pelvic prolapse

Hysterectomy: Impact on Pelvic Floor and Organ Function


My life and health were turned upside down after my unwarranted hysterectomy. I touched on the internal and external anatomy changes in a previous article. I am going to go into more detail here on the effects of hysterectomy on the internal anatomy.

Female Anatomy

The uterus sits in the center of the pelvis held in place by four sets of ligaments. The uterus separates the bladder and the bowel and holds those organs in their rightful positions. Once the ligaments are severed and the uterus removed, the bladder and bowel drop down and, without the uterus to separate them, are now adjacent to each other. The nerves and blood vessels that are severed during hysterectomy may also alter the functions of pelvic organs. This female anatomy video explains the anatomical (and other) effects of hysterectomy.

What Every Woman Wants to Know about Hysterectomy

Pelvic Floor Disorders after Hysterectomy

What do medical studies say about the effects of these anatomical changes on the pelvic floor and organ function?

This 2014 U.S. study concluded that hysterectomy is one risk factor for developing pelvic floor disorders. The others are higher Body Mass Index (BMI) and greater parity. There are a number of studies that came to this same conclusion.

This large 31 year Swedish study concluded that hysterectomy, particularly vaginal hysterectomy, even in women with no vaginal births is associated with pelvic organ prolapse surgery. The number of vaginal births further increases this risk.

According to this large Swedish study, vaginal hysterectomy had a higher risk of surgery for pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence than other modes of hysterectomy.

Of course, women who undergo pelvic organ prolapse surgery represent only a subset of those who suffer symptoms of bladder and/or bowel dysfunction.

Bladder Function after Hysterectomy

A number of studies have shown no short-term urinary adverse effects of hysterectomy. However, longer-term follow-up shows an increased risk. This large Swedish study over a 31 year period (1973 to 2003) showed a 2.4-fold risk of urinary stress incontinence surgery in women who had hysterectomies for benign conditions. This Danish study of women aged 40 to 60 years also showed a 2.4-fold risk of stress incontinence in women who had a hysterectomy. A small China study showed a 7.6% rate of pelvic organ prolapse and 67.4% rate of urinary incontinence 6 years post total hysterectomy.

A systematic review of 12 MEDLINE articles that used original data published over a 32 year period (January 1966 to December 1997) “was consistent with increased odds for incontinence in women with hysterectomy….Among women who were 60 years or older, summary odds ratio for urinary incontinence was increased by 60% but odds were not increased for women younger than 60 years.” Another review of this same data consistently found an increased risk of incontinence many years after hysterectomy.  However, this study also concluded that “Oral estrogen replacement therapy seems to have little short-term clinical benefit in regard to incontinence and is associated consistently with increased risk of incontinence in women aged 60 years and older in epidemiologic studies.”

The latter statement begs the question “Is the association of oral estrogen and incontinence solely from the oral estrogen or could it be that it’s caused by hysterectomy that prompted the use of estrogen?”

Hysterectomized women of ALL ages were at increased odds for urge (1.9) and bothersome urge (2.6) urinary incontinence (but not stress incontinence) according to this Netherlands study of 1,626 women. This French study of 1,700 women also concluded that hysterectomy increases risk of urge, as well as stress, incontinence regardless of age.

In contrast, this analysis of studies done on urodynamics before and after hysterectomy concluded that “Hysterectomy for benign gynecological conditions does not adversely impact urodynamic outcomes nor does it increase the risk of adverse urinary symptoms and may even improve some urinary function.”

This small study compared incontinence / continence at 1 to 3 years post-hysterectomy and again at 4 to 6 years post-op.  Interestingly, some women went from being continent to incontinent while others went from being incontinent to continent.

Why the conflicting results? There are a few things that come into play, the more obvious ones being study design and size as well as the follow-up period. Mostly, the results depend on the reason for the hysterectomy and whether a bladder suspension was done at the same time. Two common reasons for hysterectomy are fibroids and uterine prolapse. Both conditions can cause urinary symptoms such as frequent urination and incontinence. So symptoms may improve after hysterectomy and if the bladder was suspended at the time of hysterectomy (in the case of prolapse), that would also explain improvement.

Bowel Function after Hysterectomy

Some studies show that hysterectomy negatively affects bowel function. While this small and short-term 2004 study (comparing pre-operative to 6 and 12 months post-operative) concluded that vaginal hysterectomy does not increase incontinence or constipation, abdominal hysterectomy may increase risk “for developing mild to moderate anal incontinence postoperatively and this risk is increased by simultaneous bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy.” In contrast, this small 2007 study found that vaginal hysterectomy significantly increased anal incontinence at the three-year point and at one and three years for abdominal hysterectomy. However, there was “no significant rise in constipation symptoms or rectal emptying difficulties in either cohort through the follow-up.”

This contradicts this small case control study that showed significant short-term decreased bowel frequency and increased urinary frequency after hysterectomy. It also contradicts this larger Netherlands retrospective study in which 31% of women reported severe bowel function deterioration and 11% reported moderate bowel changes after hysterectomy. In the control group which consisted of women who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 9% reported “disturbed bowel function.”

Constipation, straining, lumpier stools, bloating, and feelings of incomplete evacuation were reported by women who had undergone hysterectomy in this small study.

Abdominal hysterectomy is associated with a significant risk of fecal incontinence and rectoanal intussusception according to this small retrospective study.

Post Hysterectomy Fistula

Hysterectomy increases risk of fistula as documented in the below excerpt from this article:

The uterus precludes fistula formation from the sigmoid colon to the urinary bladder.

As well as this excerpt from this article:

The most common types of fistula are colovesical and colovaginal, against which the uterus can act as an important protective factor.

Diverticulitis is a known risk factor for fistula formation. This large study looked at the risk of fistula formation in hysterectomized women with and without diverticulitis using data from women hysterectomized between 1973 and 2003. Women who had a hysterectomy but no diverticulitis had a 4-fold risk of fistula surgery compared to women who did not have a hysterectomy or diverticulitis. Women who had a hysterectomy and diverticulitis had a 25-fold risk of fistula surgery whereas non-hysterectomized women with diverticulitis had a 7-fold risk.

Vaginal Vault Prolapse

The International Continence Society defines vaginal vault prolapse as “descent of the vaginal cuff below a point that is 2 cm less than the total vaginal length above the plane of the hymen.” This Obstetrics and Gynecology International article states that “it is a common complication of vaginal hysterectomy with negative impact on women’s quality of life due to associated urinary, anorectal and sexual dysfunction.”  The article cited above explains the mechanism for this common complication in section 2 titled “Anatomic Background.”

Table 3 in section 12 compares vaginal and abdominal corrective surgery outcomes using a 5 year follow-up.  Vaginal had significantly higher post-operative incontinence and recurrence rates. The re-operation rate due to recurrence was 33% in the vaginal group versus 16% in the abdominal group.

Surgical mesh is used for many pelvic organ prolapse surgeries. And as shown by the TV ads, surgical mesh has high complication rates. It can cause infection and the mesh can protrude into the vagina leaving sharp edges having obvious negative effects on male partners. And removal of all traces of mesh may be impossible because tissue grows around the mesh.

Women who have not had a hysterectomy and have pelvic organ prolapse may choose to use a pessary instead of undergoing surgery to suspend the uterus (and bladder) or undergo hysterectomy. But a pessary may be difficult to hold in place in women who have had a hysterectomy since the walls of the vagina are no longer supported by the uterus and cervix.

Hysterectomy Consequences

Hysterectomy can have serious consequences on bladder and bowel function and increase risk for future surgeries, but the research is mixed, primarily due to differences in methodology.  Pelvic organ prolapse is also a possibility. Important variables that increase or decrease the risk for future problems include the reason for the hysterectomy and pre-operative bladder and bowel function. If endometriosis, fibroid or other conditions compromise or affect bladder and bowel function pre-surgery, then odds are they will be affected post-surgery and whether there is improvement or further damage depends upon a number of factors, including the surgeon’s skill. In contrast, and I think where most women are interested, is whether these problems can arise post-hysterectomy when no such problems existed pre-surgery. The answer is yes, there is an increased risk for both urinary and bowel incontinence post hysterectomy.

Additional Resources

This RadioGraphics article details the pelvic organ sequelae that can be caused by obstetric and gynecologic surgeries and the imaging techniques for diagnosing them.

This Medscape article details the Long-term Effects of Hysterectomy.



Post Hysterectomy Skeletal and Anatomical Changes


I wonder if so many women would “choose” hysterectomy if they knew how it would affect their figure and internal anatomy. I know I would have told my once respected gynecologist “no way” and left never to return if I’d known just a smidgen of what I now know. Here are some of the anatomical and skeletal changes that occur post hysterectomy.

Ligament and Skeletal Changes Post Hysterectomy

An intact woman’s figure has space between the rib cage and the hip bones commonly known as the waist. The waist gives her the curve in her lower back, the natural sway in her hips, her “elongated” torso that’s proportionate to her extremities. This all changes after hysterectomy.

Four sets of ligaments hold the uterus in place. These ligaments are the “scaffolding” or support structures for the core (midsection). When the ligaments are severed to remove the uterus, the spine compresses causing the rib cage to gradually fall toward the hip bones and the hip bones to widen. This causes a shortened, thickened midsection, protruding belly, and loss of the curve in the lower back, giving the appearance of a flat derriere. In some women, these changes cause those hated rolls of fat (weight gain or not). In others, it looks more like a pregnant belly. This can be particularly distressing for women whose hysterectomies denied them the chance to have (more) children.

As if an unattractive figure isn’t devastating enough, these skeletal changes lead to chronic back, hip, and rib cage pain as well as tingling and loss of sensation in legs and feet. It also explains why, even absent osteoporosis, hysterectomized women lose height. With all these changes to the skeletal structure, I wonder if hysterectomy can also cause spinal stenosis. It would certainly seem plausible.

Evidence of my spine compressing started 12 to 18 months post-op. A crease started forming about two inches above my navel. It gradually lengthened over the next 6 months to a year until it became visible all across my midsection. I’ve always been thin (underweight) with flat, toned abs and prominent hip bones. And contrary to what most women experience after hysterectomy, I lost weight. As my spine compressed, my flat abs became “fat” and flabby. My hip bones became less prominent in the front (as my belly pooched out) and more prominent in the back since my rib cage had fallen onto my hip bones. And I now have intermittent back, hip, and rib cage pain as well as tingling in feet. My sacrum / tailbone has also looked bruised since not long after my hysterectomy.

Internal Organs Post Hysterectomy

And how does the body change on the inside? Well for one, it affects the bladder and bowel. The uterus separates the bladder and bowel and holds them in their rightful positions. Removal of the uterus causes these organs to fall impeding function. When the bladder or bowel is full, there can be a feeling of discomfort or even outright pain (exactly what I’m feeling at this moment – constant pain that increases by just walking). Complete emptying can be problematic as can incontinence. Bowels may alternate between constipation and diarrhea. Adhesions can further hamper bowel function even to the point of a life threatening obstruction. I’ve had serious bowel problems ever since my surgery 7 years ago. Chances of bladder, bowel, and vaginal prolapse and fistula also increase leading to more loss of quality of life and future risky surgeries. Hysterectomy has even been shown to increase risk of renal cell (kidney) cancer likely caused by damage to ureters. I have to wonder if functions of other organs may also be affected as our organs don’t work in isolation and may be further affected by the anatomical changes.

Nerves and Sex Post Hysterectomy

And what about sensation after all those nerves and blood vessels are severed? What’s it like having a shortened vagina that’s not connected to anything? Well, it’s no wonder sex isn’t the same! How can it be? And if you enjoyed uterine orgasms, those are obviously a pleasure of the past. Even nipple sensation can be lost because nerve endings are found all along the spine. The severing of nerves as well as scar tissue formation can cause a problem worse than loss of sensation – nerve entrapment which can be quite painful.

I’m not sure which is worse – the hormonal adverse effects or the anatomical and skeletal adverse effects. There’s no doubt though that my body has been drastically altered since the unwarranted removal of my vital female organs.

The adverse effects to a woman’s figure, as well as the many other adverse effects of female organ removal, are detailed in the video “Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs.” Priceless!

We Need Your Help

Hormones Matter needs funding now. Our research funding was cut recently and because of our commitment to independent health research and journalism unbiased by commercial interests we allow minimal advertising on the site. That means all funding must come from you, our readers. Don’t let Hormones Matter die.

Yes, I’d like to support Hormones Matter.


Wide Awake: A Hysterectomy Story


I’ve always considered myself to be someone who takes charge of her life and health. After all, we only get one body, one heart, one set of eyes, one uterus, one pair of ovaries and so on. I never smoked and always exercised. I went in for my yearly pap smears. I never took my good health for granted.

However, as it turns out, I had no idea how my body functioned or how I remained healthy. Not really. I didn’t understand how my female organs and hormones contributed to who I was. That is, I didn’t understand until my life fell completely apart after hysterectomy and ovary removal five years ago. Now, I’m wide awake.

On September 27, 2007, I woke up in recovery after undergoing a complete hysterectomy I didn’t need or consent to. I was coerced into agreeing to removal of my uterus after experiencing a distended abdomen. I looked six or seven months pregnant and was wearing maternity clothes. Only after surgery did I learn that my distended abdomen had nothing to do with my uterus. At no time did I agree to removal of my cervix, tubes or ovaries. Even my doctor agreed that I should keep my healthy ovaries.

When I arrived at the hospital the morning of my surgery, I was presented with a consent form which listed the wrong surgical procedure. According to the new consent, all of my healthy female organs were to be removed. I explained to the nurse that this was not the surgery I agreed to and I refused to sign the consent. As I waited to speak with my doctor about this, another nurse came into my room and said he was going to give me something to relax me. I explained that I didn’t want to be given any medication since I had not signed the consent and was waiting to speak with my doctor.  As I was protesting, he injected my IV with Versed.

That was my last waking memory.

My next memory was that of seeing a nurse I didn’t recognize. I asked her if my doctor was on his way to talk with me and she told me that I had already had surgery. In disbelief, I began to sob and asked what type of surgery. I wanted to know what organs had been removed. She matter-of-factly said “You have nothing left.” I cried out that I wanted to die, a curious fact that is noted in my medical record. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. Although I lost a lot of blood and had to be taken back to surgery, I was released the next morning with a prescription for hormones and iron pills.  I had no idea just how much my life was about to change.

I went back to my apartment but everything seemed different. It wasn’t that the apartment had changed. It was me. I felt like a different person. I also felt an emptiness I’ve never known. I assumed this was only temporary and would pass as I healed. I remembered researching hysterectomy and reading about how some women feel emptiness afterward because they can no longer have children. Eventually, I healed from the outward surgical wounds, but the emptiness remained. It was an emptiness that transcended far beyond not being able to have any more children.  I suddenly found myself in a body that didn’t feel like mine. Every bone, muscle and joint cried out in pain. I felt as if I had aged twenty years. My abdomen never did return to normal size. My sexuality vanished. My emotions were blunted. I didn’t know what was happening to me but I was afraid – very afraid. I cried for no reason and for every reason.  I did not want to live in the body I’d been left with.

Not knowing what else to do, I went out to a local bookstore and bought every book I could find on the topic of hysterectomy and hormones. One of the first books I read was “Hysterectomy Hoax” by Stanley West M.D. By the time I finished reading Dr. West’s book, I was finally wide awake. I had been castrated and there was no turning back. Finally, I realized I did not feel like the same woman because I wasn’t the same woman.  I felt a deep sense of betrayal. I became desperate to find a way to “fix” myself.

The truth is that there are over 400 estrogen receptor sites in a woman’s body. Every organ depends on an estrogen type hormone to function properly (there are three main estrogens: estrone, estradiol and estriol along with many more we’re only now beginning to understand) . Estrogens protect the heart, brain, lungs, bladder and more. The thyroid gland has estrogen receptors. When the ovaries are removed, the body often attacks the thyroid. Many women who’ve undergone hysterectomy go on to develop thyroid anti-bodies and/or thyroid disease. I developed thyroid problems almost immediately after surgery. I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and then Hypothryroidism. I’ll have to take thyroid medication for the rest of my life. A woman’s brain has estrogen receptors too. Without estrogens, the brain develops diseases such as Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease. Memory and concentration are very real problems I face almost daily. Heart disease is a much greater risk for woman once their female organs are removed due to the loss of heart protection via the loss of estrogens.

The hormone replacement therapy (HRT) my doctor prescribed was not helping and was, in fact, making me feel much worse.  I was taking Premarin – an estrogen made from pregnant mare’s urine. The chemical structure of Premarin is nothing like a woman’s own natural estrogens. Because my body wasn’t tolerating Premarin, I began to research hormones — especially, bioidentical hormones. After I met with a hormone doctor, blood tests confirmed that all of my hormone levels were nearly non-existent. I was prescribed bioidentical estradiol and testosterone crèmes and compounded oral progesterone. Additionally, I was prescribed supplements such as DHEA, Calcium, Vitamin D, etc.  The creams were very messy and didn’t seem to help. I tried wearing a bioidentical estrogen patch (Vivelle Dot) but the adhesive made my skin break out with a blistery rash. Nothing was working.

Finally, I found a hormone doctor who uses bioidentical hormone pellets.  I decided to give the pellets a try even though they are quite expensive. They seem to work better for me than anything else I’ve tried.  My doctor inserts estrogen and testosterone pellets about every three months and I still take a compounded oral progesterone by mouth each night. Many doctors don’t prescribe progesterone for women who have undergone hysterectomy, but I learned through my own research that progesterone is critical for proper hormone balance. Nothing works like a woman’s own natural hormones but for a woman who has undergone hysterectomy and ovary removal, hormone “replacement” is a must.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, I realized that I was not getting back to my old self. In fact, I was getting further and further away from myself. Within the first year of surgery, I was diagnosed with severe vaginal atrophy and third degree bladder prolapse. The pelvic organs I had left, drifted down into the open space left from removal of my uterus. Chronic constipation became a huge problem. I experienced nerve damage that often prevented me from standing or walking. I developed problems with my eyes and was eventually diagnosed with severe dry eye disease. Due to corneal ulcers, I’m now legally blind in my left eye and can no longer see to drive.

Sadly, the aftermath of hysterectomy is filled with a lot of losses. There’s no turning back. Hysterectomy is final. For the woman who undergoes hysterectomy, life is forever changed. I lost my health, my career and then my home. I was engaged to be married at the time of surgery but never did marry. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for women to end up divorced and alone after hysterectomy. There have been more times than I’d like to admit that I felt all alone in my devastation. I felt as if I had stepped into some alternate world where I could no longer communicate. Hysterectomy impacts every facet of a woman’s life.  Every single cell is impacted.  And yet, nobody is talking about it.

For this reason, I decided to create a blog site and web site. I knew there must be other women who felt as alone and devastated as I did. Since creating my sites, I’ve heard from women all over the country, and sadly, their stories are all pretty much the same.  The names are different but the stories are the same. Many of their stories are posted on my web site. Most women share the feeling of betrayal. Once they awaken to the many adverse consequences of hysterectomy, they feel deeply betrayed by their doctor for not telling them about the true impact of the removal of their female organs. The trauma can’t be overstated. Women deserve better than this. They deserve to be told the consequences of hysterectomy and informed about the alternatives to hysterectomy. My goal is to make this a reality. I testified in both Indiana and Kentucky regarding hysterectomy informed consent laws and I created a petition on insisting ACOG (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) inform women of the many consequences of hysterectomy and ovary removal (castration).  I support Hormones Matter and their research on hysterectomy. If you have had a hysterectomy, take The Hysterectomy Survey. Your data could save the life of another woman.

My Websites and Social Media

Website: Hysterectomy Consequences

Blog: Hysterectomylies


Facebook: petition: Help Stop Unnecessary Hysterectomy and Castration