
Post Concussive Metabolic Dysfunction in a Dancer


A Concussion, an Infection and the Slow Spiral of Declining Health

Our daughter started ballet at 2.5 years old, and by 5 years old she had started competitions and had decided she was going to become a professional ballerina. She was talented, had an amazing work ethic and completely loved her life of ballet, friends and school. She was a very happy child, bright and bubbly and she woke up everyday super excited about what was going to be happening that day. From a very early age, our daughter showed determination, stubbornness and a quiet, but strong competitiveness.

In October 2016, when she was 12 years old, she got a severe concussion, and her whole life stopped for nearly 3 months. She stayed in her bedroom in the dark, couldn’t read, slept for most of the day and even trying to tie her shoelaces gave her an intense headache. After months of no improvement, we took her to a chiropractor, who told us her neck was out and she wouldn’t have gotten better until it was put back in properly. Our daughter floated out of that appointment so happy that she nearly felt back to her normal self.  The chiropractor gave us an information sheet about Thiamine/B1 Vitamin at the time, but we didn’t really take any notice apart from trying to give her some more marmite (yeast spread) as it suggested.

Then in September 2017, both our daughter and our older son suddenly became very ill with vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes, headaches, stomach pain, joint pain, and bright red palms. Our older son had more intense symptoms, and also had extreme nose bleeds and petechial rashes – he was admitted to hospital where they found his liver and spleen were enlarged but they couldn’t work out what was wrong. Our son had recently come back from a school trip to Vietnam – we were trying to find if there was a link to Vietnam but he had already been home for a couple of weeks so the hospital didn’t test for any illnesses from Vietnam. After weeks of this illness, we were told our daughter had Mono/Epstein Barr Virus and that this was causing her illness and it was completely unrelated with our son’s illness.  We found this extremely odd that they could have mostly the same symptoms at exactly the same time, but as our son was more acute and in hospital, we were just concentrating on trying to get both of them well.

Since then, our daughter has never fully recovered. She started not sleeping, and constantly having body pains and headaches. She was sent to a paediatrician who diagnosed her with Child Migraines and told us she would outgrow them and was given melatonin for sleep. The melatonin worked for 3 nights and then completely stopped working. Our daughter started to put on weight, and would look puffy in the face, and she lost her menstrual period even though she was gaining weight. She was always tired, always had body pains and slowly but surely lost her sparkle.

Declining Metabolic Function and Weight Gain

At the end of 2017 when she was 13 years old, she lost her place in the national ballet training program. Our daughter was extremely stoic at this point, and was determined to get a professional career without the training academy’s help. Throughout 2018 she continued to put on weight, no matter how healthy she ate or what she ate, and still didn’t have a menstrual period. We saw doctors and nutritionists, but they couldn’t explain why her weight continued to increase or they would tell us there was nothing wrong. Our daughter became quiet, withdrawn, easily irritated and frustrated and stopped being interested in anything or anyone. She continued to work at her ballet, and the only time she would ‘light up’ would be on stage, as she was still trying to compete. During 2018, she gained 10kg/22lbs while being on a very strict nutrition plan. She auditioned for a ballet academy to start at the beginning of 2019 and was accepted; she was happy but in a tired way, and she knew that she would need to stop gaining weight but had no idea how she was going to do that when she had already been trying so hard.

In February 2019 we saw a naturopath who diagnosed our daughter with Adrenal Fatigue, and said her thyroid needed support, and that she still had lingering Epstein Barr Virus in her system.  The naturopath pointed to our daughter always wanting salt as an indicator of adrenal fatigue.  She was put on some herbal remedies for her immune system, inflammation and liver, adrenal and thyroid support, and relaxation/sleep support as well as Epstein Barr Virus liquid drops to help her immune system recognise the lingering EB virus in her system.

The weight started to instantly melt off, her sleeping improved and we felt we finally had some answers and a solution. Our daughter was happy with the weight loss, but still struggled with her other symptoms: dizziness, dry/gritty eyes, chest pain, tiredness, muscle and joint pains, extremely sore lower and upper back pain, brain fog, very low blood pressure, daily headaches, daily sore throat, complete lack of energy and occasionally sore under her right ribs (later on she told us that she couldn’t sweat, no matter how hard or long she exercised).

A month after starting the herbal remedies, she had her first panic attack during rehearsal for a school production – she had no idea what was happening and it took a long time to calm her down. Her mental and emotional state continued to decline, it was a daily struggle to do anything; she always had to push through every single day. We continued to take our daughter to the doctors for the sore throats, tiredness, headaches etc. but we were always told there was nothing wrong with her. During this time she got an infected toenail, and ended up being on antibiotics for twice as long as usual as it wouldn’t heal. The naturopath added in additional supplements to help, and eventually her toe got better.

Even though she was still losing weight, our daughter became very apathetic and would stay in her room – we would try to talk to her every day, try to reach her but she was shut off emotionally.  Then we ran out of one of the herbal supplements, and suddenly she began to gain weight again – she gained 2.8kg/6.2lbs in 2 weeks. Once we got her back on the herbal supplement she began to lose weight again, but it seemed to be slower and less effective. Our daughter got to 51.3kg (she is 5ft7 inches tall) and she was happy, and her ballet teachers told her to not lose any further weight as she was fine at the weight she was.

Hair Loss, Pale Skin, and Skyrocketing Weight

Halfway during 2019, our daughter’s hair started to fall out in clumps, it got to the point where she was too scared to wash or comb it, as it was falling out so much. We noticed our daughter was extremely pale, and at times she looked translucent. The naturopath put her on iron pills and told us to massage her scalp, but it didn’t really make a difference. The naturopath didn’t think she needed to be on the adrenal/thyroid support any longer, and was changing her supplements. Our daughter’s weight then skyrocketed, and our relationship with the naturopath started to deteriorate as she kept implying that we were starving our daughter and we felt she wasn’t able to answer our questions on why one particular supplement seemed to be the only one that would help our daughter lose weight, but she still had the other symptoms that were getting worse.

We took our daughter to other GP doctors, trying to explain her symptoms and asking for her thyroid to be checked, but we were continuously brushed off and they would look at our daughter and say it was just normal teenage hormonal stuff and there was nothing wrong. In our gut we felt there was something drastically wrong, but nobody would listen to us. We started to hate going to the doctors, going through her symptoms only to be told again and again there was nothing wrong with her, and being looked at like we had the problem, not our daughter. We started trying to research things ourselves, started tracking and monitoring everything she ate/did/sleep patterns. The naturopath would change the supplements and our daughters weight would skyrocket – we would then put her back on the original supplements and again she would start to lose weight, but every time it was less effective.

Low Metabolic Rate, Low Estradiol, Yeast and Bacterial Overgrowth, Constipation and Parasites

At the beginning of 2020, our daughter’s weight was going back up significantly and it seemed that the original supplement was no longer working at all. We realised that our daughter’s face and neck seemed to be more swollen on the left side, but couldn’t find any reason why it would be like this.  Our daughter started to get new symptoms around this time as well – from not being able to sweat at all, she started to have extreme sweating everywhere, and started to get hot flushes and night sweating.  We noticed that the hair on her upper lip was more noticeable/darker, and she started to get a small patch of hair just under the middle of her lower lip as well. She also started to get a very bloated around her stomach area, and couldn’t pull it in no matter how hard she tried.

In February 2020, we decided to try and get testing done ourselves, and found a functional doctor who supplied a variety of tests. We got a hormone and thyroid test, as well as a MTHFR gene mutation test.  We thought if we could show our doctor some factual data, we might be taken more seriously. The functional doctor advised us to also do an Organic Acid urine test, which we did as well.  The test results came back saying that our daughter’s total estrogen was so low that it was at the level of a post-menopausal woman, but the functional doctor thought that was because she was a dancer. The organic acid test picked up that she was in a hypometabolic state; again with the reason given that this was because she was an athlete. The organic acid test also showed that she had a significantly high amount of yeast and bacterial overgrowth in her gut, which would cause inflammation system wide and insulin resistance.

The functional doctor wanted to test for parasites as well, so we did a complete microbiome mapping test using a stool sample. While taking the stool sample, we were surprised that our daughter could only produce tiny, rock-hard little pebbles and we questioned her about it, we then found that she was constipated but she thought passing tiny pebble-type stools only every 3-5 days was normal.

While we were waiting for the microbiome mapping results, the functional doctor prescribed a total of 30 supplements/remedies as well as adrenal support liquid drops – these were to cover supporting biochemical pathways, weight management, cognitive support, anti-inflammatories, detoxification, liver support, hormonal metabolism, adrenal and energy support, amino acids to support cellular energy, mitochondrial NRG multivitamins to support cellular health, l-tryptophan to support sleep and neurotransmitter mood support. During this time she was also advised to stop all dairy (she was already gluten/sugar free and very low carb). We did take all of these tests results to our GP doctor, but were advised that they didn’t recognise these tests.

After a week of the new supplements, we noticed a complete shift in our daughter’s energy level and emotional/mental state. We were relieved to have our daughter’s personality back – it was literally like a heavy, suffocating blanket had been taken off her and she could finally think, feel and breathe again – it was a huge difference seeing her not having to mentally struggle through every single day. We did a lot of talking with her and she finally admitted just how numb she had felt to everything, but also scared that this was how she was going to be for the rest of her life.  The supplements did nothing for her weight, which continued to increase, and some of the other physical symptoms, but we were now clinging to the information that we knew she could lose the weight, and that now she could also be better emotionally and mentally with higher energy levels – we just had to figure out what was stopping her from having all of these things at the same time.

In May 2020, the microbiome mapping results came back, and we were surprised to find that our daughter an extreme level of a parasite in her system, called Blastocystis hominis, as well as an overgrowth of Rhodotorula fungi and a couple of other opportunistic bacterial overgrowths. The functional doctor immediately put her on a parasite/bacterial/yeast eradication protocol that was to be for two months, and then we were supposed to follow that with 6 months of a rejuvenation program.

When our daughter found out it was a parasite that was making her sick, she was absolutely ecstatic. She had loved ballet her whole life, but thought it was ballet making her sick so had been pushing it away which had been hurting her emotionally – it hurt her to think that the thing she loved the most was hurting her. Now that she knew it was instead a parasite making her sick, she felt she could allow herself to love ballet again. While waiting for the herbal remedies for the eradication protocol, we started to research the parasite, and started to become very concerned at just how difficult it was to get rid of it, and the devastating symptoms/damage that it could do.

Looking at other protocols that were used to get rid of this particular parasite, the remedies weren’t the same as the ones prescribed by our functional doctor, so we questioned if these particular remedies had been used for this parasite before and if they were successful. We were assured that these remedies had been used and were definitely successful.

Failed Treatments and Inconclusive Diagnoses

Our daughter started on Australian Oil of Oregano, 6 capsules a day totalling 900mg of essential oil each day, as well as 6 capsules of a GI-Microbe remedy for worms. After a week she noticed she had a very itchy bottom and a sore stomach. Our GP doctor wanted to check for PCOS because of the lack of menstrual period and her hair falling out, so our daughter had a pelvic ultrasound 6 days after starting the Oil of Oregano. The sonographer couldn’t see anything in the ultrasound because of the amount of gas (it looked like billowing black clouds on the screen), so after a lot of discussion due to our daughter’s age, she had an internal ultrasound. The sonographer was surprised that it was still hard to see anything due to the amount of gas, so could only see one ovary and a small piece of her uterus, which the sonographer said looked good and didn’t indicate there was PCOS.

During the following week our daughter’s stomach pain became more intense, and her weight was skyrocketing. We started to get very concerned at her escalating reactions but kept being reassured by the functional doctor that this was normal. After 20 days of being on the Oil of Oregano we decided to take our daughter off all of the supplements as we felt they were just making her worse. All of the literature on the parasite Blastocystis advises that you need to wait 8 weeks before doing PCR stool testing to see if the parasite has been eradicated or not. We are currently waiting until 10 August 2020 at the earliest to be able to test to see if the parasite is gone. Since this Oregano treatment, her stools are now every day and better consistency (they were floating which we think is fat malabsorption issues?) and her menstrual period has returned. Her appetite has also reduced, and she isn’t craving carbs and sugar as she has now revealed she used to.

Since then our daughter’s weight has continued to increase at a rapid rate – in total from 27 January 2020 to 31 July 20202 she has gained 14.5kg/32lbs, with 10kg/22lbs being in the last 2.5 months.  She can physically no longer do ballet, so she sits and watches in class instead. After joining a Facebook group for the parasite Blastocystis, we have been seeing a naturopath in Australia via Zoom who had the parasite themselves. We are currently waiting on a SIBO breath test results as the naturopath thinks our daughter also has SIBO. We spend all of our time trying to research all of our daughter’s symptoms, while watching her physically deteriorate. It has totally consumed our family.

Where We Are Now: Was It Thiamine All Along?

Our daughter is in a better mental/emotional space, but doesn’t physically recognise her body at all.  Even our daughter’s orthodontist asked why she was so swollen in her face, especially the left side – but the doctors still don’t think there is anything wrong. Our daughter’s physiotherapist is too scared to touch her, as she is so swollen. We spend every day crying at some point. While researching SIBO symptoms, we came across a comment about Thiamine deficiency, so started to research and bought the book “Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition”.  Reading about the swelling of the face, and that it is fluid retention in the body was a revelation. But because of what happened with the Oil of Oregano, we are too scared to try doing something on our own and potentially making it worse, and the more we research, more of the other co-factors, we keep finding and things to be careful of. We have been to our GP doctor asking them to investigate if it could be beriberi, so they have started doing blood tests, but then we found in the appointment notes that the doctor still thinks our daughter looks well, so we are disappointed that it looks like they are not taking this potential diagnosis seriously.

Currently we’re waiting on Allithiamine and Lipothiamine to arrive from Australia, as we can’t purchase it here in New Zealand, but with Covid-19 there are huge delays in postage. We have started our daughter on 150mg of Benfotiamine (even that was extremely difficult to find in New Zealand) but at this stage we are hesitant to just ramp up the dosage to see instant results. We took our daughter back to the chiropractor who now advises that her kidneys/bladder aren’t working properly, and also that her vagus nerve isn’t working either. Just this week, we have taken her to an acupuncturist to try and help with the fluid retention, and they’re concerned about her heart and liver and just how swollen she is. We have added in legumes to her diet to help with bile function/detoxification and her stools are now increasing and no longer floating. We are now wondering if maybe she was hypoglycaemic as well.

Reading the comments on the Thiamine Deficiency Facebook group, we should also be looking at potassium supplementation, but conversely you shouldn’t supplement with potassium if there is something wrong with your kidneys. With the doctors not believing us, alternative practitioners wanting to potentially only push their own agenda/supplements or not fully understanding the full consequences of their remedies, or not being able to find out what the root cause of the problem is, and the conflicting information all over the internet, we are completely lost/scared/petrified/confused and feel a huge pressure to fix our daughter and it feels like time is rapidly running out. The stress on us as parents is completely overwhelming, and financially we feel like we are throwing money at this ever-increasing problem and the money is fast running out. We feel that every day is getting worse than the day before, and our hope has faded to a tiny pinprick of light. Gathering all of the information together for the doctors/alternative practitioners/supplements/nutritionist plans/tests looks absolutely ludicrous, but when you’re in the thick of it you’re completely desperate to find anything that could potentially fix your child. Then when it doesn’t work, or it makes the symptoms worse, the guilt is huge.

We’re hoping that by publishing her story on Hormones Matter, others might look at our daughter’s case history, and confirm what is wrong, explain it to us so that it makes sense, and help us fix her in a safe way.

Current Diet and Supplements

Below is a snapshot of our daughter’s typical diet and supplement regime. Please note, the Benfotiamine was begun only recently.

Breakfast Morning Tea Lunch Afternoon Tea Dinner Water/Teas and Remedies before bed
Douglas Labs Ultrazyme x 1 1 large gold kiwifruit Douglas Labs Ultrazyme x 1 50gm Coconut Yoghurt 105gm Roast Beef 3 x Magnesium Citrate (Pure Encapsulations)
2 Egg Muffins – Bacon/Veg 2 teaspoon sunflower seeds 90gm tin pink salmon with probiotics 0.5 cup roast pumpkin
2 Tablespoons Pumpkin Seeds 1 cup Almond Milk 1 cup green Kale/Pak Choi (homegrown) 10 almonds 0.5 cup broccoli
1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar 2 x Tran-Q 1 cup tomatoes 1 Apple 0.5 cup peas
2 Brazil Nuts 0.5 cup cucumber 2 x Tran-Q
1 scoop Orthoplex Gut Rx 0.5 cup grated carrot
1 X HPA Essentials Tablet 0.25 cup brown rice
** 1 x Doctors Best Benfotiamine 150 1 Tablespoon mashed Avocado
1 teaspoon flaxseed oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 X HPA Essentials
1 scoop Orthoplex Gut Rx

** Benfotiamine was just recently added as of July 25, 2020.

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Image by Dimitris Doukas from Pixabay.

This story was published originally on August 10, 2020. 

Hidden Variables in Disease: Spin and Scale


In a world in which what we see is being rendered, traditional classifications get turned on their heads. How can we know what something is and how fast it is going at the same time, if how fast it is going is one way of rendering what it is? For this, we must consider the spin and scale of light.

The Spin of Things

In the previous two essays, we talked about the concept of light’s density or speed in the context of the holographic universe theory (here, here). We discussed how this might impact our interpretation of health and disease by giving us a new window on metabolism. Today, I would like to discuss a model that builds upon the idea of a holographic universe and suggest we make the speed of light a baseline for understanding other variables. Currently, we use matter and space as baseline characteristics to define objects.

Remember, the rock on the hill example from the first essay. When we see an object, like the rock on a hill, we treat it as one thing—matter that is at rest—but according to the holographic universe theory, what we see in 3D could be emerging from a 2D reality. I am treating the rock on a hill as two things: light that has acquired density, and acquired [potential] speed.

In other words, if ‘reality’ is 2D, there could be a variable we have not yet considered: holographic volume. My brain is rendering the 3D world. Is it rendering it at the proper scale? And if I don’t have the right Planck scale, will the new blood I make be the right size? Unfortunately, you cannot tell me, because you cannot see what I see. Even I cannot see what I see. I see only the images my brain composes. Some of the ideas in these essays are hypotheses that will have to be tested before we know if they hold any merit. This is not one of them. We understand very clearly how perception in the brain works. We simply have not applied the tenets of cognitive science to medicine.

If the Speed of Light Is the Baseline, Then What?

If the speed of light is the baseline, what is energy? Paradoxically, we can see “energy” as the speed required for matter to approach the speed of light from below. If the speed of light is the baseline, what is matter? Paradoxically, we can see “matter” as the density required for energy to approach the speed of light from above. In other words, matter’s acceleration is restricted by the speed of light, e.g. the sun, and energy’s deceleration is restricted by the speed of light—the moon. In sun and moon, we are visualizing the same boundary, from different sides.

Speed of light relative to sun and moon
Figure 1. Speed of light and positional relativity.

When we visualize from different hemispheres, it creates an important perceptual distinction. From M > sun, the direction of spin appears to be right > left (see above). From E > moon, the direction of spin appears to be left > right.

What if, when I am spinning right > left and the basal cells on my shoulder are spinning left > right, I have cancer. When I am spinning right > left and the H. pylori in my gut are spinning left > right, I have an H. pylori ‘infection’,  and perhaps an ulcer. When I am spinning right > left and the DNA in my womb is spinning left > right, I am pregnant.

If I eclipse the speed of light, I can correct by increasing my density (vitamin K1). If I dip beneath the speed of light, I can correct by increasing my speed (vitamin K2).

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics

The moon’s size is 27.27% of the earth’s size. The moon’s orbital period is 27.27 days. The sun is 400 times larger than the moon—and also 400 times farther away.

The black hole at the center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A*, has the largest angular size in the sky, followed by M87. M87’s black hole is 1000 times bigger, but roughly 1000 times farther away. —Feryal Özel, Harvard University Black Hole Initiative

Figure 2. The same relationship from different perspectives.

In these models, the earth is to the moon / as the sun is to the earth / as the black hole is to the sun. We are seeing the same relationship, the same equation, at different scales. Are our brains “filling in” (creating) the curvature we perceive? What if earth is the 2D plane between moon and sun? Or, with a shift of the scale, sun becomes the flat 2D plane.

Feeling My Limits

If I do not perceive flatness correctly, I have to deal with forces. If I am too dense—if I treat moon as the 2D plane—I will constantly battle the accelerating, expanding force (Parkinson’s?). If I am too diffuse—if I treat sun as the 2D plane—I will constantly battle the contracting force (ALS?). Only at the speed of light is light free to be itself.

In other words, we can never really depart from the baseline. If we eclipse the baseline, we “spin backward.” If we dip below the baseline, we “spin forward.” At my baseline, e.g. ~53 years old / female in menopause, I have begun to feel my limits. In order to spin forward, I have to first acquire density—and my density is already as high as it can be. In order to spin backward, I have to first acquire speed—and my speed is already as high as it can be. Light as light has limits. Its upper limit is c, and its lower limit is c. Any further acceleration or deceleration will result in a state change.

Cancer: A Metabolic Trap

What if the cancer cell’s metabolic rate is “burning and freezing” at the same time, and it finds itself metabolically trapped in precisely the same way I was? Recall from essay two, the energy factory in cancer cells spins backward relative to the other cells.

What is truth?
Figure 3. What is truth?

In a holographic model, we can account for the multi-directionality of spin because the playing field is not a vacuum. The playing field is dynamic. What I do depends on what I perceive the background to be doing, and what I perceive the background to be doing depends on my own constitution as much—actually, more—than any external “truth.” In a flat, 2D world, where what we perceive is the thing itself, and we do not have to consider the act of rendering, we do not have to account for spin. In a world that introduces time as a variable in health and disease, we do. This has implications for treatment.

With this model, we can consider forces, not just particles. For example, if I need to condense, I can use the magnetic force (iron). The presence of the magnetic force, however, will change the way I perceive the speed of light. If I need to expand, I can use “reverse-magnetism” (manganese). The presence of manganese will change the way I perceive the speed of light as well, albeit in the opposite direction. This adds a new level of complexity, for sure, but also, opportunity.

Seeing Through Colored Glasses

What is the pH of the instrument with which I am reading pH?

If I need to accelerate and expand, I can move sodium inside the cell—but then I will be reading the powers of hydrogen from an acidic perspective. If I need to decelerate and contract, I can move potassium outside the cell—but then I will be reading the powers of hydrogen from an alkaline perspective.

The same mineral, e.g. iron, can be used in different ways. When the background force is expanding, I use magnetism to hold myself together. When the background force is contracting, I use “reverse-magnetism” to hold myself apart.

Does this universe, my body, reach a tipping point—the speed of light?—where its polarity flips? What happens if some of the basal cells in my shoulder flip their polarity ahead of the rest of me?

When Matter Doesn’t Matter

When my father was dying of squamous cell carcinoma in 1995—one hundred years after the death of Louis Pasteur—his oncologist-prescribed multivitamins were clearly marked COPPER- and IRON-FREE. Copper facilitates electricity. Iron facilitates magnetism. We have assumed that the field is inertial, and we treat our minerals as inert. The holographic universe theory and these essays challenge that assumption.

From beneath light’s speed, we are viewing light as its passenger. From above light’s speed, we are viewing light as its track. Only at the speed of light are we able to see light as it is—the train as the train.

[O]ur observable universe is at the threshold of expanding faster than the speed of light.  ―physicist Lawrence M. Krauss

I don’t want my pineal gland to be too cold and under too much pressure (matter). Conversely, I don’t want my pineal gland to be too hot and under too little pressure (energy). If the world is light, I want my pineal gland to be light.

If my perspective is limited to that of matter, no amount of acceleration is going to get me over the line. It is as if I am trapped behind the speed of light from below (ME/CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?). Similarly, if my perspective is limited to that of energy, no amount of deceleration is going to get me where I need to be. It is as if I am trapped above the speed of light (Autism?).

When light is too slow, time has to be too fast (ME/CFS). When light is too fast, time has to be too slow (Autism). We can never really depart from the baseline.

A Fresh Lens

To determine what time it is, my pineal gland reads the light in my environment. If it is wider than I am, I expand, by pulling sodium inside the cell. If it is denser than I am, I contract, by pushing potassium outside the cell.

Oxalate crystal
Figure 4. Oxalate: Dense light? Image: Facebook, Trying Low Oxalates

Since every cell in my body is intelligent, every cell reads the density of light for itself. If a cell or a cluster of cells within a local region contracts by a full degree of light’s speed, they pull back from the boundary and create a new “layer” of time—a fresh speed of light lens.

This fresh lens represents light’s limits, but at a smaller scale, which increases my constraints.

When my scale decreases, if the blood—and the oxygen and information it contains—is unable to reach me, I am forced to use another form of respiration: anaerobic (without oxygen). I try to manufacture new blood and new blood vessels (angiogenesis), but this takes time. Instead of being “under water,” it is as if I am “under light.” Starved of oxygen, I accelerate, but I can never really depart from the baseline. Each time I draw back, my density increases—and so does my perception of light’s speed.

I can try to slow down time—with radiation, with dopamine, with iron (magnetism), with hypo-methylating agents, such as the drug remdesivir—but, in a sense, I am only feeding the core dysfunction. In these models, to slow down time is to speed up light. From light’s perspective, I am freezing and scorching at the same time—but I am no longer seeing from light’s perspective. I am now seeing light through two lenses—one that is too small, and another that is too large.

From matter’s perspective, when I accelerate (vitamin K1, potassium grants permission), if I cross the speed of light lens, I split. From energy’s perspective, when I decelerate (vitamin K2, sodium grants permission), if I cross the speed of light lens, I fuse.

An Alternate Model

I would like to propose an alternate model to that of the vacuum. What we observe is taking place inside time. A unit of time has a fundamental length—27,729 days, which is about the length of a human life, and approximately 70 x 360 plus 7 x 360 days. This “width” of time defines a margin inside which, light is light. Above and below it, light is no longer light, but matter and energy, respectively.

Figure 5. Time as singularity between two speeds of light.

Between c and c, the field is inertial; I don’t have to deal with forces. Beneath the lower c—which I’m calling Alpha—if I perceive the exploding force, I will apply the condensing force, by moving potassium ions outside the cell. Here is the problem, though: if I am condensing, the world will appear to explode.

Above the higher c—which I’m calling Omega—if I perceive the condensing force, I will apply the exploding force, by moving sodium ions inside the cell. Again, a problem: if I am exploding, the world will appear to condense.

It is a metabolic cul-de-sac, a feedback loop. And its root cause, I believe, is relativity. Perception.

I am pushing calcium Ca+ ions back and forth across the cell membrane, but when time is too long, I have to push them too quickly. In this model, time is “long” (relatively speaking) when I am tall, or on top of a mountain. Time is “short” when I am deep-sea diving at the bottom of the ocean.

In other words, time relates to scale—and both relate to disease.

Seeing As Light Sees

Perhaps the speed of light functions like a lens. When observed from beneath the lens, light appears to be branching into many worlds. When observed from above the lens, light appears to be condensing into one. At the lens, light is light.

What happens if I insert a new lens—a fresh perspective, new consciousness, a stem cell—into an old environment? If I put new wine into old wineskins, I run the risk of re-setting the metronome. A new lens creates a new 2D plane from which light can condense and expand—or expand and condense. It creates a “fresh green,” if you will, from which can be derived fresh “blue yellow blue” or “yellow blue yellow.” New light is capable of operating at a different time signature—a different scale.

With cancer, I am deranged on both sides of time—both sides of the speed of light lens. To one side, I am too salty, too bitter. To the other, I am not salty enough. Instead of the flower, I become the fruit and the seed.

My light is spinning too quickly—and not quickly enough. To one side of time, it’s so cold, it’s burning up. To the other side, it’s so hot, it’s freezing. Instead of “earth,” I have become … sun and moon. Jupiter and Venus. Saturn and Mercury.

Achiral image
Figure 6. Achiral images are superimposable; chiral images (above) are oriented left and right.

From beneath the lens, we see red and blue, splitting. From above the lens, we see red and blue, superimposed. But the truth is neither. The truth is red or blue. “Red and blue, splitting” and “red and blue, superimposed” are reciprocal illusions—noise. There was never really a purple rabbit. And there never really will be—for this one universe—both a red rabbit and a blue rabbit.

With chiral (splitting) images, the moments fly away too quickly (ME/CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?). With achiral (repeating) images, the moments linger too long (LSD, Autism?).

A New Frame Around an Old Problem

Contemporary physics, like medicine, has a fundamental problem. Both disciplines treat the world as physical and the observer as paramount, and both fail to successfully physicalize the observer. The holographic universe theory might solve that problem for physics. Could it influence medicine, too?

The universe is like a 2D plane—a flat sheet of paper. The observer is like a circle on the paper—a black hole. Time starts as a point and explodes outward, until it reaches the circle, and then beyond it. The observer can see light that is “smaller” than we are (inside the circle), and when light crosses the plane of the observer, we see darkness.

Darkness, in other words, is not darkness. It is light that is wider than light—wider than the light of the observer.

In these models, the speed of light is both Alpha and Omega—the end from which we start (Figure 5). It is the baseline or “dome” that we may observe from above, or below. From below, the dome appears concave, and we see “sun.” From above, it emerges—gradually—as convex.

A universe is one house. We see through a glass darkly—partially. When we see the sun, we are blind to the dark-matter moon around it. When we see the moon, we are blind to the dark-energy sun within it. We see what we see, not what we are.

If we incorporate time into our calculations, illness can be re-envisioned as metabolic. Both backward and forward directions of spin are available to us. It all depends on the relative density of the observer—whether we are seeing light from matter’s perspective (forward spin) or energy’s perspective (backward spin). Light “spinning backward” should be investigated further for a possible role in oncogenesis, pathogenesis, and embryogenesis.

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Feature image purchased from Shutterstock.

A Rant About Diet and Responsibility


The American diet is atrocious and largely responsible for the growing epidemics of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, not just in America, but worldwide. The highly processed, high calorie, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fat, and high chemical additive products that line grocery stores are products of American ingenuity; products that we have exported internationally, and sadly, products that are responsible for the declining metabolic health worldwide. This is a fact that many of us are reticent to accept. We are poisoning ourselves and everyone else around us by the products we make and consume.

A recent study found that fully 80% of metabolic disease can be attributed to lifestyle, e.g. poor diet and a lack exercise. Eighty percent. That is a staggering finding especially when one considers that 476 million people worldwide have diabetes, most of them Type 2 (T2). This represents a 129% increase since 1990, when the number stood 211.2 million. During the same time frame, the rates of cardiovascular disease have increased from 271 million to 523 million. Underlying a significant percentage of these conditions is the obesity epidemic, with 13% of the world’s population considered obese and 39% considered overweight and heading towards obesity.

In the US, the situation is quite dire, only 12-20% of the population, depending upon the criteria utilized, are considered metabolically healthy. Clearly, our approach to metabolic health is not working and yet, much of the focus in health research remains centered on either identifying that one medication or combination of medications that resolve all of our bad choices or an overly simplistic approach to health represented by balancing the calories in/calories out equation. As evidenced by the exploding numbers of metabolic disease, neither of these perspectives seems particularly useful.

While both personal choice and calories play a role in these epidemics, the problem is much broader. The food ecosystem has been decimated and in its place, we have non-nutritive chemical-toxicant food-like products that were designed to be highly addictive. When consumed, these products fundamentally change the metabolism of the individual who consumes them, and not for the better. Every bite of a chemically processed food is one step closer to metabolic disease. Beyond that however, the choice to allow industry to create, utilize, and ultimately dump these chemicals into food, other products, and into the environment, rests on us as well. Those are choices too; choices that affect the metabolic health of communities, and more broadly, the world.

We tend to think of industry and the pollution they create as amorphous, self-propelling and promoting agents of doom, forgetting of course, that each and every one of these organizations is made of people; people like you and me who make decisions to produce and promote these chemical poisons; people who choose to put poisons in foods under the auspices of the pathetically weak and ineffective GRAS guidelines. People make these choices. We do not get forever chemicals that fundamentally disrupt all aspects of metabolism without people who chose to create them, others who chose to use them in common products (and deny any and all risk), and all of us who relish in the novelty of these products. We do not get 80,000 synthetic chemical entities currently on the market without people putting them there. We do not get 1.8 billion pounds of glyphosate used every year, enough for every person on the planet to consume 4lbs annually without people that made choices to produce, use, and not regulate this chemical. We are the problem. We made these choices. We are the ones who are destroying our health and the health of others by the choices we make.

So when we look at the skyrocketing numbers of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, it is not enough to say ‘eat better and eat less’. We need to clean house, top to bottom. We need to stop producing the garbage food that pollutes our bodies and the environment. We need to take responsibility for all of the choices that lead us to the point where only 12-20% of the population can be considered metabolically healthy.

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Photo by Ishaq Robin on Unsplash.


Nutrigenomics, Diet and Human Health


Perhaps for the first time in human history our children face a decline in life expectancy compared to previous generations. Much of the research suggests the increase in obesity and the co-morbid chronic health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, and cancers are to blame. Pointing the finger at the modern diet is easy. A surface level examination suggests modern man eats little more than processed foods that are high in carbohydrates but not much else. Here caloric intake is high while nutrient intake is low. Presumably, flipping the ratio of calorie to nutrient would improve health outcomes tremendously. And in many cases it does, but for many other individuals obesity and the associated health problems persist. How is that possible?

Diminishing Biodiversity in the Modern Diet

The composition of one’s diet influences health radically. It is well known, though often ignored, that dietary nutrients provide the building blocks for cell functioning and survival in every tissue of the body. Without those nutrients a myriad of health problems arise. What we eat plays a huge role in human health. What we eat has changed radically in recent decades. Beyond simply evolving from hunter-gatherer type diets to more processed and carbohydrate dense diets, the biodiversity of the plants and animals we eat has diminished dramatically as well. Indeed, 70% of the world’s diet comes from only 15 crops (sugarcane, maize, wheat, rice, potatoes, sugar beet, soybeans, cassava, palm kernel, barley, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watermelons, bananas, brassicas). That alone should give one pause, but when one considers that these crops have been domesticated significantly with much of the genetic diversity among the different types of plants bred out, we can begin to see how limited the modern diet really is.

Some research suggests that in only a  few generations, modern farming has cultivated out 95% of the genetic variation among staple crops. Sit with that for a while. We’ve cultivated out 95% of the genetic variation from the plant based foods we eat – genetic variation that took many millennia to evolve. With 95% of the over 200,000 plant metabolites that provide nutritional sustenance critical for human health (and animal health) removed from the food chain, human health is facing a serious crisis that will require more than just a return to fruits and vegetables. We need a wholesale change in modern agriculture.

Diet-Disease Relationships: Nutrigenomics and the Evolving Microbiome

What happens when the foods we eat have limited genetic diversity? We lose critical dietary nutrients and disease develops – a boon for the supplement industry, a bust for human health. From an evolutionary standpoint, shifts in human diet evoke changes in metabolic capacities emanating from gastrointestinal microbiota. Evolutionarily, the microbiome has evolved for optimal absorption and metabolism of essential nutrients. As diet has changed, gut microbiota have changed too. As the genetic variation in food sources declines (and as we increasingly overuse antibiotics and other medicines) parallel declines in microbiome diversity have been observed leading many to suggest a connection between gut health and overall health. What can we do?

Obesity and Illness Persist Despite Dietary Changes

When obesity and chronic illness persist despite dietary changes that include increased plant based foods, consider the possibility that those foods have been nutrient depleted through commercial farming practices. And while eating plant based whole foods is certainly better than eating highly processed carbohydrate dense foods, that may not be enough to restore gut microbiota and health. It is likely that we have to return to eating an organic, heirloom diet, that is highly diverse, more genetically variable and nutrient dense. It may also be necessary to include nutrient supplements when dietary diversity is not possible.

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Sweet Death by Sugar


We all know that sugar is bad for us but we cannot resist it. Why not? Expert Robert Lustig MD, reasoned on 60-Minutes that for humans in nature all sweet tasting things are edible and not poisonous. There are no toxins in nature that taste sweet, and thus, evolutionarily speaking, favoring sweet things is predetermined in our genes; we are born liking sweets. All of this is true with one major exception: sugar, the natural substance, can become poisonous when modified.

Sugar and Ethanol

Consider the simple modification of squeezing a fruit for its juice. The modification is not chemical: we merely separated the sugary liquid from the insoluble fiber in the fruit–some soluble fibers may remain. This little change makes no difference for most fruits or our taste buds, but it modifies how our body metabolizes sugar in it. According to Lustig’s book Fat Chance (a must read!), when we eat the fruit with insoluble fiber attached (typically the skin), the fructose in the fruit (most sugar in fruit is fructose) bypasses our metabolic digestive process (insoluble fibers are not digestible) and heads straight to the gut where the good bacteria digest the fructose as their food from the fibers, thereby producing more nutrients for us. But if we drink the juice alone without any insoluble fiber, the same amount of fructose now gets into the metabolic cycle and by a complicated process turns into ethanol and gets stuck in the liver. Ethanol is a toxin. Ethanol is an alcohol we also use to improve car mileage. Ethanol causes non-alcoholic “alcoholic” liver disease. In fact, ethanol is alcohol and those drinking apple juice (thinking of kids now) are in fact drinking alcohol in terms of the likely outcome of the metabolic process, as per Dr. Lustig.

So we all thought that feeding our kids fresh fruit juices is a good thing but we also knew that they should not be getting too much sugar because their behavior changes from it. Now it is clear why their behavior changes: the part of sugar that turns into ethanol is alcohol. The other parts of the fruit juice that do turn into digestible sugars (glucose and sucrose) do something else to the body.

What is Glucose?

Glucose is “blood sugar” meaning the sugar our body can use. Sucrose converts to glucose as well. What happens to the glucose?

Some stores sell glucose in a liquid gooey form—thicker than honey—that I recommend you taste. Take a small teaspoon, fill it with glucose and swallow. The first thing you will notice (yes, I did the tasting test) is that it is not that sweet. The second thing you will notice is that the moment you swallow it, you cannot count till 5 and you are hot. So you take your sweater off. Then you have the urge to do something—paint the house? Mow the grass? If you are a kid: bounce off the walls and drive the people around you nuts. This is normal. This is what glucose feels like.

Note, however, that when you eat a teaspoon of table sugar, you will neither feel so hot, nor will you have so much energy. What is the difference? What happens when you drink a diet drink or eat sugar substitutes? You will neither be hot nor have any energy. The difference in feeling hot and having energy versus not feeling hot and not having energy represents the difference in the metabolism of glucose versus fructose and the fake sugar stuff.

The Metabolism of Glucose versus Fructose

I will not get into deep chemical equations or models; for that please watch the video below by Dr. Lustig. Rather, I will reduce all complexity and simply tell you the end of the story with as minimal of the underlying process as possible.

When food arrives into the body, insulin is released to convert the food into fat and deposit it for later use as glucose. Glucose is used by our brain and muscles for energy. After insulin has done its conversion, all insulin is used up. When the brain is hungry, it fetches the hormone leptin to get some energy. Thus, leptin grabs a hold of the available glucose and serves it to the brain (this is highly simplified!). The brain is happy and full of energy.

Now consider the situation when the only food we eat is glucose. Insulin is released but it has nothing to convert. It is already in the final form (glucose for the brain) and so the glucose goes straight to the brain, the kids are popping off the wall, and you suddenly find yourself painting the house. Note, however, that the insulin is in the blood and it is waiting for the food to arrive so it can work and convert it to fat. But there is no food; we only ate glucose and it is already being used by the brain! So what is insulin in the blood to do? Insulin stays in the blood, circles around looking for food. It finds none. By staying in the blood, over time this is a “cry wolf” scenario and the body starts ignoring insulin announcing the arrival of food that isn’t there. This is how insulin resistance starts.

Now consider that instead of glucose, you drink a glass of apple juice. It has natural sugar in it, some vitamins (very little), no fiber, no protein. The sugar of fruit is mostly fructose but a small part of it is also sucrose. So insulin releases again to match the size of the apple juice drink we just had, but again, it faces a problem. While sucrose becomes glucose in our body and can be converted and stored as fat, fructose is not seen as sugar. So once again, insulin is looking for food but finds none; it keeps on circling in our blood looking for food. It is ignored and insulin resistance begins.

The Metabolism of Glucose versus Sugar Substitutes & “Natural” Sugars like Stevia

Now consider you eat a diet something—by diet I mean sugar substitutes with reduced or zero calories. It certainly tastes sweet (very sweet indeed) but again, there is no glucose or sucrose in it and while it does not become alcohol in the liver, it certainly makes insulin run around in circles looking for food to convert to fat and deposit. Cry wolf again and the insulin is ignored. Insulin resistance begins. Why is this important? Because insulin resistance is type II diabetes!

The Famine

Now let’s continue about the peril of our non-toxic sweets. The fact that insulin is out looking for glucose also signals leptin that energy is incoming! Leptin is a hormone that is in charge of messaging the brain that glucose is available. In the case when insulin is running around in our blood in search of food it can convert to fat for later use as glucose but there is no food to be found, leptin finds no glucose. Thus, leptin tells the brain that famine is here.

Famine for the Brain is Obesity for Your Body!

The famine message to the brain means one thing: conserve energy. It reduces all non-essential activities, and literally, will not let you get up from that couch! This is highly simplified of course, but pay attention to the outcome. You are actually eating and drinking and at the same time your brain is getting the message of famine. What will that lead to? When the brain thinks it is famine time, it is famine time. The fact that you are eating and drinking sugar or sugar substitutes with lots of calories is not noticed by the brain. As far as it is concerned, there is no glucose available so it must slow your metabolism. A slow metabolism leads to obesity.

Sugar Anyone?

So, while there are many people who think nothing of having sweets or a soda, consider what it does to your body! Consider that it slows down your activity and forces you into famine state even though you are well fed! Consider that it makes you obese and sets you up for type 2 diabetes.

Now tell me if you still think that sweets are not toxic poisons for us! They are. And there is one more thing to add to the story that no one talks about. I mention this because I deal with a group of migraineurs—I was one of them until I figured things out and wrote a book about it and several articles about it on Hormones Matter.

Consider this quote from the Harrison’s Manual of Medicine:

…serum Na+ falls by 1.4 mM for every 100-mg/dL increase in glucose, due to glucose-induced H2O efflux from cells. (page 4)

Na+ is sodium ion. Sodium is part of sodium-chloride, which is salt. Glucose-induced H2O efflux from cells represents water exiting the cells as a result of an increase of glucose. Why is that, you may ask? The answer is very simple: sugar is an amazing water soak-up device. It pulls water from everywhere it can. It holds onto water like its life depended upon it. Unfortunately for the body, sugar pulls the water from the cells leaving the cells empty on the inside and a lot of fluid tied to sugar on the outside. As long as that sugar is there, the cells are not able to hydrate in any fashion until the level of Na+ is increased beyond a threshold level where Na+ can take water away from the glucose. Na+ also attracts water. In fact, all saline electrolyte liquids provided by IV or for drinking in hospitals are Na+ heavy to rehydrate the cells.

Thus, sugar not only starts and enhances diabetes II and obesity; it also shuts down cell hydration. This may cause headaches or migraines depending on your propensity.

In conclusion, if someone asks you if you would prefer to eat a teaspoon of sugar or a teaspoon of salt, while your taste buds will undoubtedly scream for sugar, you should know better!

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More people than ever are reading Hormones Matter, a testament to the need for independent voices in health and medicine. We are not funded and accept limited advertising. Unlike many health sites, we don’t force you to purchase a subscription. We believe health information should be open to all. If you read Hormones Matter, like it, please help support it. Contribute now.

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  1. Sugar: The Bitter Truth
  2. Longo et al., Harrison’s Manual of Medicine. 18th edition. McGraw Hill. 2013.
  3. Artificial sweeteners could cause spikes in blood sugar by By Brady Dennis September 17, 2014
  4. Washington Post:
  5. Artificial sweeteners could lead to obesity, diabetes. By Michelle Castillo CBS NEWS July 10, 2013, 4:28 PM
  6. CBS News:
  7. Artificial sweeteners may promote diabetes, claim scientists
  8. The Guardian:
  9. Do Artificial Sweeteners Really Cause Diabetes? By Published: June 7, 2013 By Jessica Chia
  10. Women’s Health Magazine:
  11. Could artificial sweetener CAUSE diabetes? Splenda ‘modifies way the body handles sugar’, increasing insulin production by 20% by Rachel Reilly Published: 12:27 Est, 30 May 2013 | Updated: 12:27 Est, 30 May 2013
  12. The Daily Mail:
  13. How To Starve Cancer To Death By Removing This One Thing From Your Diet
  14. Organic Health:
  15. Is sugar a toxin? Experts debate the role of fructose in our obesity epidemic By Tamar Haspel, September 2, 2013
  16. Washington Post:
  17. Scientific team sounds the alarm on sugar as a source of disease. By Barbara Sadick Chicago Tribune
  18. The Chicago Tribune: