thiamine deficiency - Page 14

Thiamine Deficiency Testing: Understanding the Labs


It has recently been found that a number of individuals who have experienced adverse reactions to the Gardasil or Cervarix vaccines and some medications have had a blood test that indicated thiamine deficiency (TD), or its abnormal chemistry (TAC) in the body. This article reviews the methods by which TD or TAC can be detected.

Blood Thiamine – Vitamin B1 Concentrations

Measuring blood thiamine or B1 concentrations is the laboratory test that is commonly offered by doctors. It is only helpful in extreme cases and is usually in the normal range even when there is clinically demonstrable abnormal body chemistry. The reason for this is that thiamine does its work inside cells and has no effect outside them. When we get this vitamin from our natural food, it goes through a very important genetically determined process to enter our cells. There can be something wrong with this system so that even a dietary sufficiency will not be effective and the concentration in the blood will be in the “normal” range. When the B1 is inside a cell, it has to be treated by a biochemical process known as phosphorylation to become an active vitamin. Failure of this mechanism will result in a “normal” blood level but no vitamin activity. We therefore have to use a method that actually detects this “vital” activity.

Erythrocyte Transketolase: The Test of Choice for Assessing Thiamine Deficiency

Erythrocyte is the technical name for red cells. These are the cells that carry oxygen to our tissues and they contain a complex mechanism that depends on a series of biochemical processes, each of which requires an enzyme. Transketolase is one of these enzymes. Its activity can be detected by a laboratory test and measuring transketolase is the only way of showing that the activity of thiamine is normal. The reason for this is that all the enzymes in body and brain cells require one or more “cofactors” that enable the enzyme to function properly. Vitamins and some minerals are cofactors and that is why they are so important. We have long known that they have to be obtained from our diet, but the reasons given above make it clear that dietary intake may be normal and still result in poor function of the enzyme in question.

Transketolase requires two cofactors, thiamine and magnesium and the laboratory test is designed to show their deficiency or abnormal chemistry by detecting the activity of the enzyme. Because thiamine is vital to cellular energy production, its deficiency affects first the tissues that are the most active oxygen using tissues, the brain, nervous system and heart.

Method of Performing Erythrocyte Transketolase Test

First, the baseline (as it exists in the patient’s red cells) activity of the enzyme is detected by measuring the rate at which it synthesizes its product, the chemical substance next in line in the series of biochemical reactions that are referred to as a “pathway” to the final end product. This is reported as TKA and it has a normal range. In moderate thiamine deficiency the TKA can still be in the normal range but if it is low it indicates that the enzyme is not doing its job efficiently.

The next step is to repeat the test after the addition of thiamine pyrophosphate (the biologically active form of the vitamin) to the test tube reaction. If there is an acceleration of the product synthesis, it indicates that the enzyme needed its cofactor to become efficient in its job. This is reported as a “percentage increase in activity over baseline”. This is called TPPE (thiamine pyrophosphate effect); the higher the TPPE, the greater the deficiency.  A “normal” range for TPPE is allowed up to 18% and this was drawn from people that were supposedly “healthy”, meaning free of symptoms.

In essence the TPPE should be zero, indicating that the enzyme is fully saturated with its cofactor. If a person is (unknowingly) sensitive to sugar, this test may be abnormal and show the effect of sugar in that individual. This is because thiamine is vitally necessary to metabolism of ALL simple sugars. That is the reason why sugar caused disease is so common in our world today.

In order to test thiamine deficiency, one must request transketolase testing. Not all labs can perform this test and so many will substitute the simple blood vitamin B1 testing. This test is insufficient for detecting thiamine deficiency for the reasons stated above. In this case, you may have to advocate on your own behalf and find the appropriate lab testing service.

Additional Labs

Since the publication of this article, the US lab performing these tests has closed. We have just learned a lab in London offers transketolase testing: Biolab Medical Unit. As we learn of additional labs offering the appropriates tests we will post them here.

Health Diagnostics and Research Institute in New Jersey also apparently will test for thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) and erythrocyte transketolase (ETKA), but these tests are not listed on their menu and have to be requested.

In Germany – SYNLAB MVZ Leinfelden-Echterdingen GmbH
Labor Dr. Bayer
Nikolaus-Otto-Str. 6
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen / Germany

In Spain – Estudios Analiticos – Avenida nuevo mundo 11 (Madrid)
Telephone: 916334223
Fax: 91 533 10 44 / 91 632 44 17
Information: Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

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Image by Tatiana from Pixabay.

Post Gardasil POTS and Thiamine Deficiency


On July 8th 2013, I received an e-mail from a mother of a 17-year old daughter who had received Gardasil vaccination in 2008 resulting in a severe reaction. Two weeks after the second injection she began to experience a “flu-like” episode that continued for about a week and was followed by facial swelling, streptococcal infection, double ear infection and a diagnosis of mononucleosis. It was initially concluded that this was coincidental, not due to the vaccination. From then on she suffered from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome ( POTS), severe edema and “digestion issues which have been constant since”. POTS is a multi-symptomatic disease of the lower brain that affects many aspects of brain/body control mechanisms. She reported that “30,000 girls (and some boys) have been affected by the vaccine” and of those of which she was aware,“ the majority have POTS and trouble metabolizing sugar and carbs”.

Because of the persistent edema and digestive problems, my informant had done her own research and concluded that her daughter’s symptoms were due to thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. She found my name in connection with this subject and requested my help. There is a blood test, known as erythrocyte (red cells) transketolase that is specific for identifying thiamine deficiency, so I suggested that this be done. It was strongly positive, proving TD. This led to the test being done on another Gardasil affected girl and this was also strongly positive.  Most of the affected girls known to her had POTS. Some had mitral valve prolapse (MVP).  About twenty five percent of POTS patients are disabled.  The symptoms often follow a virus infection. It is one of many conditions classified as dysautonomia and this includes beriberi, long known to be due to thiamine deficiency.

Dysautonomia, often associated with MVP, affects the lower brain controls of both branches of the autonomic (automatic) nervous system (ANS) that enable our adaptation to the constant changes in environment. For example, one branch, known as the sympathetic system, accelerates the heart and the other, called the parasympathetic, slows it. We sweat when it is hot and shiver when it is cold, both automatically initiated by the sympathetic branch of the ANS.

In the early stages of beriberi the ANS is unbalanced, so that either the sympathetic or parasympathetic, normally working in synchrony, dominates the reaction, adversely affecting blood pressure, pulse rate and many other adaptive mechanisms, like POTS.  It can be seen that the patient with POTS or beriberi is essentially maladapted and is unable to adjust bodily systems to meet environmental changes. Edema (swelling in parts of the body), a cardinal feature of beriberi, supported a diagnosis of thiamine deficiency in this mother’s daughter. Also, Gardasil is a yeast vaccine and an enzyme called thiaminase, whose action destroys thiamine, is known to be in the yeast. Thiaminase disease has been reported in Japan in association with dietary thiamine deficiency.

We know from the history of beriberi that exposure to the stress of ultraviolet light (sunlight) sometimes “triggers” the first symptoms of the disease when thiamine deficiency is marginal, but not severe enough to cause symptoms. Other stress factors (virus, inoculation, injury) can do the same. In effect, diet may cause an individual to be in a state of marginal vitamin deficiency. A mental or physical stress factor automatically induces a need for energy to meet this stress. If cellular energy is insufficient to drive the  mechanisms by which an adaptive adjustment is required, it results in a maladaptive response.

The lower brain, where the ANS control mechanisms are situated, is particularly sensitive to thiamine deficiency, equivalent to a mild to moderate degree of oxygen deprivation. The commonest cause of thiamine deficiency in industrial nations is alcohol, but it is also known that sugar consumption will increase the need for thiamine. Beriberi has recently been reported in Japan in seventeen adolescents consuming carbonated soft drinks. The social life of adolescents may thus increase the risk from an inoculation that might otherwise be less threatening.

The statistics on sugar ingestion (150 pounds per person per year) suggests that marginal TD is common. The report of a “difficulty in metabolizing sugar and carbs” may be highly relevant. One of the questions asked by parents of the affected girls known to my informant is why did the vaccine seem to “pick off” the most intelligent and athletic individuals. The answer must be that the higher the IQ, the more is cellular energy required by the brain. Sugar, even at social levels of consumption, may be a greater risk for them.

It is important to understand that there are multiple factors that have to be taken into account in solving the cause of this disaster. The “fitness” of the individual implies her adaptive ability in biochemical terms, not her athletic or student prowess. Dietary indiscretion may or may not enter the equation and depends on individual sensitivity to food substances as well as the ratio of calories to the necessary vitamins for their processing in the body. The stress factor, the case in discussion being Gardasil, may be more or less stressful in its own right, perhaps related to batch number or commercial process. Lastly the genetics of an individual always enters the equation. These three factors, Genetics, Stress and Nutrition can be seen as three interlocking circles, all of which overlap at the center. Each circle must be evaluated in its contribution to the ensuing result.

Publications and resources from Dr. Lonsdale:

  1. A Review of the Biochemistry, Metabolism and Clinical Benefits of Thiamin(e) and Its Derivatives
  2. Treatment of autism spectrum children with thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide: A pilot study.
  3. Thiamine
  4. Asymmetric functional dysautonomia and the role of thiamine.
  5. Exaggerated autonomic asymmetry: a clue to nutrient deficiency dysautonomia.
  6. Oxygen – the Spark of Life. Dr. Lonsdale’s blog.

Resources for Understanding Thiamine Deficiency

Molecular Mechanism of Thiamine Utilization

Participate in Research

Hormones MatterTM is conducting research on the side effects and adverse events associated with Gardasil and its counterpart Cervarix. If you or your daughter has had either HPV vaccine, please take this important survey. The Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey.

To take one of our other Real Women. Real Data.TM surveys, click here.

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Post Gardasil Thiamine Deficiency: A Mother’s Quest for Answers


My daughter has struggled since she got her second Gardasil shot in December 2008. Even though she has improved immensely and was finally able to return to college after missing 3 years, she still had some problems including issues with swelling/edema, gut, thyroid, and temperature regulation.

In July, I came across a 2008 article written by Leslie Botha about the Gardasil side-effects that were being reported at the time.  A woman who was knowledgeable about thiamine deficiency because it runs in her family read the article and realized that the side effects of Gardasil were similar to thiamine deficiency. She speculated in her post that the yeast in the vaccine, or possibly the manufacturing process, might be responsible for the beriberi type reactions people were having.

The more I read about beriberi, the more I became convinced that this was causing many of my daughter’s problems. She had all the symptoms of thiamine deficiency with cardiovascular involvement including Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), chest pains, edema, sleep disturbance, abdominal discomfort, and  trouble digesting and processing foods, especially carbs.

I contacted Dr. Lonsdale, a long-time expert in Thiamine Deficiency, and he has been immensely helpful and willing to share his knowledge. After an erythrocyte transketolase test confirmed that my daughter was extremely thiamine deficient, she started taking a form of thiamine that crosses the blood brain barrier.  In the two months she has been on the supplement her lab tests show a substantial improvement in several areas including swelling, ability to detox, and hormone and thyroid levels. Her energy level has also improved.

Over the past five years we have tried a wide gamut of treatments including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, IV’s, supplements, infrared sauna, thyroid medications, low dose naltrexone, UV blood irradiation, homeopathic and chiropractic treatments, acupuncture and countless others. Although she improved nothing fully explained the root cause of her symptoms until I came across thiamine deficiency and talked with Dr. Lonsdale. Although he says it can take months to treat thiamine deficiency, we have already seen many good things happen.

Participate in Research

Hormones MatterTM is conducting research on the side effects and adverse events associated with Gardasil and its counterpart Cervarix. If you or your daughter has had either HPV vaccine, please take this important survey. The Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey.

To take one of our other Real Women. Real Data.TM surveys, click here.

To sign up for our newsletter and receive weekly updates on the latest research news, click here.

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