hypothyroid - Page 2

A Call for Improved Thyroid Treatment Options


Did you know that there is a controversy regarding the treatment of thyroid disease? Harvard Health estimates that more than 12 million Americans have thyroid disease, many of whom don’t even realize it. Thyroid patients insist that current treatment standards leave too many patients suffering from a lack of diagnosis or ineffective treatment. Both patient populations are left with a diminished quality of life, yet there are few doctors willing to step outside of the current guidelines. In an effort to change this situation a team of patients created ThyroidChange, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the treatment of thyroid disease.

What is Thyroid Dysfunction?

The thyroid is a gland in your body which is located at the base of your neck. Go ahead, touch it! Just above your collar bone and just below your “Adam’s apple.” This gland is shaped like a butterfly with two lobes which stretch around your trachea – hence its nickname the butterfly gland. This gland is key to your body’s metabolism. The hormones it secretes kick-start the energy in every cell of your body like a spark plug in your engine or flint to a match. Without appropriate amounts of thyroid hormones, whether too high or too low, the function of your body is greatly impacted. There are over 300 symptoms of insufficient thyroid hormone and they represent dysfunction in every major organ. Thyroid dysfunction is so common that you or someone you know is probably impacted or will be in the future.

Thyroid hormone is a broad term. The thyroid secretes many hormones, but the two most important for this conversation are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The pituitary gland located in your brain senses the level of hormones in that area of your brain, and sends out thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) which excites your thyroid and causes it to release hormones. T3 is used immediately by various cells and T4 is called the storage hormone because it cannot be used by the cells. It is stored to later be converted to the useable and valuable T3. When a patient does not have sufficient levels of T3 in their blood stream, physicians expect a patient’s TSH level to increase, demonstrating the demand for more hormone by the pituitary gland. If a patient’s thyroid is producing too many hormones, the TSH lab value should decrease to tell it to “decelerate” its production.

An individual whose thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone is hyperthyroid. Some patients are rendered hyperthyroid due to an autoimmune disease called Graves’. One can also have cancer of the thyroid gland. Treatments for these can vary, but inevitably it leads to a lifetime of hypothyroidism.

One who has insufficient T3 available to their cells is called hypothyroid. The leading cause of insufficient thyroid hormone is the autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. This disease causes one’s own body attacks their thyroid gland making it inefficient.

What is the Current Treatment standard? Why is it Flawed?

The flawed TSH test is used to diagnose and treat individuals. A physician will run the TSH and if the value is above a particular threshold, the physician will declare a patient hypothyroid. The physician will usually prescribe levothyroxine which is synthetic T4. The dosage will be determined by the TSH lab value. Once it hits a number determined by the physician, the patient will be determined as “euthyroid” or “good as new.”

How many disorders are you aware of that have one lab test and one prescribed treatment? Even though there is research demonstrating that the TSH lab test is flawed and that there are alternative treatments to effectively treat thyroid disease, thyroid patients have difficulty accessing these research-proven methods. We have not even begun to discuss that a majority of hypothyroidism is caused by an autoimmune disease that is seen as insignificant and is not necessarily tested for when a patient is being treated for the resulting hormone imbalance.

What is the Change Being Sought by Thyroid Patients?

One can plainly see that current treatments are solely based on T4 substitution and the ability of an individual’s body to convert the prescribed hormone to the active hormone T3. Patient experience shows that if a patient continues to complain about lingering symptoms, physicians focus on current guidelines which promote the flawed TSH lab value instead of drawing additional labs. This further testing may well demonstrate that a patient is lacking the necessary T3 to function properly, but as so few physicians are willing to perform this, many patients continue to suffer.

In a person with low Free T3, raising T4 doses will not alleviate symptoms. These patients are often prescribed drugs such as antidepressants and cholesterol-lowering drugs to mask the symptoms of insufficient T3. (If you are on one of these medications, have you had your thyroid tested? If you are on thyroid medication, have you had your Free T3 tested?). Adding medications increases side effects and does not restore balance to the patient’s hormones. Simple blood tests can demonstrate to a physician why symptoms persist after the employment of current treatment guidelines. Tests such as Free T4 and Free T3 can indicate how much Free and useable T4 and T3 are in a person’s bloodstream. These tests in combination with antibody testing can help to shed light on a patient’s persistent symptoms.

As per the current guidelines in the treatment of hypothyroidism, based on TSH testing most patients are sufficiently relieved of their symptoms by T4-only treatment. Those who are not in the majority are left to struggle for a doctor willing to listen and run extended lab tests. Complicating this further, many doctors and patients are not only unaware of additional lab work, but also of the many treatment options that one can use to treat thyroid disease.

Levothyroxine or synthetic T4 will restore health in some patients. There are also various T3-containing treatment options such as natural thyroid extract and synthetic T3 which can be used to supplement or substitute T4 treatment. Each patient is unique. We need to make sure that each patient has access to the treatment approach to best restore his or her health. ThyroidChange is about patients advocating for other patients.

Who is ThyroidChange?

ThyroidChange is a nonprofit organization advocating for the use of extended lab testing (Free T4, Free T3, TSH, Reverse T3 and thyroid antibodies) and access to various treatment options to suit the individual patient. We host a petition to appeal for such changes and this has garnered more than 16,000 signatures worldwide, demonstrating that there is indeed a genuine need for change in thyroid treatment. Our community unites patient advocacy groups in an effort to gain better care for thyroid patients and to raise awareness of this widespread problem. ThyroidChange also aims to work with medical oversight agencies in order to create a unified standard of care for thyroid patients to increase patient access to effective, modern treatment.

Please help this effort by visiting www.ThyroidChange.org to sign the petition and unite for better thyroid care, or contact ThyroidChange to discuss how you can support this initiative.

Iodine Deficiency and Thyroid Disease


Iodine is an essential dietary element needed for proper thyroid function. In the US and many industrialized nations, dietary iodine is found in table salt – iodized salt. Without dietary iodine, hypothyroidism, goiter, weight gain, depression, fatigue ensue. Hypothyroidism, a result of iodine deficiency during pregnancy, is the leading cause of preventable mental retardation and neurological deficits in children.

In the US, approximately 10% of the population is iodine deficient while 50% of Europe is iodine deficient (Zimmerman 2009). Iodine deficiency has been increasing in the US, in women of reproductive age, 14.9% percent are potentially deficient (Hollowell et al. 1998). Similarly, the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism in newborns has also increased in the US over the last two decades (Parkes et al. 2010).

Iodine deficiency in women can lead to overt hypothyroidism and consequent annovulation, infertility, gestational hypertension, spontaneous first-trimester abortion, and stillbirth. Iodine deficiency is also associated with increased risk for thyroid carcinoma in animals and humans.

This deficiency is preventable through supplementation, but it must be identified first. Simple urine tests exist, but are not common in medical practice.

In the coming weeks, Lucine, in partnership with ThyroidChange and others, will be exploring thyroid disease in women. If you have been diagnosed with thyroid disease, tell us your story. We’d like to hear from you.

The Thyroid-Fluoride Connection


The Thyroid Pandemic

Are you one of the 27 million Americans suffering from a thyroid condition? Have you been told that you will have to be on medication for the rest of your life or get treated with a radioactive therapy to destroy your thyroid gland?

There is an increasing amount of disturbing evidence that one of the factors that could be causing the thyroid pandemic is the presence of fluoride in our drinking water. It’s not the only one but it certainly is one of them.

This should not be surprising. According to a 2006 report by the National Research Council of the National Academies, fluoride is “an endocrine disruptor in the broad sense of altering normal endocrine function.” You might have guessed it; the thyroid is part of the endocrine system.
What The Thyroid Does

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones, which are needed by every cell in our body. A shortage or excess of thyroid hormones throw us out of whack causing symptoms like interrupted metabolism (weight issues, fatigue), memory loss, depression, anxiety, hair loss, infertility, high blood pressure, constant joint pains and many more.

The thyroid gland binds with iodine to produce one of the thyroid hormones, called T4, also known as an inactive hormones (as it does not do much for us). T4 is then transported to the intestine and the liver where it gets converted to T3, the active hormone that our body is actually using to function properly.

Fluoride’s Interference With Iodine

We are now finding out that fluoride inhibits iodine’s ability to bind with the thyroid gland. This means if we drink water with high amounts of fluoride, our thyroid is interrupted and cannot produce enough T4. Insufficient T4 means insufficient T3. It is also believed that fluoride slows down the conversion of T4 to T3 hormone which could explain why in spite of being on medication like Synthroid many people feel far from well. Again, this could be just one reason amongst many others (such as toxic load of the person, poor diet, chronic stress, etc).

In the case of people with hyperthyroidism (excessive thyroid hormone production) you might think this is a desired outcome to see your thyroid function reduced. Well, not really. People with hyperthyroid are known to have a high level of toxicity from water, food, stress, heavy metals, as well as nutritional deficiency and imbalances. Ingestion of fluoride will make the toxicity and imbalances even worse, it’s therefore key to address the quality of drinking water too.

Even the Government Is Backing Off Fluoride Now

The fact that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has announced plans to lower the recommended level of fluoride in drinking water is showing us that the government is finally making the connection between our health, our thyroid and the water we are drinking.
Would I Get Tooth Decay?

Think of it this way: most countries in the world do not add fluoride to their drinking water and they don’t have tooth decay any more larger than we do. In fact, most of the European countries declared addition of fluoride to any food and liquid substances outright illegal. The United States is one of 8 countries in the world that still adds fluoride to its drinking water.
So, What Can I Do?

The truth is: removing fluoride from water is very difficult and expensive as the only commercially available filtration system is reverse osmosis. My recommendation therefore is: do what you can and get a water filter that reduces the amount of fluoride in your drinking water.

This article was contributed by: Magdalena Wszelaki, a Thyroid Diet Coach. Magdalena is a former Hashimoto’s patient, in remission now for a few years. She attributes much of her own, and her clients’ healing to detoxification of the body. She’s currently offering a series of free information about detox and thyroid health on www.ThyroidDetox.com.