heavy period

Endometriosis and Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Two Sides of the Same Molecular Coin


For as long as I have been studying endometriosis, I have suspected that endometriosis represented a protective cascade, one that has either gone awry or was incapable of fully eliminating or adapting to an internal stressor. To me, endometriosis behaves like cancer, not the cancer of aberrant oncogenes and tumor suppressors, though they are factors, but the cancer of metabolism, of Otto Warburg and others. I think aberrant metabolism is the key to understanding endometriosis and a myriad of other disease processes, including heavy menstrual bleeding. Until recently, however, I have not had much evidence to support this hypothesis. There is a troubling paucity of research on topics related to women’s health. Of the research that exists, much of it is focused on tried and mostly untrue conventional interpretations disease. Interpretations, I would argue, that do more to serve economic or political purposes than health, but I digress.

Over the last few years, however, mitochondrial metabolism has emerged as key determinant of health or disease. Central to this work is the role of cellular hypoxia. In order for cells to function, in order for our brains to think, our hearts to pump, muscles to contract, the mitochondria, organelles within the cells, must breathe. That is, they must consume oxygen and respire. Mitochondrial oxygen consumption results in the critically important production of ATP – cellular energy. Without oxygen, no ATP. Without ATP, nothing works. Cells die. Tissues die. Organs fail. Whether and how quickly injury or death ensues is determined by a number of factors, including the totality of the oxygen deprivation, but also, the metabolic flexibility to withstand insufficient oxygenation, even at low levels. Mitochondrial metabolism can be derailed quite easily by dietpharmaceutical and environmental chemicals, and even a sedentary lifestyle. Metabolic alterations may transpire across generations when exposures are coincident with critical periods of fetal development and even result in de novo or first generation mutations in either nDNA or mtDNA. Mitochondrial metabolism is a key determinant of health and may in fact determine whether and how oxygenation is maintained at the cellular level.

Hypoxia and the HIF Survival Cascades

Adequate oxygenation in the cell involves a system of molecular adaptations that kick into gear during periods of hypoxia and remit when oxygenation returns. These survival cascades are initiated by oxygen sensors that trigger a set of proteins called hypoxia inducible factors (HIF1α and its counterparts HIF1β, HIF2α, HIF3α). HIFs are the master regulators of oxygen homeostasis, ensuring cell survival during periods of low oxygen. So far, researchers have identified at least 100 other proteins controlled by HIFs and tasked with bringing more oxygen and fuel into the cells. HIFs activate angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), erythropoiesis (production of new blood cells) and iron metabolism (oxygen carriers), glucose metabolism (substrate for ATP), growth factors, and other proteins. When all else fails, the HIF system signals apoptosis, cell death. In the short term, the hypoxia cascades are brilliant in their ability to forestall anoxia and death. In the long term, however, they wreak havoc.

If you have followed the endometriosis research, most if not all of the proteins involved in maintaining and spreading endometriotic lesions are controlled by HIF proteins. I suspect they were activated by disturbed mitochondrial metabolism, either causatively or consequently. Owing to the laws of reciprocity, once hypoxia sets in, it will disturb mitochondrial metabolism further, initiating a downward spiral that becomes difficult to unwind without full consideration of mitochondrial function. Of interest, these same cascades are active in preeclampsia and other diseases of modernity. In fact, I think many of the diseases we see in western cultures, are a result of long-term, low-level, cellular hypoxia mediated by mitochondrial dysfunction.

What precipitates the hypoxia and the mitochondrial dysfunction is not clear, but here again, I have some ideas. With endometriosis I suspect there are multiple factors that coalesce to generate cell level hypoxia.  Fetal and germ cell damage of our grandmothers and mothers mitigated by environmental (hereherehere) and/or pharmaceutical toxicants combined with our own exposures are key among them. For the heavy menstrual bleeding, however, I think the origins are almost entirely environmental, and by environmental, I mean the totality of the modern environment that includes diet, pharmaceuticals, and the ever-present industrial and environmental chemicals that pervade our existence.

With endometriosis, the hypoxia cascades are hyperactive. That is, HIF proteins are more prominent and seem not to be degraded effectively, suggesting a chronic or unremitting hypoxic threat. The ever-present HIF proteins then activate the compensatory cascades discussed above, promoting endometriotic lesion growth and the invasion into healthy cells. In contrast, with heavy menstrual bleeding researchers have found lower levels of HIF proteins. On the surface, this might suggest hypoxia is not involved, but I suspect it is. I just don’t know how exactly. There are hints to suggest I am correct. The question is why are the HIF proteins lower in women who bleed more heavily and higher in women with endometriosis? Is the bleeding another mechanism to deal with an unresolved localized hypoxia; one mediated perhaps by a different hormonal milieu?

Hypoxic Spirals and Mitochondrial Metabolism

In either case, aberrant HIF tells us that mitochondrial metabolism is altered. What it does not tell us is why or how. In many regards, however, the why and how may not matter. There are so many factors capable of affecting mitochondrial metabolism that determining THE factor is all but meaningless and perhaps a fool’s errand inasmuch as mitochondrial phenotypes even with the same genotypes are rarely consistent. More often than not, mitochondrial symptoms express with tremendous variability even among family members. This owes largely to the fact that mitochondria, as the cell danger sensors, are malleable by just about everything from nutritional status to genetics to environmental exposures and anything in between. In fact, something as simple as a nutrient deficiency, even a low-level one, can induce mitochondrial hypoxia. Carried out across time, the disease processes evoked appear identical to their genetic counterparts, and can induce de novo mutations generationally, effectively blurring the once hard and fast distinctions between genetic and environmental disease processes.

High calorie malnutrition, diets high in sugars and processed foods loaded in environmental chemicals but deficient in actual nutrients induce hypoxia. Many of agricultural, industrial and medical chemicals have been linked directly to endometriosis. Generationally, the effects are compounded. Consider DDTDioxinsPBCs, and DES. All are genotoxic, damage mitochondria and have been linked to endometriosis. Linkages to heavy menstrual bleeding are less well known, due to a complete lack of research. However, if we consider fibroids are one the most common causes of heavy menstrual bleeding, rodent research shows clear connections between long term, low level, food exposures to glyphosate, Bt toxin, and adjuvants, the chemical cocktail found in Roundup and used on genetically modified crops, to fibroid tumor growth. I suspect the accumulation of these and other toxins are keys to understanding the cell level hypoxia associated with heavy menstrual bleeding. The fibroid, like the endometriotic implant, may represent a mechanism to sequester toxicants, or in the case of heritable damage, remediate a flaw in bioenergetics with the resulting hypoxia a side-effect that then initiates its own survival cascades – the hypoxic spiral.

Hypoxic spirals are quite easy to initiate but somewhat difficult to stop, especially when resource availability is limited because of genetic or environmental liabilities. Consider the self-perpetuating cascades in iron deficiency or anemia, common in women. Anemia induces cell level hypoxia, which induces heavy bleeding. The heavy bleeding then induces or maintains the anemia. Similarly, Lupron, a medication used for both endometriosis and fibroids causes cell level hypoxia directly by damaging the mitochondria and reducing their metabolic flexibility. Hormonal contraceptives do as well. Indeed, one could argue that since all medications and vaccines damage the mitochondria by some mechanism or another, the ability to consume oxygen is necessarily impaired by modern therapeutics for all who use these chemicals. Reproductive ailments may simply be one set of manifestations among many. This begs the question, however, if cellular hypoxia can be induced so easily, in virtually anyone, why is it that some women develop endometriosis and/or heavy menstrual bleeding and others do not. In other words, why aren’t all women plagued with these disease processes? Increasingly, they are.

Damage to female reproductive function, colloquially referred to as ‘period problems’, has become almost commonplace in modern cultures affecting some 80% of the female population. Whether the issues present as endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, fibroids, heavy bleeding or other menstrual or reproductive disease processes, may not matter. The nexus of each may be indicative of cell level hypoxia with the different phenotypes contingent on the individual’s cocktail of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental exposures and resources.

Treatment Possibilities

If hypoxia lay at the root of these disease processes, to the extent that the hypoxia can be resolved affords new treatment opportunities; ones that not only tackle root causes, rather than symptoms, but may also affect the totality of the individual’s health. Hypoxia, barring obstruction, is a metabolic disturbance. Whether the origins are genetic, epigenetic or environmental, metabolism resides in the mitochondria. If we support the mitochondria, provide the mitochondria with the resources, the fuel to perform the tasks they are proscribed to perform, rather than continually damaging or blocking innate signaling pathways needed for cell survival, we may just be able to, if not eliminate these disease processes, at least manage them and improve quality of life. I think this is worth looking into, don’t you?

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Graphic credits: Tony Grist (Photographer’s own files) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

This article was originally published on May 9, 2017. 

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding


Heavy menstrual bleeding is a significant cause of poor health in women, and yet it is rarely discussed openly because of the widespread societal taboo against frank discussion about normal functions of women’s bodies. About 30 percent of women will experience heavy menstrual bleeding at some point in their reproductive lifetime. It can have a substantial effect on a woman’s quality of life including placing limitations on physical activities, social activities, and ability to work during menstruation. Anemia is often a result of heavy menstrual bleeding, and anemia can cause serious fatigue, weakness, dizziness, cognitive problems, depression, anxiety, and more. Although all of these issues have as significant an effect on a women’s quality of life as many other debilitating illnesses, most women probably feel quite isolated in dealing with the problem, because they may feel uncomfortable disclosing it to friends and family members.

What Does Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Mean?

Because of the lack of discussion and education around this topic, many women do not know what may constitute heavy menstrual bleeding versus normal menstrual bleeding. I know that for me, as an adolescent, I assumed it was normal to have to double up on tampons and pads, to need a bathroom every hour or two during my period, to get up several times at night to change tampons and pads, and to always have a change of clothes with me. It wasn’t until I had been seriously anemic for many years that I started to question what I had been told up to that point even by doctors, which was that my heavy periods were normal. We need better menstrual education for teens, so that problems like heavy menstrual bleeding and other women’s health issues can be diagnosed earlier.

The medical definition of heavy menstrual bleeding, also known as menorrhagia, is bleeding that is abnormally heavy (more than 80 mL of blood per period), abnormally prolonged (more than 7 days of bleeding), or both. However, even knowing the medical definition of heavy menstrual bleeding does not necessarily help women identify whether or not their bleeding is normal, because translating that number into what they are experiencing with their menstrual cycle is quite difficult.

Most women probably assume that most or all of the menstrual fluid is blood, but actually on average, only about 36 percent of the fluid is blood. And this percentage varies widely among women, from 1.6 percent to 81 percent. The guideline typically used is that bleeding that soaks through a large pad or tampon in under two hours, going on for several hours, or with large clots, is too heavy. But even among brands of pads and tampons the absorbency can vary from less than 1 mL to almost 100 mL. Because of the difficulty in quantifying bleeding, in many cases doctors will use a woman’s subjective description of her heavy menstrual bleeding as an indication that there is a problem that needs treatment. In some cases this will result in unnecessary treatment for a problem that does not really exist.

Causes of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

When considering the possible causes of heavy menstrual bleeding, it is important to remember that heavy menstrual bleeding can result from gynecological causes, as well as hematological causes (bleeding disorders). Usually when a woman presents to her doctor with heavy menstrual bleeding, she will be referred to a gynecologist, resulting in an investigation of gynecological causes. However, even when the gynecological investigation does not provide answers as to the cause of the bleeding, hematological causes are not typically investigated. In approximately 50 percent of cases of heavy menstrual bleeding, no cause is found.

Gynecological causes of heavy menstrual bleeding include hormone imbalances, dysfunction of the ovaries, uterine fibroids or polyps, adenomyosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and in rare cases, cancer. Hematological causes include inherited bleeding disorders such as von Willebrand disease, platelet function disorders, hemophilia A and B, or other clotting factor deficiencies. Bleeding disorders have traditionally been highly under recognized in women, and still are, and some, such as von Willebrand disease, can be hard to diagnose. After gynecological issues are ruled out as a possible cause of heavy menstrual bleeding, it may be important to investigate hematological causes, especially if there are any other bleeding symptoms such as nosebleeds, or abnormal bleeding with dental work or surgeries.

Treatment of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Although there are treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding, unfortunately in many cases they are not effective enough. Sixty percent of  women referred to a gynecologist for heavy menstrual bleeding will have a hysterectomy within the five years following the referral. Many of these hysterectomies may not be necessary—in some cases gynecological causes are not being treated effectively enough, or bleeding disorders are not being identified.

If a cause can be identified for the bleeding, treating the root cause, in most cases, is preferable. However, there are also treatment options that can address heavy bleeding regardless of the root cause, and the effectiveness and potential side effects of these options varies. There are non-specific treatments such as hormonal contraceptives and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications that are often used for a variety of women’s health conditions, and for some women, these can reduce heavy menstrual bleeding as well. There are also two treatments specifically used for heavy menstrual bleeding that can be fairly effective, but each comes with its own risks. Lysteda (tranexamic acid) is an oral medication used as needed during menstruation, and endometrial ablation is a surgical treatment option.

Lysteda/Tranexamic Acid

This medication has been used to prevent and treat blood loss in a variety of situations, such as in trauma cases, surgeries with heavy blood loss, and patients with bleeding disorders. In 2009, it was approved as an oral medication to treat heavy menstrual bleeding.  This medication works by slowing the breakdown of blood clots, helping to prevent heavy bleeding, and is used when needed during menstrual periods. It can be used for heavy menstrual bleeding from a variety of different causes, both gynecological, and hematological.

A review of multiple studies of the effectiveness of Lysteda concluded that it can reduce menstrual blood loss by up to 50 percent, and that use of Lysteda results in improved quality of life for patients. No significant side effects were seen observed in these studies. However, since Lysteda affects the blood clotting pathway, there is the potential for increased risk of thromboembolism (obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot), although studies to date have not shown any increased risk. This medication should not be used in women with active thromboembolism, or in those with history of or at risk of thromboembolism.

Endometrial Ablation Surgery

Another treatment that is used specifically for heavy menstrual bleeding is endometrial ablation. This is a procedure that surgically destroys the lining of the uterus. The surgery is minimally invasive, requiring no incisions—it is done through the vagina and cervix. In some cases, it can even be done in a doctor’s office, depending upon the method used and the patient characteristics. This treatment is usually used once other less invasive options have failed. However, pregnancy after endometrial ablation can have serious complication, so endometrial ablation is only recommended for women who do not plan to become pregnant.

Endometrial ablation is considered a fairly effective treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding. Depending on the method used, 28 to 71 percent of women will have no menstrual bleeding at all after ablation. Patient satisfaction for all methods is 89 percent or higher. However, about one in six women will require further surgery after endometrial ablation. Hysterectomy is the most common surgery after endometrial ablation, and some women will have a repeat endometrial ablation. Further surgery after ablation is considered a “treatment failure” and can result from continued bleeding, pain, or both. Younger age at the time of the procedure is associated with a higher risk of treatment failure.

Although the procedure itself has been shown to be safe and have a relatively low risk of complications, it is also well recognized that pelvic pain can develop or worsen after endometrial ablation. Longer term complications specifically related to ablation include painful obstructed menstruation, hemometra (retention of blood in the uterus), and post-ablation tubal sterilization syndrome, which is a painful condition that can develop in patients who have had both tubal sterilization and endometrial ablation.  About 21 percent of patients have pelvic pain following endometrial ablation. Risk factors for treatment failure with endometrial ablation, in addition to younger age, include painful periods prior to the surgery, endometriosis, adenomyosis, prior tubal ligation, and in some studies, obesity. Endometrial ablation has been used in a wider and wider group of women since its introduction; however, now that risk factors for treatment failure are better understood, women and their doctors can make a better informed decision about whether this procedure would be right for them.

Like many other women’s health issues, heavy menstrual bleeding is a problem that affects many women in significant ways, but is rarely discussed. Many women just put up with it for years or even a lifetime without seeking help. Removing the stigma from discussions about menstrual problems will help many women have a better quality of life and may lead to better treatment options than those currently available.

This post was published originally on Hormones Matter on November 23, 2015.

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