians and researchers who dare to speak up and say that perhaps pesticide laden foods are not as safe as chemical companies make them out to be or that perhaps vaccines or other medications are neither as safe nor as effective as pharma and governmental institutions funded by pharma suggest. When physicians speak up, they risk their careers and reputation.

And while, you might be thinking there might be some positives to this shift, it is no longer such a paternalistic system where the physician has total power, in reality, this shift in healthcare towards efficiency still leaves women’s health high and dry and pushes the patient’s experience of his/her illness even further from the ‘knowledge base’ of western medicine.

Who Determines What We Know about Health and Disease? The Folly of Evidence Based in Women’s Health

So, back to this idea of frameworks, if neither the physician nor the patient is central to our definitions of health and disease, who is?  Who determines what we know about health and disease?

In recent decades, clinical practice guidelines have emerged from what are called evidence-based claims. Evidence-based clinical guidelines sound like a perfectly acceptable and reasonable approach to medical science. Research should be done on clinical decisions and outcomes, the data paint a picture of the safety and efficacy of a particular treatment or approach.

Evidence-based is certainly far better than consensus based – which means the ‘experts’ agree that this approach or that approach is optimum – something that has been the norm in women’s health care for generations.

Indeed, most medications were (and are still) never tested on women, pregnant or otherwise, so clinical practice guidelines that involve medication use are developed by ‘consensus’ and what many doctors like to call ‘clinical intuition’.

But since the long-term effects of these intuitive decisions are rarely seen by the clinician whose intuition guided the initial decision, and rarely shared with others, the notion of consensus based medical decision-making becomes sketchy at best, dangerous at worst; unless, you are lucky enough to have a highly skilled and thoughtful practitioner who is able to discern and act upon the best interests of his patients, even if it means going outside the parameters of what the rest of the profession says is appropriate. Most of us are not that lucky and as women we are faced with a medical science that doesn’t quite fit our experience of health and disease.

Of Weight and Health: The Obesity Paradox

If we go back to the shorthand measure of weight as a marker of health – how many of us tell ourselves if we just lose 10lbs we’ll be healthy. Every one of us, at some point or another has fallen into the weight = health trap. While it is true on extreme ends of the weight continuum that weight is related to disease, everywhere else and for everyone else, weight has little to do with ‘healthiness’.  Weight loss has been noted to reduce blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, but the relationship is not as straightforward as it seems. Being of normal weight does not necessarily equal low blood pressure or increase your longevity. Weight is not correlated positively with mortality – death by heart attack or stroke. In fact, the relationship between weight and surviving a life-threatening disease is almost always inverse – the heavier you are, the better the chance for survival. Those fat stores come in handy when we are deathly ill.

Wait, what did I just say that?  We should all go get fat and live longer – well, not really. Rather, I think we should look beyond weight as measure of health and to more appropriate measures like fitness, quality of life and the nutrient density of the diet. If you are eating well, active and feeling good, without any need for medication, then you are healthy.

Back to our evidence based approach – How can it be that the evidence behind what are gold standards of clinical practice be incorrect?

That is a big question that involves a little more background.

We all want our physicians to make healthcare decisions based upon the best available evidence and we can all think of ways that evidence is better than consensus, but each of these methods have their flaws.

Defining the Gold Standards in Clinical Care

When we look at the gold standards in clinical practice, those that align with evidence-based care, we have ask ourselves, from where did that evidence emerge, what were the variables, populations, and other factors studied and how were the outcomes determined.

How we define a good outcome versus a bad outcome determines how we design a particular study and what we results we will show.

Recall my example of the postpartum depression discussion – if we only ever measure progesterone and the estrogens (or don’t measure the hormones at all, simply assume those changes are at root of mood and psychiatric changes) and if we only measure depressive symptoms – then we have narrowed the framework such that we will only find associations or as the case may be – a lack of associations. And if there are no associations in the data – well then the disease must be made up and not real – all in the patient’s head.

The lack of questioning of one’s own biases, of the lens through which the research was designed or the parameters of what fits within that framework necessarily limits the understanding, making it easy to blame the patient. But if we step outside the framework, and listen to the patient’s experience, believe the patient experience and let it guide us, then we can break through the limitations of any particular framework and move science and healthcare forward. It sounds simple, and it is, but only if you recognize your biases and the biases of others and begin questioning, how you know what you know. And if that is not on solid ground, re-frame the questions.

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

You’ve all heard the phrase ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’   – it comes from the notion that research design, and particularly, the statistics can be swayed, intentionally or unintentionally, to prove or disprove anything. In medical science, this is especially true. Pick any medication for any disease and ask yourself how we determine whether it is effective or not?

First to mind, ‘it reduces symptoms’

Sounds reasonable – but dig deeper – which symptoms? All of the symptoms? Some of the symptoms?

And then if we dig even deeper…

Who decides which symptoms are important or even which symptoms are associated with a particular disease process? Over recent history, these decisions have been controlled by the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and hospital administrators – each with a specific bias and vested interest. The pharmaceutical companies want to sell products, the insurers and hospitals want to reduce costs and make more money. These should be counterbalancing agendas, but unfortunately they are not. The pharmaceutical companies have brilliantly controlled this conversation, defining not only the disease, but also, by controlling the research and defining the symptoms and prescribing guidelines. (I should note they also create new symptoms and disease processes to re-market old drugs to new populationsantidepressants for menopauseantidepressants for low sex drive in women, for example. The symptoms for both of these conditions are made worse by the very drugs being prescribed.)

If institutions or organizations with a vested interest are allowed to define the disease and the research by which a therapy is considered successful, how do we judge the validity of evidence-based guidelines?

Are the assumptions about the disease and the symptoms correct? Do these symptoms apply to all individuals with the disease or only those of certain age group? How about to women versus men?

Treatment Outcomes Determine Product Success or Failure

Take for example the case of statins, like Lipitor or Crestor, some of the most highly prescribed drugs on the market designed to lower cholesterol – because cholesterol was observed to be associated with heart disease in older men, particularly those who have had a heart attack previously.

Reducing cholesterol in this particular patient population might be beneficial to improved longevity (although, that has been questioned vigorously). However, does the rest of population benefit from cholesterol lowering drugs? It depends upon what outcomes are chosen in the research. If we, look at decreased mortality and morbidity as an outcome, then the answer to the question is no, statins are not good for the entire population with high cholesterol. A healthy diet and other lifestyle changes would be better.

Indeed, in women in particular, these drugs are dangerous because they increase Type 2 diabetes, increase vitamin B12 and CoQ10 deficiencies, among other nutrients (which initiates a host of devastating side effects), and most importantly, statins may increase the risk for heart attack and death in women.

So the drug promoted as one that prevents heart disease, may worsen it in women. Not really a tradeoff I would take.

This is problematic if one’s job is to maximize product sales. What do you do?

Let’s change the outcomes to the very simple, lowering of cholesterol. No need to worry about extraneous details like morbidity and mortality, keep it simple stupid.

Also, no need to compare the health of women versus men. Indeed, outcome differences between women men and women are rarely conducted, since statins decrease cholesterol in both women and men. Outcome achieved, evidence base defined, built and promoted.

A couple of points here…

He who defines the research design, controls the results. Across history, patients, especially women, have had no impact on these variables.

First it was the physicians, mostly male, and more recently, the product manufacturers have controlled the very definitions of health and disease, which in turn, determine treatments. To say evidence-based medicine is skewed is an understatement.

Now what?

While I’d argue that we have to re-frame the entire conversation about women’s health and include more voices in that conversation, voices that may not have been heard previously. I would also argue that we are never going remove biases from research and decisions about health and disease, but we can understand them and maybe even use them more effectively.

Revisiting the Foundations of Maternal Health – Enter Obstetrics

In maternal health, consider the Friedman curve and the failure to progress, though certainly not a product based bias as discussed previously, the Friedman curve, created in the 50s by a male physician at the height of hospitalized birth, where hospitals had a vested interest in understanding the progression of labor and its relationship not only to physician efforts, but time and outcome. For generations, this one study has guided OBs in their decisions to expedite labor – and as much research has found – has led the unheralded increase in cesarean delivery. Why?

One could argue that the study was flawed – it was – but most research is flawed in some way or another. I think the important thing is to understand the biases, how the question, and therefore, the answer were framed, and as importantly, who made the decisions about what was important in the framing of question?

Begin with the study population, was it skewed? Yes, it was.

For the Friedman study, more than half of the women had forceps used on them during the delivery (55%) and Pitocin was used to induce or augment labor in 13.8% of women. “Twilight sleep” was common at the time, and so 23% of the women were lightly sedated, 42% were moderately sedated, and 31% were deeply sedated (sometimes “excessively” sedated) with Demerol and scopolamine. In total 96% of the women were sedated with drugs. What might these drugs do to the progression of labor – stall it perhaps?

Digging deeper, consider the framework within which this study was conducted. Hospital births in the 1950s were predominantly drugged, sterile (or presumed sterile). Efficiency and scientific prowess were on the rise. Time was of the essence and there was very strong impetus to gauge decisions based upon the most advanced medical science – drugs, interventions – and an equally strong pull not to allow women to progress more naturally – because then science would not have intervened.

How did this one study become the guiding factor in obstetrical care? Why did we think that this particular study group was representative of the entire population of birthing women? The obvious answer was that women had no voice in this conversation or in the birth itself. It was medical science and intervention from a place of ‘all-knowingness.’

There was never any question that these results could be skewed, until recently. It was accepted, and perhaps the only reason questions have arisen, I suspect, is because of the links between the medical management of birth and the increasing rates of cesareans and maternal and infant mortality in the US over recent decades. Would this study have become so entrenched if the patients – the women – had a voice in the conversations about childbirth or the outcome was not so closely tied to hospital efficiencies? We’ll never know, but one could postulate that under different circumstances the study might have been framed differently and netted different results entirely.

Maternal Hypertension

Another, more recent example of how the framing of the question determines the conclusions of the research, involves how we view high blood pressure in pregnant women. Hypertension during pregnancy is dangerous for the mom – but what do we do? Treat it with non-tested anti-hypertensives, for which we know nothing about the potential side effects to the fetus short or long term ? Do we change diet? Do we simply monitor and hope for the best? What do we do? We don’t know. There is limited research on the topic, including on commonly used interventions.

With such limited research, I had high hopes for recent study, Less-Tight versus Tight Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy.  It was a huge and well-funded study with a wonderful opportunity to determine the risks/benefits of anti-hypertensive therapy, but by all accounts, and in my opinion, it failed because the questions it asked were framed incorrectly. (Or were they? For pharmaceutical companies, the study was success. More on that in a moment).

That is, rather assessing the safety and efficacy of anti-hypertensive medications used during pregnancy (remember safety data for medication use during pregnancy is severely lacking), this study investigated a very narrowly defined and essentially meaningless question. The study asked whether controlling maternal blood pressure strictly within a pre-defined and arbitrary range of blood pressure parameters provided better or worse maternal or fetal outcomes compared to a more flexible approach that allowed broader range of accepted blood pressure metrics.

It did not analyze maternal or infant complications relative to particular medications to determine whether some medications were safer than others. It did not look at dose-response curves relative to those medications and outcomes or sufficiently address the role of pre-existing conditions relative to medications and outcomes. All it did, was ask whether or not managing maternal blood pressure more or less tightly with medications (that were not assessed in any meaningful way) was beneficial or harmful to maternal or infant outcomes. Since both groups of women were on various medications, varying doses and had a host of pre-existing conditions, the results showed that both groups had complications. It did not tell us which medications were safer, what doses of these medications were more dangerous or anything useful for clinical care. It just told us that anti-hypertensive medications during pregnancy, reduce blood pressure (we knew that) and cause complications (we knew that too). My review of the study.

Now, because of way the study was framed and especially how the conclusion was framed – that both tight control and loose control of maternal blood pressure show equal numbers of complications – the message will, and already has, become – blood pressure medications during pregnancy are safe.

The study found no such thing. In fact, the study found nothing really, but because of how it was framed it now becomes shorthand evidence of drug safety during pregnancy. Only those who read the full study with a questioning mind will know that this is not accurate. Most of the population, including physicians, will see only the shorthand PR surrounding the study and assume drug safety.


In conclusion – I want you to go back to practices and think about how you know what you know and if something doesn’t quite mesh – dig deeper – look at the framework from within which that guideline came to be. Look at the original research and decide for yourself.

I think it is time for women, midwives to have a much stronger voice in maternal health care, but to do that, we have to speak up and speak out and not accept the ‘gold standards of care’ just because they are the gold standards. While it is true, sometimes those standards will align well with maternal healthcare, other times, I think you’ll find that because of how the questions were framed, the solutions were skewed and do not match the reality of maternal health and disease.

Thank you.

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Tony Webster tonywebster, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Originally published March 31, 2015.

Weight Gain and Hormonal Contraceptives


Once upon a time, a 26-year-old woman went to her doctor and asked to be put on the new birth control pill that allowed women to only have four periods a year. She had seen it advertised on television. Four months later, 15 pounds heavier and suffering from mild depression, she returned to the doctor feeling miserable. The doctor told her the weight gain and depression were not from the pill because those were not side effects of hormonal birth control. This left the young woman feeling like it was her fault she had gained weight. Needless to say, that didn’t help with the depression. But she switched back to her original birth control pill and lived happily (but heavily) ever after. Well, until it gave her a stroke two years later.

I’ve written a lot about my stroke and about blood clots and birth control pills, but there are many other side effects from hormonal birth control. More often than not, we are told that these side effects do not exist; that they are all in our heads. Are they? Or are we simply being ignored and lied to?

What Does The Research Show?

When researching my thesis, I was interested in finding out what women knew about the risks associated with birth control pills. I created a survey based on a published study by researchers in this field. The original study outlined which side effects were and were not associated with birth control pills. The survey used in my thesis demonstrated the following:

“When the women were asked to select which risk factors were associated with birth control pills, most women, 76.7% of the 313 who answered the question, selected blood clots. Weight gain, which is not considered a health risk or even a side effect of birth control pills, was the selection most chosen (79.9%).”

The number one answer most women chose was weight gain, yet all the research I read said that weight gain was not a side effect of birth control pills. My own doctor had told me it wasn’t a side effect when I stood before her 15 pounds heavier after switching pills. Even as I wrote my thesis, I wondered how we could all be so wrong. Well, it turns out we weren’t. The pill can cause weight gain. And they knew it could, even back in 1970. The following is testimony from the Nelson Pill Hearings.

Dr. Francis Kane (page 6453): [In a Swedish study of 344 women] Of the 138 women who stopped using the medication, weight gain and emotional disturbances were the most frequently reported, 26.1 percent and 23.9 percent.

Dr. Louis Hellman (page 6203): My private patients… come off the pill because of a host of minor reactions. The most prevalent one is weight gain. The modern American girl just does not want to gain 5 or 10 pounds if she can help it.

What About Today’s Birth Control Pills?

I took another look at what I could find out about weight gain and hormonal contraception now. According to WebMD:

“When birth control pills were first sold in the early 1960s, they had very high levels of estrogen and progestin. Estrogen in high doses can cause weight gain due to increased appetite and fluid retention. So, 50 years ago they may indeed have caused weight gain in some women. Current birth control pills have much lower amounts of hormones. So weight gain is not likely to be a problem.”

Maybe larger doses of hormones cause more weight gain. But I don’t think that means that smaller doses cause none. And what about taking that smaller dose for a decade or more?

Most current medical information dismisses weight gain completely. On the Mayo Clinic website’s FAQ page for birth control pills it says:

“Do birth control pills cause weight gain? Many women think so. But studies have shown that the effect of the birth control pill on weight is small — if it exists at all.”

That’s right, ladies. Just like your menstrual cramps, weight gain on the pill probably doesn’t exist. But wait, the Mayo Clinic says there are studies that show hormonal contraceptives don’t cause weight gain. Where are these studies?

Inconclusive? Or Incorrect?

A recent meta-analysis (2014) conducted by Cochrane (an independent group that reviews randomized controlled trials and organizes medical research information) found the following:

Available evidence was insufficient to determine the effect of combination contraceptives on weight, but no large effect was evident. Trials to evaluate the link between combination contraceptives and weight change require a placebo or non-hormonal group to control for other factors, including changes in weight over time.

You mean to tell me in the 40+ years since the Nelson Pill Hearings we haven’t been able to conduct one conclusive study to determine how hormonal contraception affects weight? Perhaps it’s time to start asking why. All those studies that provided insufficient evidence, who funded them and who might stand to lose if they were conclusive? I don’t know for sure but I do know that one of the few things women fear as much as an unintended pregnancy is weight gain. Even the staunchest feminists among us often fret over our figures.

According to Naomi Wolfe’s The Beauty Myth, “thirty-three thousand American women told researchers that they would rather lose ten to fifteen pounds than achieve any other goal.” Setting aside how disturbing that is, we can easily see how the fact that hormonal birth control can cause weight gain might adversely affect the pharmaceutical industry’s bottom line (pardon the pun).

At the Nelson Pill Hearings, there were at least a half dozen experts–doctors specifically chosen to testify before Congress–that mentioned weight gain as a side effect of the birth control pill. Including ones who admittedly worked for the pharmaceutical industry. But now, nearly five decades later, the research is inconclusive. Doctors are telling patients that hormonal contraceptives are not responsible for weight gain, yet 80% of women surveyed thought that weight gain was a side effect. Like so much surrounding the pharmaceutical industry, something doesn’t add up here. And who is paying the difference? Women. Yet again we are being told that it’s all in our heads. Have you had experience gaining weight on hormonal birth control?

Further Testimony on Weight Gain

This testimony from the Nelson Pill Hearings just scratches the surface of the side effects caused by hormonal contraceptives. I’ll be expanding more on a lot of this testimony in future articles. But perhaps Dr. Victor Wynn explained most succinctly how these side effects manifest when he testified (page 6303):

When I say these changes occur, I mean they occur in everybody, more in some than in others, but no person entirely escapes from the metabolic influence of these compounds. It is merely that some manifest the changes more obviously than others.

Dr. Robert Kistner (page 6082): I tell her about the side effects plus a weight gain edema and I may even give her a prescription for this.

Dr. John Laragh (page 6165): We do not have any firm clues. But it does look as though those who accumulate salt and water and gain weight on the oral contraceptives might be especially vulnerable [to increased hypertension].

Dr. Francis Kane (page 6449): Complaints of moodiness, being cross and tired, alterations in sexual drive, weight gain, edema, and insomnia were commonest in the group using the estrogen-progestin group.

At the hearings, Dr. Herbert Ratner (page 6737) was asked by James Duffy, minority council:

Mr. Duffy: You use the word “disease” here. Disease to me seems to be a pretty strong word and I am just curious why you would consider weight change to be a disease?

Dr. Ratner: You realize that obesity is one of our major problems in this country.

Real Risk Study: Birth Control and Blood Clots

Lucine Health Sciences and Hormones Matter are conducting research to investigate the relationship between hormonal birth control and blood clots. If you or a loved one have suffered from a blood clot while using hormonal birth control, please consider participating. We are also looking for participants who have been using hormonal birth control for at least one year and have NOT had a blood clot, as well as women who have NEVER used hormonal birth control. For more information or to participate, click here.

Get bikini ready fast! Lose weight now! Specially formulated for women!


Got your attention, eh?

Summer is nipping at our heels, which brings shudders to many women. No longer can we hide under big sweaters and coats. It’s time to peel off our winter camouflage and get bikini ready! At least this is what we’re led to believe as we’re bombarded by media ads and commercials.

In 2012, Americans spent $20 billion in their weight loss quest, including diet books, diet drugs and weight loss surgeries. At any given time there are approximately 108 million dieters in the U.S., typically making four to five attempts each year. Eighty-five percent are women, so it’s no wonder the weight loss industry has created a niche targeted to women. Typical diet pill concoctions consist of thermogenic fat burners and appetite suppressants. The Bermuda triangle for me is HOW these products have been tailored to specifically work for women. SLIMQUICK® and Pro Clinical HydroxyCut™ Max are two “made for women” products that are easily recognizable on retail shelves, ready to be snatched up by eager consumers.

Key Differences

Men and women are different. We know this. Our physiological differences are apparent. At the root of these key differences are our hormones, dictated by the various glands of our endocrine system. There are more than 20 major hormones that course through our bloodstream to influence almost every cell, organ and function of our bodies. Males and females differ by the types and levels of hormones that run through our respective masculine and feminine veins. By diet pill manufacturers targeting women, we would assume that these magic pills work in conjunction with our cycling hormones.

The Bermuda Triangle of Weight Loss

“The active ingredients in the SLIMQUICK formula are backed by real clinical research that shows that they work to burn fat, reduce appetite and increase energy! In a clinical study, overweight women using a key ingredient in SLIMQUICK along with a 1,350-calorie diet lost an average of three times the weight compared to those who just followed the 1,350-calorie diet! That means you could get three times the weight results by using SLIMQUICK!” is SLIMQUICK’s FAQ explanation to the question “How does SLIMQUICK work?”

The website repeats usage of the term “key ingredients,” yet provides no details of what these key ingredients are. All this may satisfy the consumer hopeful for a quick fix, but for me it explains nothing and only irritates me. I went further to buy a bottle with the hopes of finding a sound scientific explanation within the packaging, but to no avail. There’s a nice mini glossy color package insert that includes a diet plan, but still lacks clinical explanation to their trademark tagline, “Designed for Women™.” A deeper dive on their webpage, Designed for Women, provides yet another ambiguous explanation of how women are genetically programmed to carry extra fat. Compared to men, we have more enzymes for fat storage and less for fat burning. There are six physiological barriers that hinder women with weight loss, but guess what? SLIMQUICK helps overcome these barriers. HOW is still the million dollar question, or should I say in the weight loss industry, the billion dollar question.

From what I can tell, caffeine seems to be the only identifiable key ingredient in SLIMQUICK. Let’s do a simple breakdown. What does caffeine do? It gives us a temporary energy boost and dehydrates us. Caffeine gives us energy to move more and we lose water. Water loss results in weight loss, but that loss is only temporary. SLIMQUICK states that each full serving (3 caplets) contains the caffeine equivalent to approximately two 8-ounce cups of regular brewed coffee. So why not just drink coffee?

Pro Clinical HydroxyCut Max does somewhat of a better explanation, if only by comparison to SLIMQUICK. The genesis of the product came about to meet the weight loss needs of competitive female fitness athletes and figure models; you know, the ones we see in health and fitness magazines in their perfectly toned bikini bodies. The website states the product, “contains an ingredient that delivers fast-acting energizing effects.

Max! Hydroxagen® contains proprietary ingredient blends that complete the formula.” Oh hey, proprietary ingredient blends sounds legit! Are you getting excited? Keep reading. “The Max! ProDefine™ Blend is composed of clinically proven key ingredients that can help you achieve powerful weight loss results.” Wow, clinically proven so it must work! Furthermore, each pill “contains an ingredient (caffeine anhydrous [1,3,7-trimethylxanthine]) that supports increased energy.” Claims include data analysis of the results from two clinical studies on the key ingredients (lady’s mantle extract, wild olive extract, komijn extract, and wild mint extract) shows statistical significance for test subjects having lost 7 times more weight versus placebo subjects. Are you ready to buy now? Not so fast. As always pay attention to the fine print. Footnotes state average weight loss and body mass index (BMI) reduction with key ingredients were achieved and that all groups followed a calorie-reduced diet. Repeat the last part of that last sentence. All groups followed a calorie-reduced diet. There is your scientifically proven formula. Weight loss happens when calorie burn is more than calorie intake.

Reality Check

One ugly truth about an industry that caters to aesthetics is they actually want you to fail. They want to hook you in for a temporary fix, with the hopes of keeping you hooked. Circle back to the 2012 statistics of approximately 108 million dieters in the U.S., typically making four to five attempts annually to lose weight. Each repeated attempt is the fail ratio the weight loss industry counts on to stay successful.

Why am I so passionate about the topic? I was the kid who could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight. A can of corn with a stick of butter (yes, a whole stick of butter) melted in the microwave was a snack for me. Then one day as an impressionable teen, I was weighed with my dance team. Weight scales were a non-factor for me until then. The scale hit 109 lbs. Somehow my brain blitzed and I didn’t want to be a 3-digit weight girl. I wanted to be only 2-digits! Never mind the fact I stand 5’3” and 109 lbs was a reasonable weight. I needed to be 2-digits, so I put myself on this blind asinine “diet” based on Slim-Fast commercials. I had two shakes a day, yet still ate Burger King Whoppers. In my young utterly clueless mind, I thought this diet shake was the magic bullet to weight loss. Why? Because I believed the commercials. Two shakes for breakfast and lunch, with a sensible dinner. Did I lose weight? Yes. The weight loss also triggered an unhealthy need to keep losing weight for the magic goal of 90 lbs.

Through age and life experiences, we become smarter human beings. We are logical. We know and understand facts, but as humans we are also driven by emotions; lured into quick fix pills and the weight loss industry preys on that. Revenue is based on moving product. SLIMQUICK claims to be the #1 leading weight loss brand for women since 2005. I give them credit for their business savvy. They certainly move a lot of product for not explaining a whole lot. They even offer a free trial if you pay $4.95 only shipping and handling. Hook, line and sinker.

At the end of this article, I still have no idea what is it about the diet pills that make them work for only women, and frankly I don’t care to find out because ultimately they’re not good for our health. Thankfully after cycling through various diet kicks, I have landed on a healthy lifestyle. I stay active and eat well. No food is off limits. If you want it, enjoy it in moderation. Deprivation leads to obsession. Just say no to magic beans that will lead you to no place better than Jack and his beanstalk. We all fluctuate from time to time in our health. When it comes time to “get healthier,” do what you already know.

Are We Really that Fat and Does it Matter?


Body mass index (BMI), the dreaded math calculation used for decades to tell us whether we are merely fat or morbidly obese, suggests that over 41 million or 35% of us are in the latter category. As bad as that may seem, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. Researchers from New York University found that BMI underestimates the obesity numbers, especially for women.

In a study published on PLoS ONE, a peer reviewed open access journal, researchers suggest that when more accurate measures of adiposity (fat) are used, at least 74 million Americans (64%) should be deemed obese. Whoa.

BMI and Women’s Health

It appears that BMI (weight in pounds/(height in inches)2×703) while a quick and easy indicator of obesity, ignores several important factors that tend to underestimate obesity levels in the female population. Most importantly, BMI doesn’t account for the relationship between lean body mass and fat mass. Sarcopenic obesity, the loss of lean mass or muscle combined with the increase of fat mass, plagues women more frequently than men, especially as we age. As we age and lose more lean mass, BMI measures of obesity become less and less accurate. According to the research, BMI underestimates the obesity levels in women by 40% across all age groups, but for the older age groups, >60 years, the number approaches 60-70% error. This is striking, not only because of the high mis-classification rate in women (remember medical decisions are made based upon BMI assumptions) but also, because BMI potentially underestimates the number of women who should be considered obese. Or does it?

While I agree that many of us are not as slim as we should be, I wonder if we might not need new measures of health and fitness. I am thinking of the female athletes in the Olympics – not the gymnasts or divers (although even as petite as those athletes are, their weight, because of muscle mass, to height ratio could be skewed by BMI standards), but the female weight lifters, boxers, wrestlers, judokos, and even the water polo players. Many of these women would be considered overweight  by current BMI standards, and yet, they are at the pinnacle of health and fitness. What does that say of the BMI standards when those at the height of health and fitness can be considered fat while those at edge of illness, who are noticeably overweight are considered normal weight because of skewed lean to fat mass ratios?

The Paradox of Obesity: Why BMI Doesn’t Predict Health

And here we have the paradox of obesity (and the problem with BMI); obesity doesn’t correlate with mortality. Indeed, with many conditions and under many circumstances-stroke, cardiovascular disease, hemodialysis, cancer and others, being overweight increases survival. Maybe it’s not the fat, or even the lean muscle to fat ratio, but the fitness level that should be measured. Research shows that individuals who are metabolically healthy regardless of weight, have no increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease than their normal weight counterparts.

Resting Heart Rate Better than BMI

It is well known that athletes, no matter their BMI, have lower resting heart rates than couch potatoes. Perhaps resting heart rate might be a better indicator of overall health. Indeed, several studies have demonstrated that a low resting heart rate may be a better indicator of cardiovascular and metabolic health in women than BMI. So, before we go starving ourselves to reach some physical notion of health (and beauty) based upon a faulty metric, embrace your inner athlete and exercise.

To the researchers who bemoan the growing obesity epidemic and associated health costs, it’s time to move beyond what we look like as a matter of predicting health and move toward how our bodies function. Resting heart rate may be one solution, biomarkers may be another, but BMI is not an effective metric for evaluating women’s health.