thiamine mitochondria

What Is Thiamine to Energy Metabolism?


What Is Energy?

Energy is an invisible force. The aggregate of energy in any physical system is a constant quantity, transformable in countless ways but never increased or diminished. In the human body, chemical energy is produced by the combination of oxygen with glucose. This reaction is known as oxidation. The chemical energy is transduced to electrical energy in the process of energy conservation. This might be thought of as the “engine” of the brain/body cells. We have to start thinking that it is electrical energy that drives the human body.

The production of chemical energy is exactly the same in principle as the burning of any fuel but the details are quite different. The energy is captured and stored in an electronic form as a substance known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that acts as an energy currency. The chemical changes in food substances are induced by a series of enzymes, each of which combine together to form a chain of chemical reactions that might be thought of as preparing food for its ultimate breakdown and oxidation.

Each of these enzymes requires a chemical “friend”, known as a cofactor. One of the most important enzymes, the one that actually enables the oxidation of glucose, requires thiamine and magnesium as its cofactors. Chemical energy cannot be produced without thiamine and magnesium, although it also requires other “colleagues”, since all vitamins are essential. A whole series of essential minerals are also necessary, so it is not too difficult to understand that all these ingredients must be obtained by nutrition. The body cannot make vitamins or essential minerals. There is also some evidence that thiamine may have a part to play in converting chemical energy to electrical energy. Thus, it may be the ultimate defining factor in the energy that drives function. If that is true, its deficiency would play a vital role in every disease.

Energy Consumption

Few people are aware that our lives depend on energy production and its efficient consumption. A car has to have an engine that produces the energy. This is passed through a transmission that enables the car to function. In a similar manner, we have discussed how energy is produced. It is consumed in a series of energy requiring chemical reactions, each of which requires an enzyme with its appropriate cofactor[s]. This series of reactions can be likened to a transmission, consuming the energy provided from ATP and enabling the human body to function. If energy is consumed faster than it can be synthesized, or energy cannot be produced fast enough to meet demand, it is not too difficult to see that an insufficient supply of energy, a gap between supply and demand, would produce a fundamental change in function. This lack of function in the brain and body organs presents as a disease. The symptoms are merely warning the affected individual that something is wrong. The underlying cause of the energy deficiency has to be ascertained in order to interpret how the symptoms are generated.

Why Focus On Thiamine?

We have already pointed out that thiamine does not work on its own. It operates in what might be regarded as a “team relationship”. But it has also been determined as the defining cause of beriberi, a disease that has affected millions for thousands of years. Any team made up of humans requires a captain and although this is not a perfect analogy, we can regard thiamine as “captain” of an energy producing team. This is mainly due to its necessity for oxidation of glucose, by far and away the most important fuel for the brain, nervous system and heart. Thus, although beriberi is regarded as a disease of those organs, it can affect every cell in the body and the distribution of deficiency within that body can affect the presentation of the symptoms.

Thiamine exists only in naturally occurring foods and it is now easy to see that its deficiency, arising from an inadequate ingestion of those foods, results in slowing of energy production. Because the brain, nervous system and heart are the most energy requiring tissues in the body, beriberi produces a huge number of problems primarily affecting those organs. These changes in function generate what we call symptoms. Lack of energy affects the “transmission”, giving rise to symptoms arising from functional changes in the organs thus subserved. However, it must be pointed out that an enzyme/cofactor abnormality in the “transmission” can also interrupt normal function.

In fact, because of inefficient energy production, the symptoms caused by thiamine deficiency occur in so many human diseases that it can be regarded as the great imitator of all human disease. We now know that nutritional inadequacy is not the only way to develop beriberi. Genetic changes in the ability of thiamine to combine with its enzyme, or changes in the enzyme itself, produce the same symptoms as nutritional inadequacy. It has greatly enlarged our perspective towards the causes of human disease. Thiamine has a role in the processing of protein, fat and carbohydrate, the essential ingredients of food.

Generation Of Symptoms

Here is the diagnostic problem. The earliest effects of thiamine deficiency are felt in the hindbrain that controls the automatic brain/body signaling mechanism known as the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS also signals the glands in the endocrine system, each of which is able to release a cellular messenger. A hormone may not be produced in the gland because of energy failure, thus breaking down the essential governance of the body by the brain. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or pseudo-hypoxia (thiamine deficiency produces cellular changes like those from hypoxia) is a potentially dangerous situation affecting the brain and a fight-or-flight reflex may be generated. This, as most people know, is a protective reflex that prepares us for either killing the enemy or fleeing and it can be initiated by any form of perceived danger. Thus, thiamine deficiency may initiate this reflex repeatedly in someone that seeks medical advice for it. Not recognizing its underlying cause, it is diagnosed as “panic attacks”. Panic attacks are usually treated by psychologists and psychiatrists with some form of tranquilizer because of the anxiety expressed by the patient.

It is easy to understand how it is seen as psychological, although the sensation of anxiety is initiated in the brain as part of the fight-or-flight reflex and will disappear with thiamine restoration. It may be worse than that: because the heart is affected by the autonomic nervous system, there may be a complaint of heart palpitations in association with the panic attacks and the heart might be considered the seat of the disease, to be treated by a cardiologist. The defining signal from the ANS is ignored or not recognized. Because it is purely a functional change, the routine laboratory tests are normal and the symptoms are therefore considered to be psychological, or psychosomatic. The irony is that when the physician tells the patient “it is all in your head”, he is completely correct but not recognizing that it is a biochemical functional change and that it has nothing to do with Freudian psychology.

A Sense Of Pleasure

We have known for many years that dietary sugar precipitates thiamine deficiency. A friend of mine had become well aware that alcohol, in any form, or sugar, will automatically give him a migraine headache. He still will take ice cream and suffer the consequences. I have had patients tell me that they have given up this and that “but I can’t give up sugar: it is the only pleasure that I ever get”. They still came back to me to treat the symptoms. We have come to understand that we have no self-responsibility for our own health. If we get sick, it is just bad luck and the wonders of modern medicine can achieve a cure. The trouble is that a mild degree of thiamine deficiency might produce symptoms that will make it more difficult to make the necessary decisions for our own well-being. Let me give some examples of symptoms that are typically related to this and are not being recognized:

  • Occasional headache, heartburn or abdominal pain
  • Occasional diarrhea or constipation
  • Allergies
  • Fatigue
  • Emotional lability
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Pins and needles
  • Hair loss
  • Palpitations of the heart
  • Persistent cough for no apparent reason
  • Voracious, or loss of appetite

The point is that thiamine governs the energy synthesis that is essential to our total function and it can affect virtually any group of cells in the body. However, the brain, heart and nervous system, particularly the autonomic (automatic) nervous system (ANS) are the most energy requiring organs and are likely to be most affected.

Since the brain sends signals to every organ in the body via the ANS, a distortion of the signaling mechanism can make it appear that the organ receiving the signal is at fault. For example, the heart may accelerate because of a signal from the brain, not because the heart itself is at fault. Hence heart palpitations are often treated as heart disease when a mild degree of thiamine deficiency in the brain is responsible.

We have known for many years that sugar in all its different forms can and will precipitate mild thiamine deficiency. It is probably the reason why sugar is considered to be a frequent cause of trouble. If thiamine deficiency is mild, any form of minor stress may precipitate a much more serious form of the deficiency. An attack by an infecting organism is a source of stress imposed on the affected person and requires a boost of energy consumption. Therefore the illness that follows can be regarded as a “war” between the attacking disease producing organism and the brain/body that has to mobilize a defense. Either death, recovery, or a “stalemate” might be the expected outcome. If this is the truth, then any disease will respond to the ingestion of nutrients, particularly thiamine. It strongly suggests that Holistic or Alternative medicine could add a huge benefit to health preservation or the treatment of disease.

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Image by PDPics from Pixabay.

This article was published originally on August 25, 2020.

Recovery from Reye’s Syndrome: A Case Report


In a number of posts on this website I have mentioned the technical term “oxidative metabolism” in relationship to thiamine. I have tried to explain it by analogy, using the consumption of gasoline in a car. Gasoline is mixed with oxygen and ignited by a spark. In the human body glucose is the equivalent of gasoline and thiamine is the equivalent of the spark. This case tells us that thiamine has other effects of equal importance.

Many years ago, I learned of a naturally occurring derivative of thiamine that had been discovered in garlic. It had a more powerful clinical action than the original thiamine from which it had been derived. The Japanese investigators who discovered it had done many experiments with both animal studies and human subjects, with some remarkable results. For example, they had found that mice could be partially protected from cyanide poisoning by treating them with this derivative before the cyanide was given. It had been synthesized and is used in Japan as a prescription item (Alinamin) in many different diseases. I became intrigued by its potential and since it was totally unrecognized in the United States, I applied to the FDA for an Independent Investigator License (IND) that was granted to me in 1973. Because it has a long and complicated chemical name I shall call it TTFD. I used it in treating many patients, usually with great benefit and never saw the slightest sign of toxicity.

Reye’s Syndrome, the Flu, and Thiamine

In order to introduce its potential, I am going to describe the case of an 18-month-old girl who was admitted to our hospital with Reye’s syndrome. Some people reading this will remember that this disease kept cropping up in association with epidemics of “flu”. Many of the children died and although it has now been discovered that it was due to aspirin given to the child to bring down the fever, at the time that I treated this case, this fact was not known.

The infant was admitted to the hospital in a coma which had begun 48 hours previously with repeated vomiting. The initial treatment was given by neurologists, using exchange blood transfusion and as in other cases, was a complete failure. The coma deepened rapidly. Pupils became fixed and dilated and she was judged to be in a terminal state. The respirator that had been used to keep her alive was withdrawn. One week after her admission there was no change in her condition. She was deeply comatose and all treatment other than normal life support was withdrawn. In short, her case was considered to be hopeless.

High Dose Thiamine (TTFD) for Reye’s Syndrome?

Because from that point on the treatment was to be experimental, I obtained full consent from the parents. I gave 100 mg of TTFD by nasogastric tube every four hours and 150 mg by intravenous injection, a total of 750 mg in 24 hours. This was repeated daily. When you consider that the daily intake of thiamine under normal healthy circumstances is 1 to 1.5 mg a day, this was truly a humungous dose. Please understand that this is not vitamin replacement. It is clearly the use of a vitamin as a drug.

The first thing that happened was the lip vermilion became bright red, whereas it had previously been dusky, the color of deoxygenated blood. There was healthy flushing of the cheeks. Two days later there was some spontaneous movement of the limbs, her pupils responded to light and she developed a cough reflex. After one week the daily dose of intravenous TTFD was discontinued and the oral dose decreased to 300 mg a day. After nine days from the beginning of this treatment TTFD was decreased to 150 mg a day.

On the 15th day, eye contact could be established and she responded to sounds but was still unconscious, a state known as coma vigilum. Subsequently she began to take Jell-O from a spoon and began to show primitive crying responses. By the 21st day she was able to chew and could support her own weight with help. She began to walk with her hand held and self feeding began. Speech returned and gradually improved. She was discharged from hospital one month after this treatment had been started. The TTFD was continued at the same dose and three months later she was clinically well, although muscular tone was diminished. Not surprisingly, as she grew there was evidence of some permanent damage.

Thiamine, the Mitochondria and Oxygen

We now have reason to believe that Reye’s syndrome is mitochondrial in nature. Mitochondria are organelles within our cells that generate energy from oxidative metabolism. In this disease the mitochondria are affected in that part of the brain that maintains life. The return of lip vermilion and flushed cheeks was the first indication that oxygen was being picked up by the blood in the child’s lungs and conveyed to the tissues. The return of function in the brain indicated that oxidative metabolism had been restored. Hemoglobin is a protein that coats our red cells and combines with oxygen in the lungs to become what is called oxyhemoglobin. It is bright red in color and that is why oxygenated arterial blood is bright red. When arterial blood gets to the tissues, it delivers the oxygen to the cells and the hemoglobin loses its red color, becoming bluish, the color of venous blood and the color of hemoglobin after it has delivered the oxygen. The first indication of this transformation was the change in the color of the lips and the appearance of flushed cheeks.

Thiamine, Oxidative Metabolism and Reye’s Syndrome

The administration of TTFD to this child had resulted in the formation of oxyhemoglobin, enabling the delivery of oxygen to the brain. Because function increased we also have to assume that the oxygen was unloaded to the cells that needed the oxygen. It also explains why the low concentrations of oxygen in arterial blood and high concentrations in venous blood were recognized by early investigators in beriberi. This is important new information because it indicates that thiamine has some effect on the ability of hemoglobin to pick up oxygen and even deliver it.

In 2004, Japanese scientists showed that the injection of a compound similar to TTFD could actually increase the concentration of oxyhemoglobin. This ability has never been recognized for the chemical functions of thiamine and TTFD has an action that is identical to that of thiamine. It forces us to wonder whether TTFD might be a benefit to those people with bluish lips and poor color attributed to heart disease and other situations labeled with the term cyanosis (deoxygenated blood). Using it at the time of hospital admission would probably have prevented permanent damage.


  1. Ishimaru T, et al. Hemodynamic response of the frontal cortex elicited by intravenous thiamine propyl disulfide administration. Chem. senses 2004;29(3):247-51.

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More people than ever are reading Hormones Matter, a testament to the need for independent voices in health and medicine. We are not funded and accept limited advertising. Unlike many health sites, we don’t force you to purchase a subscription. We believe health information should be open to all. If you read Hormones Matter, like it, please help support it. Contribute now.

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This post was published originally on Hormones Matter on March 16, 2016. 

Photo: Histopathology of Reye’s syndrome, liver Histopathology of autopsy liver from child who died of Reye’s syndrome. Hepatocytes are pale-staining due to intracellular fat droplets via Wikipedia and CDC/ Dr. Edwin P. Ewing, Jr., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s Public Health Image Library.

Thiamine Deficiency and Aberrant Fat Metabolism: Clues to Adverse Reactions


Over the last several months, the writers and researchers at Hormones Matter have posted a number of articles about mitochondrial dysfunction and thiamine deficiency.  Thiamin, or thiamine as the internet search engines prefer, is critical to mitochondrial function. We’ve learned that thiamine deficiency can emerge gradually due to dietary inadequacies or more suddenly as a result of a medication, environmental or surgical insult. Regardless of the cause, deficits in thiamine evoke devastating health issues that can be treated easily if identified. More often than not, however, thiamine deficiency is not assessed and symptoms are left to escalate, mitochondrial damage increases, and patient suffering continues. Because thiamine deficiency is rarely considered in the modern scientific era, mild symptoms are ascribed to other causes such as “an allergy” or “it’s all in the patient’s head”. If, however, the cause is not revealed, the same old dietary habits will continue and can be guaranteed to produce much more severe and difficult to treat chronic disease.

Although there are a myriad reasons why mitochondria are damaged, medication or vaccine reactions paired with latent nutritional deficiencies seem to be common. Predicting who and how the mitochondrial dysfunction might appear, however, is more complicated. Quite often, athletes and individuals considered healthy are hit harder by a stress factor such as a vaccine than those whom we might not regard as particularly healthy. There are several potential reasons for this, some of which have been outlined previously. In this post, I would like to add one more reason why highly active, high performing individuals might be hit harder and more quickly than their less active counterparts with vaccine or medication reactions that induce thiamine deficiency.

Mitochondria are the Engines of the Cell

To use an analogy, the usefulness of a car obviously depends upon its engine. Mitochondria are the “engines” of each cell within our bodies, all 70 to 100 trillion cells that make up an adult body. They are known as organelles and are so small that their structure can only be seen with an electron microscope. But we can take this analogy further by comparing each cell to a different car model. A high powered car uses more gasoline than a low powered one and there are many models of each type of car. So some cells in the body require more energy than others, depending on the special function of the cell.  The most energy consuming cells are in the brain, the nervous system and the heart, followed by the gastrointestinal system and muscles. That is why those organs and tissues are most affected in the disease known as beriberi, the thiamine deficiency disease that we have discussed previously in other posts. The function of other organs is affected by the deficiency because of the changes in the control mechanisms originating in the brain through the autonomic (automatic) nervous system.

It has been pointed out that this disease in its early stages affects the autonomic nervous system by causing POTS. Beriberi and POTS, both being examples of dysautonomia (abnormal activity of the autonomic nervous system), can only be distinguished by finding evidence of thiamine or other nutrient deficiency as a cause. Thiamine is but one factor whose deficiency causes loss of cellular energy, resulting in defective brain metabolism and dysautonomia.  Although the relationship with vaccination is conjectural, some individuals with post Gardasil POTS were found to be thiamine deficient and had some relief of symptoms by taking supplementary fat soluble thiamine, an important derivative that occurs in garlic and has been synthesized. Not all of these thiamine deficient individuals have benefited to the same degree, suggesting that other deficiencies might also be involved. This post is to provide some information about more recent knowledge concerning the action of thiamine and the incredible, far-reaching effects of its deficiency, particularly in the brain. Experimental work in animals has shown that thiamine deficiency will damage mitochondria, a devastating effect for an acquired rather than a genetic cause. Far too much research has been devoted to genetic cause without sufficient attention to the way genes are influenced by diet and lifestyle.

The Importance of Enzymes to Mitochondrial Function

Before I provide this new information, let me remind the reader that enzymes, like cogwheels in a man-made machine, enable bodily function to occur. The importance of thiamine is that it is a cofactor to many of the enzymes that preside over energy metabolism. Without its cofactor an enzyme becomes inefficient. Perhaps it might be compared with missing teeth in a cog wheel. With missing teeth the cog wheel may still function but not nearly as well as it would with all of its component parts.

In previous posts we have discussed how thiamine deficiency can be caused by an excess of sugar in the diet. I have likened this to a “choked engine” in a car where an excess of gasoline, relative to insufficient oxygen concentration in the mixture, makes ignition of the gasoline extremely inefficient. Bad diet, one that is rich in sugary, carbohydrate laden foods may be one of the more common contributors to latent thiamine deficiencies. Excessive intake of processed fats and the concomitant changes to mitochondrial function and energy metabolism may be another important contributor.

Thiamine and Fat Metabolism

All the enzymes affected by thiamine deficiency have a vital part to play in obtaining cellular energy from food by the process of oxidation. Most of them have been known for many years but in the nineties a new enzyme was discovered. It has a very fancy name that has been simplified by calling it HACL1.  Only in recent years has it been found that HACL1 is dependent on thiamine as its cofactor. Although not reported, it may mean that it is also dependent on magnesium. This is exceedingly important because it introduces the fact that thiamine is involved in fat as well as carbohydrate metabolism, something brand new, even to biochemists.

Here I must digress again to describe another type of organelle called a peroxisome that occurs in our cells.  Like mitochondria, they are infinitesimally small. Their job is to break down fatty acids and they have a double purpose. One purpose is to synthesize very important substances that construct and maintain cells and their function: they are particularly important in the brain. The other purpose is what might be called fuel preparation. As the fatty acids, consisting of long carbon chains, are broken down, the resulting smaller fragments can be used by mitochondria as fuel to produce energy.  Failure to break down these fatty acids can result in the accumulation of natural components that may be toxic in the brain and nervous system or simply result in lack of one type of fuel. That is why feeding medium chain triglycerides by administration of coconut oil has been reported useful to treat early Alzheimer disease. They can be oxidized in mitochondria.

The Important Use of Fatty Acids in Mitochondrial Health

Here, I want to use another analogy. Imagine a lake that admits water to a river through a sluice gate that has to be opened and closed by a farmer who regulates the supply of water. If the gate is open the river will supply water to the surrounding fields. If however the gate is closed, the river will begin to dry up and the crops in the fields will suffer. Perhaps the farmer half closed the gate during a rainy period and has forgotten to open it when a dry period follows. High temperatures in the dry period results in insufficient water to meet the growth needs of the crops.

In this analogy, the lake represents food, the sluice gate is the HACL1 enzyme and the farmer who controls the gate represents thiamine. The water in the river represents the flow of fatty acids to the tissues for the double purpose of cellular construction and fuel for oxidation. The half open gate represents a minor thiamine deficiency, more or less sufficient for everyday life but not enough when there is greater demand. A high temperature that increases the water needs for crops represents Gardasil and many other medications as a stress factor, placing a greater demand on essential metabolic action.  The analogy also implicates the nature of the crops, some of which require more water than others. The crops, of course, represent body tissues and organs.

If we consider high performing individuals, whether academically or athletically, like high performance cars or crops that demand more nutrients, we can see how a previously unrecognized minor deficiency might trigger clinical disease by the stressful demands of a vaccine or medication. Some pharmaceuticals can attack thiamine directly, like Gardasil and the fluoroquinolones, while others attack different pathways within the mitochondria.

No matter the pathway, high performing individuals, with high energy needs not covered by diet, may be hit harder when a medication attacks mitochondrial energy.

The Outcome of Defective Fatty Acid Metabolism

Returning back to the HACL1 enzyme, we now know that HACL1 is the first thiamine dependent enzyme to be discovered in peroxisomes. It is research news of the highest importance, affecting us all. Its action is to oxidize a diet related fatty acid called phytanic acid and fatty acids with long carbon chains that cannot be used for fuel until they are broken down. Phytanic acid is obtained through consumption of dairy products, ruminant animal fats and some fish. People who consume meat have higher plasma phytanic acid concentrations than vegans. If the action of HACL1 is impaired because of thiamine deficiency the concentration of phytanic acid will be increased. The river in the analogy actually represents a series of enzymatic reactions that may be thought of as down-stream effects, whereas thiamine deficiency, being up-stream, affects all down-stream phenomena. One of the reasons thiamine deficiency is such an important contributor to illness is because its effects are broad.

These enzymatic reactions, known technically as alpha oxidation, involve four separate stages. It has been known for some time that if another enzyme at stage two is missing because of a gene defect, the result will be damage to the neurological system known as Refsum’s disease. Symptoms include cerebellar ataxia (also reported after Gardasil vaccination), scaly skin eruptions, difficulty in hearing, cataracts and night blindness. Other genetic mutations in alpha oxidation, resulting in various biochemical effects, result in a whole variety of different diseases. This places thiamine deficiency as a potential cause for all the down-stream effects resulting from defective alpha oxidation, for it has been shown in mice that this vitally important chemistry is totally dependent on presence of thiamine. Since its complete absence would be lethal, we have to assume that it is mild to moderate deficiency, equivalent to a partial closure of the sluice gate in the analogy.

Sources of Phytanic Acid: How Diet Affects Thiamine

In ruminant animals, our source of beef, the gut fermentation of consumed plant materials liberates phytol, a constituent of chlorophyll, which is then converted to phytanic acid and stored in fat. The major source of phytol in our diet is, however, milk and dairy products.  It raises several important questions. If thiamine deficiency is capable of causing an increase in phytanic acid in blood and urine, it might be a means of depicting such a deficiency in a patient with confusing symptoms. It might also explain why some individuals who have been shown to have thiamine deficiency by means of an abnormal transketolase test have symptoms that are not traditionally accepted as those of such a deficiency, perhaps because of loss of efficiency in HACL1.

If an excess of sugar in the diet gives rise to a secondary (relative) thiamine deficiency, we are provided with an excellent view of the extraordinary danger of empty simple carbohydrate and fat calories, perhaps explaining much widespread illness in Western civilization. Interestingly, it would also suggest that something as benign as milk could give rise to abnormal brain action in the presence of thiamine deficiency, because of phytanic acid accumulation. Our problems with dairy products may go well beyond lactose intolerance and immune dysregulation.

In sum, the discovery of HCAL1 enzyme and its dependence upon thiamine suggests one more mechanism by which thiamine deficiency affects mitochondrial functioning. As emerging evidence indicates a myriad of environmental and pharmaceutical insults impair mitochondrial functioning, thiamine deficiency ought to be considered of prime importance. Deficits in thiamine evoke devastating health issues that can be treated easily if identified.  If, however, thiamine deficiency is not identified and the same old dietary habits continue, the latent thiamine deficiency can be guaranteed to produce a much more severe and difficult to treat chronic disease. Moreover, individuals with thiamine deficiency who do not respond sufficiently to thiamine replacement might also have aberrant fatty acid metabolism. This too should be investigated and dietary changes adopted.